5 table( diet) with gastroduodenitis

Extremely unpleasant disease gastroduodenitis - a terrible nightmare of gourmets and anyone not indifferent to delicious food. Inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines significantly limit the dietary habits we are familiar with, forcing us to carefully monitor the contents of our menu. However, timely treatment and an effective diet make themselves felt, and finally the disease passes into the stage of remission. Nutrition during this period of the disease is characterized by certain indulgences in the nutritional state of the patient, as well as a gradual transition from strict adherence to diet to general nutrition. It is important to know that the transition to a remission table does not mean that from now on you can eat anything in any form. Only after the completion of the course of gastroduodenitis treatment and consultation with the attending physician can you pass from strict diets to normal nutrition. It is necessary to distinguish table №5 and its varieties, aimed at treating various chronic diseases of the stomach or on the proper nutrition of a completely healthy person.

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Table number 5 with gastroduodenitis, what is it?

Some things you should know about table number 5.The gastroduodenitis still has not receded, which means that the previous caution in the diet should be squared in order to avoid complications. Cooked dishes no longer need to grind, otherwise this diet differs little from previous ones. There is a ban on frying, dishes must be cooked or baked. Observed a large number of meals, at least five a day. The food must be thoroughly chewed. Prohibited earlier sweets, all kinds of chocolate, ice cream and buttery pastry are not yet usable, but careful observance of this 5 table will help get rid of gastroduodenitis and again enjoy your favorite foods.

Sample menu 5 tables with gastroduodenitis

The menu is compiled on its own for a week, only general recommendations are observed. This diet is aimed at normalization of digestion and a gradual return to normal diet. In the table number 5, the list of available recipes is significantly expanded. Sample menu with gastroduodenitis as a sample:

  • Breakfast: Cottage cheese with sour cream;oatmeal porridge cooked on milk;casserole.
  • Second breakfast: Baked apple, not strong coffee with milk.
  • Lunch: Boiled lean meat with rice;sauerkraut with milk sausages;Soups with mashed vegetables.
  • Snack: Fruit mousse;any juice without sugar.
  • Dinner: Mashed potatoes with fish;curd pudding.

In general, table number 5, necessary for compliance with remission of gastroduodenitis, gives more room for a variety of dishes than any other. However, it should be taken into account that the list of banned products practically does not change since the onset of the disease. Particular care in making the menu should be given to the right choice of nutritious dishes without risking exacerbation of gastroduodenitis, which will cause a new round of the disease. After consulting with the doctor, you can gradually add fried, smoked and other foods that were previously on the list of banned and not violating the diet. Do not forget about the need for regular reusable food and, in particular, for a thorough chewing on food.

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