Chronic sinusitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Chronic antritis in the modern world is more and more often. A distinctive feature of this form of the disease is that the inflammatory process develops and lasts more than two months. In itself, sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses located in the thickness of the wing of the upper jaw.

Chronic sinusitis symptoms and whose treatment we will consider may develop from an acute form of the disease, if therapy has not been given enough attention. In addition, it can become a complication of diseases such as measles, influenza, rhinitis, scarlet fever and some other infectious diseases.

How the disease develops

When the infection enters the nasopharynx, it begins to spread in the maxillary sinuses, inflammation can occur, in severe cases, swelling.

The mucous membrane connects the nasal cavity with the maxillary sinuses, while it is very swollen, because of this the air is poorly delivered and mucus leaves badly. In the mucus that accumulates, a variety of microorganisms begin to multiply, which intensify the inflammatory process.

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Most often, only one sinus can be involved, very rarely there can be bilateral chronic sinusitis.

Causes of

When chronic sinusitis develops, the reasons lie in the violation of the protective properties of the body, the penetration of infection in the upper respiratory tract as a result of pathological processes that occur in the pharynx, nasal cavity and mouth.

Most often provokes the development of chronic sinusitis such pathologies as:

  • is a consequence of acute inflammation, especially if unfavorable conditions for outflow from the maxillary sinuses of the pathological secret are created;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • too narrow nasal passages;
  • close contact of the lateral wall of the nose with the middle nasal shell;
  • polyps and adenoids;
  • granuloma in the root of the tooth.

The contributing factors are unfavorable conditions that prevent the outflow of the pathological secretion from the maxillary sinuses. Quite often, the inflammatory process, which is of a one-sided nature, changes to another sinus, in which case chronic bilateral sinusitis develops.

It is also known that chronic odontogenic sinusitis, as a rule, immediately develops in a chronic, but sluggish form. Because of this, a person with this kind of sinusitis can not notice any symptoms for a sufficiently long time, but if the inflammatory process is activated, the consultation of the otolaryngologist and the dentist will be necessary for the patient.

Classification of

There are several variants of this disease:

  • Purulent - with this form of discharge from the nose thick, they have a yellowish-brown color and a rather unpleasant smell;
  • Catarrhal - is characterized by abundant and liquid secretions, in addition to this form of the disease there is a pronounced local edema of the face;
  • Chronic polyposis - changes in mucosal status occur as well as growth of polyps;
  • Odontogenic - the cause of its development lies in inflammation in the jaw region or in the area of ​​the teeth;
  • Allergic - characterized by serous or transparent secretions and occurs due to exposure to the allergen on the patient's body;
  • Mixed polyposis-cystic;
  • Casey - with this formable enough abundant discharge, curdled;
  • Necrotic - occurs infrequently and is accompanied by necrotic changes;
  • Rhinogenic - begins as an inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • Chronic hyperplastic - usually occurs in severe form and difficult to treat.

Depending on the form of chronic sinusitis, the symptoms and aspects of treating the disease in adults will differ.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis

In adults, during the remission of chronic sinusitis symptoms are mild, in most cases the patient complains of:

  • nasal congestion;
  • smell disturbance;
  • change voice timbre;
  • aching pain in the nose.

In addition to this, general weakness, fatigue, sluggishness, reduced efficiency, and lack of attention are common. During periods of remission of the disease, it may not be accompanied by pain.

Symptoms of exacerbation

In the chronic form of sinusitis, symptoms may be mild and manifest only during periods of exacerbation of the disease. At this time, the person displays severe symptoms:

  • weakness, general malaise;
  • increase in body temperature( usually up to 37.5 ° C), chills;
  • pain in the head of a raspberry character, concentrated in the forehead, eye area and increasing with the
  • tilt of the head forward, with coughing, sneezing;
  • severe nasal congestion;
  • cough( especially at night, when lying down);
  • facial swelling;
  • increased sweating;
  • smell problem;
  • restless sleep.
  • appearance of thick discharge from the nose, often purulent;
  • hoarseness, nasal voice;

When exacerbation of chronic maxillary sinusitis, as a rule, there is a deterioration in health, a severe headache, an increase in body temperature, the appearance of edema on the cheeks and eyelids, the flow of pus from the nasal passages increases with the inclination of the head. Discharge from the nasal passages can provoke swelling and reddening of the mucous membrane, its pathological growth and the appearance of polyps.


Typically, the doctor diagnoses chronic sinusitis, based on the symptoms and results of the examination, which is carried out using an endoscope( allows you to study the nasal mucosa and nasal apertures).

A thorough diagnostic examination should be performed to exclude any factors that affect the onset of the disease, including allergies, asthma, any immune problems. If the primary disease that provoked chronic sinusitis is not defined, then it is possible only to monitor the course of the disease. Recovering the patient depends on the accuracy and timing of the diagnosis.

Puncture( puncture) of the maxillary sinus is the most reliable method of diagnosis, but it does not always provide complete information about the process.

How to cure chronic sinusitis without surgery

In the case of chronic maxillary sinusitis treatment differs from conventional disease therapy in that even in a period of calm it should not be left without attention. After all, the frequency and the severity of the course of the illness in the acute phase depend on the quality of prevention and treatment.

To cure chronic sinusitis without surgery, one must completely adhere to a clear scheme, which includes:

  • reducing inflammation in the nasal sinuses;
  • restoration of patency of nasal passages;
  • elimination of the cause of chronic sinusitis;
  • decrease in the number of arising sinusitis.

In the period of remission, physiotherapeutic treatment is widely used:

  • speleotherapy( microclimate treatment of salt caves);
  • ultrasound on the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses;
  • electrophoresis with lidase on the sinus area;
  • UHF on the sinus area;
  • magnetotherapy on the pharynx;
  • phonophoresis with cortisone;
  • laser therapy.

In case of severe illness, a puncture of the maxillary sinus can be prescribed. This procedure allows you to remove pus in a short period of time. But it does not serve as a "substitute" for antibiotics and other medications, but it greatly facilitates the "work" of tablets.


Treatment of chronic sinusitis with antibiotics is carried out when there is a bacterial infection. If the genyantritis is caused by any other reasons, the use of antibiotics will not bring any results. The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  • doxycycline;
  • amoxicillin;
  • trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.

When using antibacterial drugs, it is extremely important to undergo the entire course of treatment. In most cases, this means that the medication will have to take 10-14 days or more - depending on when the patient's condition begins to improve. If they stop taking after a few days, the symptoms will soon return.

Puncture of the maxillary sinus

Puncture of the maxillary sinus is one of the most common methods of treating chronic sinusitis. During the procedure, the sinus can be pumped out with a syringe, rinsed with an antiseptic solution and injected into the cavity with an antibiotic or other medication. Most often, a solution of furacilin or a saline solution of sodium chloride is used to wash the maxillary sinus.

  • As an alternative to punctures, at this point in time there is such a procedure as the installation of the YAMIK catheter. This procedure is almost painless, since it is performed under local anesthesia, and there is no need to make a puncture.

Sometimes a puncture of the maxillary sinus is the only method of treatment of sinusitis. In addition, the puncture of the maxillary sinus allows you to quickly eliminate pus, which is especially important during pregnancy, with an outflow of pus out of the sinuses and with the associated concomitant diseases.

It is also believed that if a puncture was made, then they will have to be repeated until the end of life. This statement is absolutely not true - puncture does not apply to the causes of sinusitis.


If to talk about prevention, the most effective method is adequate and competent treatment of the disease at the initial stage, when a slight rhinitis begins.

That's why people who are aware of the presence of such a disease, it is important not to let its flow into its own right. The less there is hypothermia, the more regular the hardening procedures will be performed, the more balanced and rational the nutrition will be, the easier the disease will be.

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