Problems with the pancreas in a patient with pancreatitis, potential and present, their symptoms and signs, treatment and diet

The pancreas is one of the most important glands in the human body. Often, her condition is paid the least attention, even despite the huge impact of this gland on human life.

The first symptoms that will signal about pancreatic problems:

  • heaviness in the upper abdomen;
  • digestive disorders;
  • increased gas production;
  • is a viscous or loose stool.

Problems with the pancreas most often manifest suddenly, for the time being, without disturbing the person. The average age of the sick is 30-45 years. During these years, people actively build their careers, are carried away by the family, home, that's why they do not notice the first signs of organ pathology.

Among the ailments of the pancreas, the following are especially distinguished: pancreatitis, diabetes, stones, etc.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the mucous pancreas. The tissues are irritated by enzymes that can not find an outlet to the duodenum because of its blockage with protein stoppers. As a result, the body becomes inflamed and can not fully produce the enzymes necessary for successful digestion.

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Acute pancreatitis is accompanied by sharp unbearable pain. Attacks are burdened with nausea and vomiting. The general state of the human body in this case is sharply unsatisfactory and requires immediate provision of professional medical care.

Chronic pancreatitis develops gradually and some time shows little or no manifestation at all. The pain with it is not so strong, but swelling and hemorrhage may occur. If the inflammation is not stopped, the cells of the gland will begin to die, and pancreatic necrosis occurs. Signs of this disease - high body temperature, intense pain. This disease is deadly and requires immediate medical treatment.

Diabetes mellitus is caused by a variety of causes. It can be of the 1 type and arise because of low insulin production or it can develop as a result of pancreatitis during the menopause. Symptoms of diabetes are thirst, frequent trips to the toilet, weight loss, weakness, numbness of the limbs.

The formation of stones is also a common problem. The exact reasons for the formation of stones are still unknown. But among the likely to identify violations in the gastrointestinal tract, bad habits, metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders. Symptoms of stones in the pancreas are different and depend on the location of the stones. It can be pain in the upper abdomen, pain in the lower back, and jaundice.

Potential and current patient problems with pancreatitis

During an attack of acute pancreatitis, the patient experiences shingling pain in the abdominal region, the left hypochondrium or under the spoon. Poor quality of treatment can lead to real problems and the transition of the disease into a chronic form. For this form of the disease is characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, belching, flatulence. Chronic pancreatitis can provoke the development of infectious inflammation in the pancreas, the appearance of erosions, ulcers and bleeding of the digestive system. Running chronic pancreatitis leads to such dangerous and irreversible potential problems as necrosis, lipomatosis, fibrolipomatosis. A prolonged course of the chronic form of the disease affects the endocrine function and leads to a decrease in insulin production. Insulin deficiency in the body leads to the development of diabetes mellitus.

Treatment of problems with the pancreas

The way to get rid of problems with the pancreas depends on the stage of the disease. During the exacerbation the patient is shown hospitalization. The three main components of treatment: hunger, cold and rest. In the first two or three days, any food is contraindicated. It is allowed to use only alkaline mineral water without gas or herbal teas. Be sure to comply with bed rest. To reduce pain on the pancreas area, apply a heating pad with ice. To remove the spasm, take No-shpu or papaverine. In the remission period, treatment consists of observing a sparing diet, taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents, and taking pancreatic enzymes.

Diet for problems with the pancreas

If pancreatic diseases are detected, a therapeutic diet should be observed throughout life( table 5).During the period of remission, the main principles of nutrition are moderation and periodicity. In case of problems with the pancreas, the optimal diet is five meals a day. Also, special attention should be paid to the size of the portion and the temperature of the food. Portions should be small, and the food temperature is in the range of 30 ° C to 50 ° C.The protein diet should predominate in the diet of the patient. Welcome processed vegetables and soups on vegetable broths, cereals in the form of cereals, lean meat, lean fish, cottage cheese with a minimum fat content. Without fail an abundant drink. When pancreatitis from the diet should be excluded fatty, spicy, fried, canned and smoked products, as well as alcohol, carbonated drinks, rye bread, ice cream, spices, spices. Under the ban, the use of some vegetables in their raw form( cabbage, sorrel, radish / radish, onions).

Remember, to avoid problems with the pancreas, you must lead a correct lifestyle, do not abuse excessively fatty and spicy foods, exclude bad habits. If the body already has problems in the work of the digestive tract, it is necessary to conduct preventive examinations as often as possible.

If the disease can not be avoided, then the first symptoms should immediately consult a doctor.

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