Interstitial cystitis: symptoms, causes, treatment

Interstitial cystitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the bladder that is not infectious in nature and does not result from any damage to the mucosa. This diagnosis is usually made by exclusion, if other causes of cystitis can not be detected. Usually there is a malfunction of the mucous membrane of the bladder, resulting in the development of the disease.

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The main risk group for this disease is women of reproductive age, men. In children and the elderly, this form of cystitis is practically not diagnosed.

In this disease, the irritating nerve endings of the substance penetrate the mucosa and are constantly in contact with the nerve endings, which leads to the appearance of various symptoms and pain syndrome. Over time, because of this, scar tissue begins to form, the bladder begins to lose elasticity, which leads to a decrease in its volume during filling.

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Chronic interstitial cystitis can lead to serious problems, so even if its cause can not be precisely established, it is necessary to start a suitable therapy and stop the progression of the disease.

Important! Because of its nature, this disease almost immediately turns into a chronic stage, the acute form is practically not found.

Causes of

It is extremely difficult to establish the exact causes of interstitial cystitis, which is why there are usually serious problems in diagnosis. This form of the disease does not develop due to the penetration of infections or mucosal damage, the following are the main factors that can affect the occurrence of cystitis:

  • insufficiency, mucosal layer malfunction;
  • lymphatic stasis;
  • neuropathy, a variety of neurological disorders, also include a psychosomatic factor;
  • disorders in the function of the immune system, various endocrine diseases.

These are the main possible causes of cystitis, which distinguish the majority of specialists. At the same time, there are still possible risk factors that can provoke the appearance of the interstitial form:

  • various surgical interventions and operations in the field of urology and gynecology;
  • colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, other intestinal pathologies;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, asthma;
  • various allergic reactions, especially on medications.

These factors can trigger the occurrence of cystitis, but it should be borne in mind that the exact cause can not usually be determined. This disease can occur in the absence of risk factors.

It is also worth remembering that the disease can worsen during pregnancy. This is due to several factors, changes in the hormonal background of a woman. Pregnancy due to the same changes can provoke the appearance of cystitis.

Symptoms of

Symptoms of this form of cystitis usually coincide with the symptoms of other forms, infectious and others. In general, attention should be paid to the appearance of the following features:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen. Usually aching, dull, weakly expressed. May intensify during intercourse.
  2. Pain during urination. During urination pain can be extremely pronounced, they are usually intense, pricking or cutting. They can give in the lower part of the rectum, in women create a feeling of vomiting in the vagina.
  3. Rapid urination, with the urge also occur extremely often, they are difficult to suppress and ignore. Often, after urination, satisfaction and relief does not come, creating a feeling of a full bladder. The frequency of urination increases at night.

Important! With interstitial cystitis, the symptomatology usually grows gradually, with time, the main symptom is the pain in the lower abdomen.

The disease is usually chronic, with a cyclic character, unlike other forms of cystitis, it does not begin with acute forms. Exacerbation may occur depending on such factors as increased sexual activity, the use of foods that can irritate the bladder, changes in the hormonal background, for example, before the onset of menstruation.


It is rather difficult to diagnose this disease, usually the correct diagnosis is set by elimination, when it is important to determine that the disease is not caused by infections and other inflammatory processes in the excretory system. Usually, exclusion criteria are used, there are a large number of them, usually at least three important criteria are required: the indicator of bladder capacity, the presence of imperative urge to urinate and positive test results.

To obligatory analyzes, which help to establish the presence of interstitial cystitis, carry the following research methods:

  • cytoscopy;
  • potassium sample;
  • hydrodistension.

In addition to these analyzes, many additional studies can be assigned. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs can also be prescribed, it is extremely important to exclude other pathologies of the excretory and reproductive system.

Also about the presence of the interstitial form, it is worth considering if, in the treatment of cystitis, taking antibiotics and other standard methods of treatment do not give any positive result.

How to treat interstitial cystitis

At the moment there is no single technique for treating this form of cystitis, which would suit everyone. Usually they use a whole complex of various drugs that help to remove the main manifestations of the disease. For the treatment of women and men, depending on the symptoms, the following techniques can be used:

  1. Preparations of the first line. Previously, antibiotics were used to treat the interstitial form, however, their effectiveness is questionable. Most often, Elmiron is used as the main drug for the treatment of the disease.
  2. Antihistamines. Means that are commonly used against allergic reactions, sufficiently help to combat the symptoms of interstitial cystitis. A wide range of preparations from Suprastin to Diazolinum is used.
  3. Antidepressants. They are used to stop pain. Since the pain in this disease arises from the irritation of the nerve endings, the usual pain medications show a low efficiency. Antidepressants are used simultaneously with antispasmodics, for example, No-Shpoy.
  4. Physiotherapy. Separate techniques can be useful for the removal of pain, they can appoint a doctor. They are not required in all cases.
  5. Homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines are used as an auxiliary treatment, usually drugs based on medicinal herbs. For cystitis of various species, the drug Urolesan is used, which has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect.
  6. Treatment with folk remedies. Apply infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs with spasmolytic action. They include kidney tea, hops and mint.
  7. Diet for interstitial cystitis. To avoid exacerbations of the disease advise to follow a diet that excludes foods that can irritate the bladder. These include strong teas, coffee, alcoholic beverages, spicy dishes, products with a diuretic effect. Do not underestimate the diet.

Do I need to dilate the vessels for this disease? It all depends on the concomitant pathologies that can affect the course of cystitis. Additional techniques can be prescribed for the detection of other diseases. In general, with this form of cystitis, a complex individual approach is extremely important.

It is impossible to completely get rid of this disease, but with the help of therapy you can avoid exacerbations and minimize manifestations of cystitis. When exacerbations of the disease should be strengthened diet and maintain medication.

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