Atrophic, subatrophic esophagitis and their treatment

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to conduct treatment then. Similarly, it is easier to get rid of only the started disease than from a neglected one. This also applies to esophagitis. Beginning with inflammation, which could be removed only by diet therapy, it without taking the necessary measures goes into different stages, exacerbating the patient's well-being. When the process of inflammation of the mucosa of the esophagus acquires a chronic form called esophagitis subatrophic, and then goes into atrophic, then it is not so easy to cure it.

Subatrophic esophagitis is the initial stage of the atrophic form of the disease. With it, the normal tissues of the mucosa gradually degenerate into pathological ones, which are no longer capable of performing the original functions. At the same time, the patient often has a burp with the smell of rotten eggs, there is aversion to milk, his mouth smells sour, disturbs flatulence, heaviness after eating and unstable stools.

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But in this case, the degenerated cells have a focal location, whereas atrophic esophagitis is characterized by the fusion of these foci into continuous pathologically altered surfaces. For this stage, various variants of percolation are characteristic, but they are all called "Barrett's esophagus."When this term sounds, this definition is already clear that the esophagus is in a precancerous state, the process is started, but, nevertheless, is not yet completed, which gives hope for the preservation of life.

The development of these forms of esophageal disease is due to the neglect of the inflammatory processes of its mucosa, which have a long flow time.

Initial causes of the occurrence may be, for subatrophic esophagitis:

  • Helicobacter pylori infection;
  • autoimmune mechanisms.

For atrophic esophagitis:

  • esophagus burn;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • diabetes;
  • pathological condition of internal organs.

If subatrophic esophagitis can still be stopped by applying quality medication, then atrophic is already irreversible. Here it is possible to save at least life, using a surgical operation, in which the affected areas affected by pathological changes are cauterized and simply removed. Of course, the quality of life suffers, but, nevertheless, it continues.

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