For the first time arisen angina: prevention, symptoms, treatment, causes, diagnosis

Everyone faced pain in the heart at least once and safely forgot about it after the end of a pain attack. And in vain, because the pain in the heart can become a bell about developing angina. When the pain is not accidental, and what is the difference between unstable first-time angina pectoris, what are its symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention?

Features of the disease

The International Classification of Diseases relates the first emerging angina pectoris to ICD-10 "I20.0: Unstable angina".The disease is characterized by the appearance of painful attacks, which periodically disturb the patient for 4-6 weeks.

It is known for sure that angina is manifested in everyone alike, except for children who become restless and depressed. However, most often angina suffer men over 50 years.


In medicine, it is common to divide angina into 4 functional classes:

  • First. Pain appears rarely, disappears without taking nitroglycerin, provoked a large fiz.load.
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  • Second. Pain appears after a fast or prolonged walk, disappears without taking nitroglycerin. Most often it worries in the mornings and in cold weather.
  • Third. The pain does not allow to perform easy daily tasks, up to the raising to the first floor, but it is stopped only by nitroglycerin.
  • Fourth. Pain can appear in a state of rest, interferes with normal life of the patient.

Since the emergent angina pectoris is a form of unstable, it can not be classified.

About the causes of angina pectoris read on.

Causes of

Angina is always manifested against the background of constriction and spasm of the coronary vessels, as these phenomena limit the access of oxygen to the heart. Narrowing and spasm of vessels are most often observed against the background of atherosclerosis, namely, the vascular lesion with its plaques. Also on the development of angina pectoris can affect:

  1. changes in the walls of blood vessels;
  2. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  3. formation of thrombi and emboli;
  4. amyloidosis;
  5. aortic stenosis;

There are also risk factors that several times increase the risk of developing angina pectoris. To that it is possible to carry:


For prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, our readers advise the drug "NORMALIFE".This is a natural remedy that affects the cause of the disease, completely preventing the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. NORMALIFE has no contraindications and begins to act within a few hours after its use. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been repeatedly proven by clinical studies and long-term therapeutic experience.

The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  1. hypertension;
  2. experiencing stressful situations;
  3. disorders in metabolism;

The most significant risk factors can be considered obesity, genetic predisposition and a predilection for smoking. These phenomena increase the risk of angina by more than 50%.Symptoms of

The main symptom is pain. The pain has a compressive, burning or pressing character. Most often, the pain is localized behind the sternum, but can give to the lower jaw or shoulder. Pain occurs with certain physical exertion, it can intensify in the morning hours and cold weather. The attack lasts about 5-10 minutes and is stopped by nitroglycerin.

The seizure is often accompanied by:

  1. nausea;
  2. with vomiting;
  3. with the fear of death;
  4. sweating;

On how the diagnosis of IHD unstable for the first time arisen heart disease, read further.


In case of recurrence of pain attacks, the doctor may suspect angina pectoris already at the primary intake, having conducted a physical examination and auscultation, collecting an anamnesis of complaints and family.

To identify the causes of the pathology and its characteristics, the patient is prescribed:

  • General an-z of blood, urine.
  • Biochemical an-z of blood.
  • ECG, which determines conduction and heart rhythm disturbances, ST segment displacement and changes in the T wave.
  • Bicycle ergometry and treadmill test, which allows to reveal the patient's maximum load.
  • Echocardiography for assessing the state of the heart muscle.
  • CT coronary angiography for assessment of blood supply to the heart, severity of stenosis and the presence of atherosclerosis.
  • Chest X-ray, which reveals an expansion in the area of ​​the heart cavities and lesions of the aorta of an atherosclerotic nature.

Other studies may also be needed, such as MRI, scintigraphy, and others.

You already know how the diagnosis of angina occurs, let's talk about her treatment in the clinic.


Treatment is desirable to be carried out in a hospital, as this will allow maximum control over the patient's condition and on time to provide him with first aid if necessary. Treatment base - therapy and medication. Rarely is the patient not responding to drug therapy, in such cases, surgical intervention is required.

The following video tells us more about the different treatments for angina pectoris:


Therapeutic technique is to severely restrict the patient's mobility. During stay in the hospital it is important to limit your movement as much as possible. Already after the improvement of the state it is necessary to think about changing the way of life, for example about:

  • Correct and balanced nutrition.
  • Moderate physical exertion.
  • Prophylactic visits to a doctor.

Please note! When diagnosing angina pectoris, the patient should quit smoking urgently and reduce alcohol intake to a minimum! Otherwise, the risk of developing myocardial infarction will be great.


The basis of symptomatic treatment of angina pectoris is nitrates and neuroleptanalgesia( the patient is injected intravenously with anesthetic, after which he ceases to feel emotions).It is important to understand that it is impossible to eliminate angina without its cause, therefore in each case the list of prescription drugs will differ. However, there is a general list recommended for patients with angina pectoris. It includes:

  1. beta blockers, dilating blood vessels and reducing heart rate;
  2. calcium antagonists that inhibit the penetration of calcium into the heart tissue and dilate the vessels;
  3. disaggregants, reducing the adhesion of platelets;
  4. anticoagulants, blood thinning;

Other medications may also be prescribed, for example, ACE inhibitors that reduce blood pressure.


Operation is an extreme method, since any surgical intervention on the heart entails the risk of complications. As surgical techniques, operations such as:

  • are used. Coronary angioplasty. A stent is installed in the affected vessel, which maintains the lumen of the vessel in a normal state for the blood flow.
  • Aortocoronary bypass, when the blood supply is restored with the help of a bypass, delivering blood to where it did not reach due to the narrowing of the vessel.

Other operations may be used, for example, balloon angioplasty, but the above are used more often than others.

About what to do, so that the diagnosis of "unstable first-time angina" did not appear in your medical history, read on.

Prevention of disease

Prevention of the disease is reduced to the prevention of myocardial infarction. For this it is important:

  • Maintain proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods, reduce the alcohol content, pay special attention to fruits, low-fat meat, fish, beans, dishes with a high content of whole grains.
  • To engage in physical education. Physical activity should be regular, special attention should be paid to cardio exercises. In this case, the physical load should be moderate, without unnecessary strain.
  • Completely eliminate the use of tobacco. Quitting smoking a year later reduces the likelihood of developing a heart attack by 50%.

It is equally important to visit specialists for preventive examination. The latter involves controlling the level of lipids and cholesterol, as well as blood pressure.

Complications of

The most common complication of newly developed angina pectoris is its transition to a stable form. Often patients do not pay attention to the alarming symptoms, and when they come to the diagnosis, they have already found a stable form.

Angina may also be complicated by:

  1. myocardial infarction;
  2. chronic heart failure;
  3. heart rhythm disturbances;

The first occurrence of angina pectoris does not lead to death. However, if it is complicated by myocardial infarction, it can lead to sudden cardiac death.

For more details on how to protect your heart from angina, a specialist in the following video will tell you:

Prognosis for the first time angina

It is difficult to predict the outcome of the disease, since in more than 50% of cases the first-time angina arises into a stable form. However, the survival rate is high: more than 95% of patients survive for 7 years.

First aid

First aid for angina pectoris is reduced to the rapid elimination of a painful attack by taking nitroglycerin. While the tablet / spray starts to work, the patient needs to take a comfortable position, trying to make a minimum of movements:

  1. to open the window;
  2. unbutton the collar or remove the sweatshirt with a throat;
  3. lie down or sit down;
  4. try to relax;

If the attack lasts longer than 10 minutes, the patient should call an ambulance and try not to worry and remain at rest until her arrival.

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