Tuberculosis of the lungs in adults - symptoms and treatment

Lung tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacterium( Mycobacterium tuberculosis), characterized by the formation of specific inflammation foci in the affected tissues and a pronounced reaction of the body.

Recently, in most economically developed countries, the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis and mortality from it have declined. But despite this, tuberculosis still remains a widespread ailment, affecting to a greater degree teenagers, young children, adult women and elderly people of both sexes, and to a lesser extent - adult men.

As a rule, the onset of the disease is associated with a decrease in the body's immune defenses. Getting into a weakened organism, mycobacteria begin to multiply and cause the development of inflammation in the lungs, consisting of the so-called tuberculosis granulomas.

It is generally accepted that tuberculosis is a disease of low-income people living in conditions of unsanitary people. In fact, no one is insured against this disease - people of absolutely any age and social status suffer from it. In this article, we will talk about the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults, the first signs in the early stages, as well as the principles of treating this disease.

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Causes of

The causative agent of tuberculosis was discovered in 1882 by the scientist R. Koch, as a result of which the name Koch's wand is still common. Infection can affect any organ, but most often the pathological process involves the lungs. In the 19th century, tuberculosis was one of the main causes of death.

This indicator was significantly reduced in the 20th century, thanks to improvements in overall sanitation, the emergence of antibiotics and vaccination. In recent years, repeated outbreaks of tuberculosis have been observed due to an increase in the number of HIV-infected people who have a frequent complication of this infection.

Infection occurs from a sick person by airborne droplets, less often through raw milk from a cow affected by tuberculosis. But the disease may not appear if the human body copes with the infection. The onset of the disease is facilitated by weakened immunity, poor nutrition, nervous or physical exhaustion of the body, unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic living conditions.

The incubation period( from the introduction of infection into the body before the development of manifestations of the disease) can last dozens of years. People with chronic pathology( diabetes mellitus, HIV, chronic heart diseases, etc.), patients with mental illnesses, people without a specific place of residence, drug addicts, people who are in prison are at the risk of developing the disease.

Tuberculosis of the lungs: open and closed form

The term open tuberculosis means that the patient releases germs of tuberculosis pathogens into the environment. This term is applied, mainly to pulmonary tuberculosis, in which the isolation of microbes occurs during coughing, expectoration of sputum.

The open form of is also called BK +( or TB +) - this means that when a microscopic examination of a sputum smear shows bacteria germs of tuberculosis( BK-bacillus Koch, TB-tubercle bacillus).In contrast to the BC + form, there is a form of BK-( or TB-), which means that the patient does not isolate microbes to the environment and is not contagious.

The term closed tuberculosis is used rarely, its equivalents BK-( or TB-) are more often used. A patient with a closed form can not infect other people.

Primary and secondary

The most important clinical significance is the division of the disease into primary and secondary. Primary tuberculosis occurs when the disease develops as a result of the first contact of a person with a microbacterium that causes tuberculosis. In this case, the organism of the patient with the infection is not yet familiar.

In the primary type, the inflammatory process ends with the formation of fossilized foci. In them, microbes can still "doze" for a long time. Under certain conditions, for example, if immunity decreases, the infection can become active again, then a new episode of the disease begins.

The occurrence of a reoccurrence of the disease and it is customary to call a secondary tuberculosis of , when the organism with the infection is already familiar. It proceeds differently than it happens when a person falls ill for the first time.

Signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in the early stages of

Tuberculosis of the lungs can last for a long time without symptoms or is slightly asymptomatic and can be detected by accident during fluorography or chest x-ray.

The fact of seeding the body with tuberculous mycobacteria and the formation of specific immunological hyperreactivity can also be detected when tuberculin samples are taken. In cases where the disease manifests itself clinically, usually the earliest signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in the early stages are:

  • weakness;
  • reduced performance;
  • fast fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • prolonged rise in body temperature( as a rule, low figures are typical - up to 38 ° C, however, it may be higher);
  • weight loss;
  • decreased appetite;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • apathy, decreased mood, loss of interest in the world around them.

Lymphadenopathy, generalized or limited to a group of lymph nodes, is often detected - an increase in the size of the lymph nodes.

Symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults

As the development of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults, more or less obvious symptoms from the affected organ are added. With this disease, it is coughing, sputum discharge, wheezing in the lungs, a runny nose, sometimes shortness of breath or pain in the chest( usually indicating the adherence of tuberculous pleurisy), hemoptysis.

Symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults are:

  • constantly elevated temperature( not above 38C);
  • headache;
  • weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • cough( both dry and with phlegm, with blood in sputum);
  • shortness of breath;
  • sweating at night.

There are mood swings, irritability, decreased efficiency. Only 1-2 symptoms can manifest, and not necessarily a cough. Therefore, when one of these symptoms occurs, it is recommended not to be treated independently, but to consult a doctor in time to diagnose possible tuberculosis and begin its timely treatment.


The diagnosis of this dangerous disease is made only by a doctor. An X-ray examination is necessary to determine the disease. Also, for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, sputum is examined for the presence of microbacteria of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis in children may indicate positive Mantoux test. In some cases, for reliability, a blood test is taken.

Complications of

The disease can lead to such consequences in adults:

  1. Pulmonary hemorrhage .Its massive nature and technical difficulties in stopping it - often cause death. Spontaneous pneumothorax .Penetration into the pleural cavity of air in a significant amount in cavernous forms can lead to a displacement of the mediastinum and a reflex stop of the heart.
  2. Tuberculous pleurisy of the .Exudative forms, with a gradual accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity, also lead to the progression of respiratory and subsequent heart failure.
  3. Generalization of the process by hematogenous spread with the development of tuberculosis sepsis.
  4. Development of chronic pulmonary heart by increasing pressure in a small circle of circulation with significant changes in lung tissue.


To prevent tuberculosis, it is necessary to identify cases of the disease in a timely manner. For this you need to do fluorography regularly. It is necessary to limit contacts with people suffering from tuberculosis. For this, those suffering living in overcrowded apartments need to be isolated from the rest of the tenants. It is important to vaccinate the newborn in time.

One way of infecting a person is through food. It is very important to establish careful monitoring of milk and meat, as well as to regularly inspect workers working with cattle.

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Until the 20th century, tuberculosis was virtually untreatable. Now there are many anti-tuberculosis drugs. And still the problem is quite acute.

Many patients do not know that they suffer from this disease, some do not want to go to the doctor and are treated independently. But this is dangerous, because with an incorrect treatment an easily curable form of tuberculosis can go into a drug-resistant form.

To cure tuberculosis in adult women and men is possible only as a result of the use of a whole complex of anti-tuberculosis drugs. How to treat tuberculosis: the appointment schedule, the doses used and the duration of therapy are determined only by the doctor.

One of the important moments in the treatment is the very mood of the patient for a speedy recovery. Since this process is rather lengthy, usually taken from 3 to 18 months, very often patients simply do not have the patience to bring the treatment to an end. Also, the accompanying pathologies, such as alcoholism and drug addiction, can interfere with the healing of the patient.

In conclusion: remember, the earlier you identify the symptoms of the disease, the more likely you will be to recover sooner and easier to process the treatment process. It is necessary to pay attention to one's own state of health and to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner.

Sanatorium treatment

In the case of pulmonary tuberculosis, the most important stage on the way to recovery is sanatorium treatment. It is recommended for all patients at the stage of convalescence( recovery), as well as for mild degrees of severity of the disease.

It is contraindicated with open forms of the disease, bacterial release, miliary tuberculosis. The method of sanatorium-and-spa treatment of tuberculosis shows itself well in complex treatment in children. Positive influence is achieved due to the complex effects of climatic factors, therapeutic physical training, diet nutrition.

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