Cystitis - symptoms and treatment at home

Cystitis is a disease of the bladder, most often infectious. Unfortunately, much more often the symptoms of cystitis are felt by women, unlike men. This is due to the peculiarities of the female body, and, in particular, the structure of the female urinary system.

However, it is in men that chronic cystitis is one of the most important signs of prostate pathology or urinary tract tumors. In women, on the contrary, it is most often found as an independent disease caused by staphylococcus, fecal streptococcus, etc.

In any case, with cystitis treatment should begin when the first symptoms appear, to quickly get rid of the disease, as well as avoid complications.

Causes of cystitis

As a rule, an infection with the causative agent of Escherichia coli, Proteus, Staphylococcus, various fungi, Trichomonas and other microorganisms is always based on such an unpleasant disease as cystitis.

But since the mucosa of the bladder has a significant resistance to infection, one infection is usually not enough to develop an ailment. Therefore, the first symptoms of cystitis are often noted only after hypothermia, fatigue, exhaustion, as well as after serious illnesses or surgeries, disorders of outflow and stagnation of urine, which in turn can occur against the background of some other diseases of the genito-urinary organs.

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The development of the disease is especially likely with the following circumstances. :

  1. When the body is undercooled, and especially when the pelvic area is undercooled.
  2. With prolonged seated position.
  3. With frequent and prolonged constipation.
  4. If you eat very spicy food, a lot of spices, like overcooked food and do not drink enough liquid after eating, then the risk of a number of urological diseases( urethritis, and eventually pyelonephritis) increases.
  5. Chronic foci of infection in the body( untreated carious teeth, any chronic inflammatory diseases).
  6. Any other condition that contributes to the inhibition of your body's immune system.

Men also develop cystitis significantly less often than women and, as a rule, only with chronic inflammation of neighboring organs( prostate, intestine, urethra, testis and appendage).To quickly cure cystitis, it is necessary to see a doctor if appropriate signs appear.

Signs of

In the case of cystitis, the first sign is frequent and painful urination. Burning sensation is also a characteristic manifestation of the disease. The unnaturally strong smell of urine, its turbidity, and sometimes the presence of blood in the secretions - are sure signs of the need to consult a doctor.

General deterioration of well-being and constant pain in the area of ​​the lumbar region complete the symptoms, according to which a person can assume the presence of cystitis.

Symptoms of cystitis

In cystitis, depending on the severity of symptoms, it is common to distinguish two main forms of the disease.

Acute cystitis often provokes hypothermia. The early symptoms of cystitis of this form include painful rapid urination. The medical term for this phenomenon is strangury or pollakiuria.

Symptoms of the disease at a progressive stage - fever to subfebrile indicators, abdominal tenderness in palpation, turbidity of urine. With lesions of the neck of the bladder, small bleeding in the last portion of urine is possible. Symptoms of this form appear up to 7-10 days. Then there is a significant improvement in the patient's well-being or the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

In chronic cystitis, symptoms are less pronounced. The patient feels minimal discomfort in the lower abdomen, short-term urge to urinate. The chronic stage always proceeds with periods of short-term exacerbation of the process and leads to a persistent increase in the level of leukocytes and erythrocytes in the urine.

To understand how to treat cystitis, it is necessary to undergo appropriate diagnostics from a specialist.


The diagnosis and treatment of acute cystitis is based on clinical data, anamnesis, urine and blood test results. A characteristic indicator is an increase in leukocytes in the blood, indicating an acute or chronic inflammation of the bladder.

Often, having untreated chronic cystitis, patients try not to carry out the prescribed treatment and try to help themselves at home by muffling the symptoms. It is impossible to underestimate the threat of both acute and chronic cystitis - as a result of neglecting his treatment, one can get himself big problems for many years, since the peculiarities of the structure of the female genitourinary system are such that the inflammation from the tissues of one organ swiftly spreads to other organs.

Complications of

The most formidable complication of acute cystitis is ascending pyelonephritis. Against the background of acute inflammation of the bladder, its functioning is disturbed, there is a vesicoureteral reflux - a pathological phenomenon in which during bladder contractions urine is thrown into the ureter and can fall even into the renal pelvis.

Treatment of cystitis

Self-treatment of cystitis with antibiotics, tablets or any other medication can lead to the most unfortunate consequences. Therefore, at the first opportunity, seek medical help - only a doctor will tell you how to treat cystitis correctly at home.

Basic principles of treatment :

  • fight against urinary tract infection;
  • removal of inflammation from the bladder mucosa;
  • Removing( coping) pain;
  • increase of body resistance;
  • the appointment of a gentle diet and a plentiful drink.

As a rule, with severe pain, prescribe drugs that relieve spasm of the musculature of the bladder( papaverine, drotaverin), painkillers( No-Shpa, ketorolac, diclofenac).

The main component of therapy is the use of antibiotics, taking into account the sensitivity of the sown flora to them. Usually used fluoroquinolones( ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, levofloxacin).

Therapy for chronic cystitis is aimed at restoring the normal outflow of urine( treatment of urethral contractions, prostate adenoma, etc.).They also treat all foci of infection in the body( caries, chronic tonsillitis, etc.).

How to treat cystitis at home?

Before the arrival of a doctor, you can try to relieve the condition of a sick person at home. For this, follow a few simple rules that will help to avoid the occurrence of various complications:

  1. Drink as much liquid as possible. At the first symptoms of cystitis, you should start drinking as much as possible - preferably pure drinking water or cranberry, cranberry juice.
  2. If the ailment is accompanied by pain, you can try to relieve the patient's condition with the most common warm-ups. Attach to the place that hurts most - to the back or bottom of the stomach - an ordinary bottle or hot water bottle, filled with warm water.
  3. For the period of treatment, completely exclude from the diet of a sick person any products containing calcium - milk, sour-milk products, cheese and cottage cheese.
  4. Every three hours, drink a glass of water in which a spoonful of soda is dissolved. This lowers the acidity of urine and relieves burning. However, remember that soda can adversely affect the stomach, so this treatment should not be carried away.

Folk remedies

Remember that cystitis should be treated with specially prescribed medications, and folk remedies are only a supplement.

  1. The most effective folk remedy according to reviews is cranberry juice. Contained in this juice, biologically active substances change the consistency and amount of mucus in the bladder, thereby preventing the re-occurrence of cystitis. It is necessary to use exclusively pure juice from a cranberry, various kinds of a mix will not be effective. For those who do not like cranberry juice, an extract of cranberry in capsules will do.
  2. Take in the equal parts of leaves of bearberry, cornflower and licorice root. One tablespoon brew a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, cool and strain. Take one tablespoon three times a day.
  3. Take 40 grams of plantain leaves, herb herb, leaves of bearberry and 30 grams of immortelle flowers, shoots of thuja, birch buds and grass spores. Pour the resulting mixture at a rate of 40 g of the mixture per liter of cold water and leave overnight. In the morning bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Take half a cup three times a day after meals.

In general, with cystitis, treatment with folk remedies is justified and will help the basic, doctor-appointed treatment. Before you start taking herbal medicine, it is advisable to ask for contraindications.

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