Lapchatka white root: use with thyroid gland

In folk medicine, various herbs are used to treat diseases of the endocrine system, which affects more than 20% of the adult population. One of the most effective plants is the root of the tentacle white, its application in the thyroid gland shows good results, it allows you to quickly improve your health.

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How to cook the root of the cauliflower on vodka

The main indications for the application of the footworm are white( five-finger) - hyperplasia, hyperfunction, thyroid adenoma, goiter, autoimmune thyrotoxicosis, euthyroidism. The maximum amount of iodine, albinine and other useful substances is contained in the root of the plant, they contain more than 16 trace elements. Treatment with the cinchona is effective, but it will take time to recover completely, especially if the disease is chronic or neglected.

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Important! Pyatipal normalizes the level of hormones in the thyroid gland if they are excessive or inadequate. Equivalent alternative for the treatment of thyroid pathologies in folk and traditional medicine in this plant is not.

From the rhizomes of the tin is prepared tincture - to grind 50 g of raw material, pour 500 ml of quality vodka, put it in a dark place for 21 days, strain. Pour the dry residue can re-250 ml of vodka, infuse for 14 days. But the dose of this drug should be increased to 40-50 drops.

How to apply tincture in the nodules on the thyroid:

  1. Take medicine three times a day before meals. Dosage -20- 30 drops. Can be diluted in 100-150 ml of water.
  2. Course duration - 3 months.
  3. After three courses it is necessary to take a break for 4 weeks.

At the initial stage of the disease, phytotherapists recommend taking the tincture for a month, after which to make a breather for 1-1.5 weeks. Repeat the course 4-5 times.

In case of nodular goiter along with tincture, ointment based on the roots of tinder should be used - mix 50 g of crushed raw material with 50 ml of liquid honey. Keep in the fridge, use 2-3 times a day.

With proper use of the tincture, a noticeable improvement in the state after the first course is noted by 80% of patients - the cysts disappear, the bulge of the thyroid gland decreases. The spleen can be taken with other medicines. With regular intake of drugs on its basis, many people reduce or completely stop treatment with Mercazolilum, L-thyroxine.

Prepare roots during the flowering period of the plant - March-July, some herbalists recommend digging roots in autumn. Healing properties are five-fingered not younger than four years, the height is more than 10 cm

Infusion and decoction from the roots for the treatment of the thyroid gland

Infusion from the rhizomes of five-finger has less therapeutic properties. It is recommended to use it in cases when drugs on an alcohol basis are prohibited.

  1. Recipe for water infusion - fill in the thermos 12 grams of crushed rhizomes, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave overnight.
  2. On the first day, drink 250 ml of medicine - drink in small portions for half an hour before meals.
  3. On the second day, increase the dose by 2 times, bring the daily volume to 1.5 liters, then gradually return to the initial dose.
  4. The course can be repeated 3-4 times.

To prepare a medicinal broth you need to pour 25 grams of raw material 1 liter of water, simmer the mixture on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Take 150 ml per day, divided into 3 equal portions.

Important! The crushed root of the tinderweed is a simple and effective grandmother's recipe for treating even pestilent wounds, strengthening immunity. The plant helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, it is used in the therapy of various gynecological diseases, to eliminate manifestations of menopause.

How to take Endonorm

The effectiveness of five fingers in the treatment of thyroid pathologies has been recognized by official medicine. For more than 10 years, pharmacists isolated from the roots of the plant albinin, created on its basis the drug Endonorm. As a part of the medicine there is only a dry extract of rhizomes, therefore it has a rather high cost - the average price of the drug is 1700-2100 rub.

In addition to tinder, Endonorm includes an extract from the roots of licorice, a string, chopped laminaria, which enhance the therapeutic effect of five-finger. The drug is released in capsules, the package contains 60 or 90 tablets. Treatment of pathologies of the thyroid gland Endonorm helps restore the activity and morphological structure of the organ.

Indications for use:

  • deficiency of glycyrrhizic acid, iodine;
  • deficiency of thyroid hormones;
  • gland hyperfunction;
  • goiter of different etiology;
  • hyperplasia of the thyroid gland;
  • thyroiditis is of autoimmune origin.

Endonorm generally favorably affects the endocrine system, so it is often prescribed for menopause, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia.

Take medication 2-3 times a day for one capsule 10 minutes before meals, drink plenty of water. Duration of treatment is 2-6 months. Scheme and reception and dosage is selected by the attending physician depending on the type and severity of the pathology, sometimes the daily dosage is increased to 6 capsules. The disappearance of the main symptoms of diseases, the normalization of the hormonal background is observed after 4-8 weeks of therapy.

Endonorm not recommended for individual intolerance, hypotension, during pregnancy and lactation, with exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system. There were no side effects. The drug should not be taken simultaneously with hormonal drugs and thyreostatics.

To strengthen the therapeutic effect during the reception of Endonorm it is necessary to adhere to a special diet. In the diet should be a sufficient number of foods with high content of selenium, ascorbic acid, zinc, vitamins of group B. It is necessary to exclude turnips, soybeans, all kinds of cabbage - these vegetables have a zobogenic property.

There is no exact analogue for Endonorm. Similar therapeutic properties are present in Merkazolin, Endocrinol, Iod-Active.

Side effects and contraindications of the cauliflower white

Pyatipal is a non-toxic and safe plant, it can be used for the treatment of pregnant women, children, elderly people. But he also has some contraindications - individual intolerance, hypotension. With hypothyroidism, it should be taken in small doses.

Preparations based on five-finger can cause drowsiness, constipation, narrowing of blood vessels. Sometimes there is an exacerbation of urolithiasis. During the treatment with the cauliflower, one should constantly monitor the indices of blood pressure and heart rate - many patients complain of tachycardia attacks.

Important! As a prophylaxis of a medicine based on tamarin can be taken twice a year.

Cinquefoil white is used to treat diseases of the thyroid gland, this is the most effective and safe method of therapy, which is recognized by official medicine. When observing the rules and dosages, adverse reactions are rare, but you should consult a doctor beforehand.

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