Why does the headache in the temples and how to fix the problem?

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1 Migraine

The first and most common cause of headache in the temples is a migraine. Most often observed in women. The pathological process, as a rule, is accompanied by nausea, photophobia and increased sensitivity to loud sounds. Migraine manifests itself in the form of severe painful pains, which are observed either in one half of the head, or spread to the entire area, including whiskey.

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Patients often complain that a red-hot blunt knife was stabbed into the head. When migraines are often observed lumbago in the ear, under the cheek and in the eyes, in particular, when a bright light comes on or loud music starts.

2 Cluster pains

Pains of this type are most often worried about men. Unpleasant sensations focus first in one half of the head, then irradiate to the temples. The process is accompanied by the edema of the eyelid and the area under the eye. Eyelids arbitrarily close, begins profuse lacrimation.

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Many patients compare cluster pain with a bee sting. Sensations intense and sometimes unbearable. The duration of such a condition is from 10 minutes to 1.5-2 hours. Disturb such pain constantly and at the same time of day.

3 Hypertension

Hypertension, or hypertension, is also a common cause of headaches in the temples of a pressing character. Characterized by the pathological process of regular increase in blood pressure. With chronic hypertension, patients often complain of unpleasant sensations in the parietal region.

A sharp jump in blood pressure is accompanied by a dull pain in the head, extending to the region of the temples. In addition, with an attack, pressing pain in the orbit is observed, especially when the eyelids are closed.

At the onset of a hypertensive crisis, the following are noted:

  • pulsation in the temples;
  • noise in the hearing;
  • clouding and darkening in the eyes;
  • sensation of heat;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain behind the sternum;
  • sticky sweat;
  • anxiety and fear for your life.

If you do not help the patient in time, you may lose consciousness or start a stroke.

4 Temporal arteritis, or Horton's syndrome

Very rare disease characterized by long-term damage to medium and large arteries. When the temporal arteritis is often affected by blood vessels that supply blood to individual areas of the head, optic nerves, eyes. With this pathological process swollen and very sore scalp.

The disease develops mainly in old age - after 60 years. Women are prone to temporal arteritis more often than representatives of the strong half of humanity.

If you press on the affected vessel, then the person will feel a piercing pain, giving away in the eyes. Sensations can appear on one side or spread throughout the head. With the defeat of the eye and temporal arteries, the patient experiences migraine attacks, which are combined with a deterioration in the quality of vision. Pain increases with eye movement, tilting, chewing, and physical exertion.

Horton's syndrome increases the likelihood of developing a stroke, heart attack.

5 Overwork

Often the headache in the temples due to overwork. Especially it concerns those who works for a long time at the computer. Sitting in the same pose provokes the development of cervical osteochondrosis, the main symptoms of which are a headache that affects the eyes and whiskey, dizziness, "midges" before the eyes.

In addition, to provoke unpleasant sensations may overfatigue of the eyes, which arises from the constant flickering of the screen and peering into the text. Many patients note that the pain syndrome mostly occurs late in the evening, and in the absence of rest, it constantly worries.

6 Poisoning and insomnia

Intoxication of the body is always accompanied by headaches that radiate on the temples. Especially often with similar feelings collide with alcohol poisoning. It is for this reason that after a morning awakening whiskey strikes strongly. In some situations, alcohol intoxication is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.


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If the whiskey is tapping and the head is aching, the reasons may lie in lack of sleep or chronic insomnia.

7 Pheochromocytoma

With this disease, the adrenal glands produce a large amount of adrenaline. As a result, a person constantly increases blood pressure, skin pale, there is sweating. The main symptom of pheochromocytoma is pain in the temples. And the patient feels such feelings constantly. The attack begins with a tapping in the temples, then the pain increases and becomes unbearable. Continue unpleasant sensations can from 5 minutes to several hours.

8 Hypotension

Hypotension is a pathology that is characterized by a chronic drop in blood pressure. The main signs of the disease are:

  • noise, ringing, rustling in the ears;
  • partial hypoacusis;
  • pressing pain in the head in the temples;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness.
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Unpleasant sensations will pass immediately, as the pressure stabilizes.

9 External factors that cause pain in the temporal region

Often the source of unpleasant sensations in the head are external factors.

  1. Carbon monoxide poisoning( carbon monoxide).The main sign of intoxication are pressing pains in the temples on both sides, dyspnea, dizziness, nausea, violation of fine motor skills. This condition is dangerous for a person's life, which means that he needs urgent medical help.
  2. Hunger. If a person does not eat more than 24 hours, it causes severe headaches, ripples in the temples, malaise and dizziness. In this case, there is a possibility of loss of consciousness.
  3. Height. At a height of more than 4 km, a person feels strong pressure. This condition can be very dangerous due to a chronic lack of oxygen and the probability of a strong increase in intracranial pressure.
  4. Aircraft. Many people during the flight and some time at the end of it strongly presses in the temples. The cause is increased intracranial pressure. The feeling will pass a few hours after the landing.

The pressure in the temporal region can be immersed to a greater depth.

10 Ways to get rid of temporal pain

To begin with, you should visit a physician-therapist, who will send for analysis. After receiving the results, the doctor will recommend treatment or advise you to contact another specialist - neurologist, ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist.

With arterial hypertension, the doctor will prescribe drugs that reduce blood pressure( Anaprilin, Captopril).In migraine attacks, analgesics are recommended. As a rule, preference is given to anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Aspirin;
  • Paracetamol.

In case of ineffectiveness of these medicines, the following are prescribed:

  • Spazmalgon;
  • Triptane;
  • Sumygamren.

11 How to help yourself on your own?

The answers of the doctors are as follows: for the beginning it is necessary to make a point massage of the temporal part. To do this, the index fingers need to be placed at the ripple point. Then 6-12 times you need to click on the aching area. The treatment procedure is carried out up to 10 times a day. In this case, the room should be quiet, and the light is muffled.

To help with headaches, Kuznetsov's applicator can. Presented in the form of a small rug or platen roller. To calm down unpleasant sensations, it is enough to lie on it for 15 minutes in such a position that the parietal area touches the applicator. During the procedure, it is recommended to relax as much as possible. Applicator Kuznetsova operates on the principle of needle massage.

Relieve the pain will help rest, as if it just did not sound. If you sleep 7-8 hours a day, then there will be no trace of unpleasant sensations.

If the pressure in the temples is associated with poisoning, then in this case it is recommended to take the adsorbent preparation - Atoxil, Polysorb, Enterosgel. These drugs will remove toxins from the stomach and intestines, as well as alcohol breakdown products. In addition, you must carefully monitor the drinking regime and follow a strict diet.

In case of temporal pain, a cold or hot compress can be applied. This procedure will make the unpleasant sensations less intense. The compress is superimposed on the aching area for 15-20 minutes. As medical components, you can use grated potatoes, a leaf of mug or cabbage. One of the ingredients offered is wrapped in gauze.

If the pain is associated with a long work at the computer or reading, in this case, hourly walk in the fresh air and easy charging will help. Be sure to take care of the eyes and using 3 times a day moisturizing drops.

Under reduced pressure, you can drink a cup of strong coffee or 30 drops of Eleutherococcus tincture, ginseng. In addition, this exercise will help in this case:

  1. You need to lie on the floor.
  2. Place your hands along the waist.
  3. Raise your legs up.

A cup of chamomile broth and green tea helps to relieve fatigue and stress. Essential oils of peppermint, rosemary, tea tree, lavender and lemon are also excellent cope with headaches. It is enough to apply a drop of one of the proposed remedies to the aching area in order to reduce the intensity of unpleasant sensations.

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And one should never forget about outdoor walks, because oxygen and active lifestyles are the key to good health. In addition, it has long been known that oxygen deficiency has a negative effect on the work of internal organs.it is worthwhile purchasing drugs for the treatment of headaches independently, as the cause of such a symptom may be dangerous diseases, including glaucoma, brain tumor, stroke, etc. You should not suffer headaches and drown their analgesics. Ate discomfort appear constantly, you should immediately consult a physician or a neurologist and undergo a series of necessary studies in order to avoid dangerous diagnoses.

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