Cervical lordosis - photos, causes and treatment

Cervical lordosis is the curvature of the vertebrae in an area that looks like an arc. What does it mean? With such a disease, a convex anterior bend appears, which entails a distortion of posture, a failure of almost all internal organs.

If the bending of the spine is less than normal, it is called the rectification of physiological lordosis. It often becomes a consequence of osteochondrosis of the spine. Straightening of the lordosis of the cervical region( lordosis is smoothened) is a dangerous pathology that can cause various unpleasant consequences.

In recent decades, in the conclusions of an MRI or CTG, the phrase "cervical lordosis is straightened out" is becoming increasingly common, which means that many patients suffering from pain and limitation of movements in the neck are interested in human health.

Reasons for

Why does cervical lordosis occur, and what is it? Most often straightening lordosis occurs in children, which is due to their inactivity. Schoolchildren are in the greatest risk group. They are in a sitting position for a long time, and this negatively affects the spine, especially when it is still forming. Among adults, such a disease can be found in people with sedentary work.

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The emergence of the lordosis of the cervical spine may be due to:

  • of mechanical fractures, bruises, dislocations of the cervical vertebrae;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • of Bekhterev's disease;
  • of osteochondrosis;
  • hernia between vertebral discs;
  • acute, inflammatory processes in the spine;
  • radiculitis;
  • prolonged spasm of muscle tissue;
  • malignant neoplasms in the neck and nearby organs( trachea, lungs, thyroid and mammary glands);
  • overweight;
  • disturbed metabolic process in the body;
  • rapid growth of the skeleton in adolescence.

Depending on the reasons, primary and secondary lordosis is isolated. Primary curvature arises as a result of pathologies of the vertebrae, muscles, ligaments and cartilaginous discs of the cervical region. Secondary called lordosis, the cause of which are diseases of other anatomical structures.

Symptoms of

An experienced orthopedist will notice the clinical symptoms of a pathological cervical lordosis with the naked eye( see photo).Characteristic features are:

  • low-set and sharply forward-headed head;
  • violation of posture with a distinct bend in the cervical spine;
  • painful sensations on palpation of the affected cervical site;
  • arising seizures of pain when turning the head to the sides;
  • restriction of movements of the head and upper shoulder girdle due to severe pain.

They also have fast fatigue weakness and lack of confidence in their legs. Their general condition can worsen due to a decrease in immunity. Any kind of lordosis affects the internal organs negatively. With the development of cervical lordosis often suffer from heart and lungs, there may be disturbances in digestion, which subsequently develop into diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


The basic method of instrumental diagnosis of lordosis of the neck is the radiography of the spine.

If there is straightening of cervical lordosis with osteochondrosis: it is important to make sure that this is what caused this pathological position of the vertebrae. On the roentgenogram in this case, pointed osteophytes( bony outgrowths) are visible.

How to treat cervical lordosis?

Getting rid of the lordosis of the cervical region is through a long and monotonous work on yourself. First of all, the treatment is based on the performance of therapeutic gymnastics. Of course, the best option is to start straightening hyperlordosis at an early stage. In this case, a positive result will be guaranteed.

Also to the treatment of cervical lordosis are attached:

  1. Massage allows you to improve blood circulation in the damaged area, establish metabolic processes in the body and strengthen the muscles of the neck.
  2. Medication administration. These include anti-inflammatory and anesthetics, vitamins and other drugs, depending on the severity of the disease.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures include mud applications, electrophoresis and heating.
  4. Medical gymnastics is conducted exclusively after the appointment of a doctor, and a special set of exercises is necessarily developed by a specialist.
  5. Elimination of pathology may consist in the appointment of a special diet, correction of posture or removal of a newly formed tumor.

Pathological cervical lordosis is a serious disorder in the spine, which requires treatment even at the initial stage. Therapy should be comprehensive and an important place in it is physiotherapy exercises. To treat the treatment seriously, because the slightest deviations in the vertebral column from the norm can lead to irreversible consequences.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

As physiotherapeutic treatment of cervical lordosis apply:

  • wearing neck collars;
  • massage of the neck and collar zone and shoulder area. Course of treatment 20 - 25 sessions;Acupuncture area of ​​shoulders and neck. Course of treatment 10 - 12 sessions;
  • sonication by ultrasound( UHF).Course of treatment 14 - 16 sessions;
  • underwater traction of the spine in the cervical region. Course of treatment 10 - 12 sessions;
  • magnetotherapy on the neck area. Course of treatment 10 - 14 sessions;
  • curative gymnastics course 2 - 3 months;
  • swimming - 1 month.
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