Ayurveda with pancreatitis, pancreas treatment

One of the non-traditional methods of treating pancreatitis is Ayurveda. As a way to treat the pancreas, Ayurveda offers a wide range of methods, including hatha yoga, dietology, water procedures, massage, metal therapy, talismans, spells, phytotherapy, body cleansing.

Ayurveda sees the cause of pancreatitis in the imbalance of man with nature and with himself, and his treatment, accordingly, should be reduced to the elimination of the sinful and psychological cause that causes problems with the pancreas. In the practice of treatment, only such natural methods of treatment as minerals, spices and herbs are used.

According to the Ayurveda philosophy, pancreatitis most often develops on the background of plaintive or tearful grievances against relatives of their families. The doctor in the process of treatment is considered an instrument of helping God, and the patient should be humble and try to understand why he is punished with the affected pancreas. The goal of the treatment is not to get rid of the disease, but to understand that it is given as a test and is related only to the outlook on life and the nature of the patient.

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The main cause of all diseases lies in relation to the patient's world, to a world created only to teach a person the right attitude to God and to himself. According to Ayurverd, a person should serve others, and pancreatic disease is only a process of learning that can occur consciously or subconsciously. Subconscious studies include exacerbations of pancreatitis every time the patient harbors insult, and the aggravation recedes if a person ceases to take offense. If a person does not learn subconsciously, then he can be punished by another relapse of pancreatitis or another disease of the pancreas.

The second condition for the treatment of the pancreas in Ayurveda is the patient's striving for cleanliness in his actions, and then after a change of consciousness, to cleanliness in his thoughts. Since this method is believed that resentment and a sense of humiliation leads to all sorts of diseases of the gland, it means that it is necessary to find negative qualities in oneself, and the offender has positive ones - this helps to stabilize the mood and teaches to treat oneself with humor.

Another important aspect is the verbal attitude, by which the patient convinces himself that he loves life without resentment, knows how and likes to forgive. He likes the tranquility, silence and hardness of trees, and he learns from them in these qualities, cultivating the germs of benevolence and hardness, resting every time he feels humility and silence.

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