Pancreonecrosis treatment, a pancreatic necrosis clinic, how to treat?

It is effective to treat pancreatic necrosis only in a hospital. This is due to the severity of the disease itself, the high mortality rate for pancreatic necrosis and the need to involve in the complex treatment and diagnosis of this pathology of endocrinologists, surgeons, therapists, specialists in echomatography, endoscopy, and in some cases the resuscitation team.

Treatment of pancreatic necrosis begins with conservative therapy, which they try to start as soon as possible after diagnosis. With the help of this method of treatment, they want to limit the spread of pathological processes in the pancreas, reduce the acidity of the gastric juices, reduce the secretion of the gland, alleviate pain, normalize the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, eliminate hepatic renal failure, metabolic disorders, prevent purulent andinfectious complications, detoxification of the body and hemosorption. As the only method for treating pancreatic necrosis, conservative therapy can be used in small areas of organ damage, absence of three or more systemic complications, absence of infection or suppuration in the gland, and also with good indicators of the body's response to ongoing treatment. In other cases, conservative treatment of pancreatic necrosis is used together with surgical intervention in the preoperative and postoperative period.

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If a patient has accumulated fluid in the abdominal cavity, laparoscopic dialysis is used with drains, until the amylase level in the drained fluid decreases and the color becomes transparent.

To restore the outflow of pancreatic secretion in pancreatic necrosis, this type of surgical intervention as endoscopic papillosphincterotomy is used.

In case of progression of the disease or inefficiency of conservative therapy, resort to the help of surgeons. The surgeon selects the method of surgical intervention based on the patient's research and his condition, the area of ​​pancreatic necrosis and the form of pancreatonecrosis. Under favorable conditions try to use minimally invasive surgical technologies that reduce the disability of patients, reduce the number of complications and have a lower mortality rate.

Treatment of pancreatic necrosis folk remedies

Pancreatic necrosis is one of the most serious and dangerous diseases of the abdominal cavity. He can not be cured by popular means. This dangerous, and often fatal, disease requires in-patient treatment and constant supervision of the therapist and endocrinologist, and in case of complications, the resuscitation team.

Treatment of pancreatic necrosis in intensive care

The chances for a successful recovery largely depend on how quickly it was possible to recognize pancreonecrosis, as well as the degree of pancreatic damage. Depending on the severity of the disease, the treatment can be medicated or surgical.

Intensive therapy includes the use of drugs of three groups:

  • blockers( intravenously administered drugs that combine with enzymes, reduce their chemical activity to virtually zero): gordoks, counter;
  • spasmodelics( drugs that provide relaxation of the tissues and ducts of the pancreas): platyphylline, papaverine, atropine;
  • antisecretolytics( drugs, the use of which contributes to a decrease in the secretion of gastric juice, and as a consequence, a decrease in pancreatic activity): ranitidine, omez it.p.

In the first 3-4 days, a prerequisite is compliance with diet No. 0( starvation).You can drink only mineral water. To remove gastric juice use a probe.

During the entire treatment of pancreatic necrosis, blood samples are regularly taken in the intensive care unit to determine electrolytes.

In case of ineffectiveness of clinical methods, surgical measures are carried out aimed at improving the outflow of the pancreas by drainage. In the most severe cases, remove the abscess and dead tissue.

Treatment of pancreatic necrosis is a complex and lengthy process that requires long-term rehabilitation and compliance with the diet until the end of life.

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