Pancreatitis - pancreatic disease: psychological causes, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment of the disease

The large gland( in length from fifteen to twenty five centimeters) located on the back wall of the peritoneum at the level of the first or the beginning of the second lumbar vertebra behind the stomach is one of the most important in the human body. This is due to the fact that the pancreas, producing enzymes( digestive enzymes) and the hormone insulin, actively participates both in the process of digestion( splitting of food into fats, carbohydrates and proteins), and in the endocrine( internal secretion) system of the body, regulating the level of sugar inblood.

The emergence of pancreatic function disorders can provoke many causes, the consequence of which are the development of various diseases - the most common of which is pancreatitis. This disease, manifested in the inflammation of the body, proceeds in various forms with the inherent pathogenesis( the mechanism of development) and etiology.

Causes of pancreatitis

The etiology of pancreatic disease is different, but the causes of pancreatitis are conventionally combined by physicians into several groups:

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  • Mechanical. This category includes the etiology caused by an organ trauma caused by both a bruised or injured pancreas and treatment by surgery: removal of the tumor, gall bladder, resection of the stomach and other emerging pathologies that have become an indication for the operation;
  • Neurohumoral. The etiology of this group includes: vascular dysfunction, which was caused by atherosclerosis, affecting organ vessels, various violations of the liver, heart, lungs, fat metabolism, circulation in the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, stomach and others;
  • Toxico-allergic. Factors that can cause poisoning( food or chemical), chronic infection( dysentery, viral hepatitis, Botkin's disease), allergy( drug, food), alcoholism and nicotine intoxication can be safely attributed to the etiology of pancreatitis.

The most common cause( 90-95%) according to the doctors, provoking the emergence, further development and appearance of signs of this gastroenterological disease, is cholelithiasis, alcohol abuse and chronic eating disorders.

Pathogenesis of pancreatic inflammation

Pancreatitis is most often in the acute or chronic form due to its origin, development and appearance of symptoms, on which the choice of treatment and the prognosis of recovery depends.

The acute form of the disease is distinguished by rapid development of the inflammatory process with the appearance of a pronounced pain syndrome, which can be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, dryness and bitterness in the mouth.

The pathogenesis of the acute course of the disease lies in the fact that the swollen organ complicates the outflow of pancreatic juice in the digestive tract, which begins to digest pancreatic tissue. In case of acute manifestation of pancreatitis it is necessary to immediately show the patient to a specialist who, having established the cause of the disease, will prescribe the treatment that is carried out in the majority of cases in the hospital of the department of surgery, and sometimes resuscitation. It is timely, selected treatment of an acute attack of inflammation of the gland can prevent serious complications, often threatening the life of the patient.

The pathogenesis of the chronic form of the disease is less pronounced, with a smooth appearance of characteristic symptoms or a lack of them at all. Slowly progressive inflammatory process, which develops in the pancreas, leads to necrosis and fibrosis of the tissues of the organ, which significantly reduces the function of the gland.

The pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis involves periods of remission and the emergence of exacerbations. Treatment of a chronic illness is most often due to the constant observance of diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Psychological causes of pancreatic disease

The association of somatic diseases with the psychology of a particular person has been noticed for a long time. Is not an exception and pancreatitis.

The psychological causes of the development of pancreatic diseases can be:

  • Constant stressful situations.
  • Different experiences.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.
  • Lack of normal rest.
  • Constant haste.

If a person dwells on his troubles or desires, then sooner it leads to a deterioration in relations with others. Possessing some information, he must process it and try to change something in life or in behavior. Otherwise, all this can cause illness.

Clinic and treatment of pancreatitis

To diagnose the causes of pancreatitis, laboratory clinical trials and instrumentation techniques are used:

  • A general blood test - it determines whether there are inflammations in the body.
  • Biochemical blood test - may indicate an increase in the level of enzymes for digestion, produced in the pancreas( confirms the presence of pancreatitis).The glucose level is also checked.
  • Urinalysis - the presence of amylase in the urine indicates pancreatitis.
  • Stool analysis.
  • Obligatory ultrasound of the organs will show painful transformation of the pancreas.
  • To check the presence or absence of the inflammatory process in the stomach and the duodenum, a gastroscopy is performed.
  • It is checked by radiography that there are no stones in the pancreatic ducts.
  • Computed tomography.

Treatment of pancreatitis, regardless of its causes, takes place depending on the extent of damage to the disease of the gland and other organs. If there are no complications, then the disease will gradually pass. During this period, medications that support the body and prevent complications are used.

Otherwise, prolonged clinical treatment with the introduction of drugs intravenously( 3 to 6 weeks).In acute disease, the use of pain medication is required. The doctor may prescribe insulin injections and pancreatic enzymes.

When the cause of the disease was gallstones or there were some irreversible degenerations of the pancreas, then they resort to surgical intervention. In this case, the dead tissue is cut out or stones removed there are removed. The whole process of treatment in the clinic is accompanied by a strict diet, and the first two days - complete starvation.

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