What to do at a pressure of 90 to 60, and is it dangerous?

If the pressure becomes lower than 100 by 60, doctors call this condition hypotension.

In the age after 20 and up to 40 years this condition is observed in 5-7% of people, regardless of their sex, and in pregnant women the percentage reaches 12.

Is it dangerous? Experts argue that for many people in this category, the pressure of 90 to 60 is not considered a dangerous pathology.

Is this pressure normal?

Blood pressure should always be within normal limits. For the upper systolic blood pressure it is 100-130 mm Hg, and for the lower diastolic blood pressure it is 60-89 mm Hg. In this case, the pressure of 90 to 60 is considered a lowered blood pressure.

  1. The upper figures of characterize the systolic pressure, it is due to the activity of the heart, which pumps the blood into the aorta and further along the arteries of the whole organism.
  2. The lower values ​​of fractions determine the diastolic pressure characterizing the state of vascular tone.

In most people, normal BP values ​​should not fall below the 110 mark by 60 mm Hg. Art. If this happens, then most likely there is a condition called hypotension. It can arise as an independent disease, or be a consequence of some internal pathologies.

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Causes of pressure 90 to 60

By origin, hypotension can be primary and secondary.

  1. Primary hypotension is an independent disease that can occur in an inadequately fed or overtired person, and also be inherited. The reasons for this condition can be covered in the usual stress, acclimatization, lack of vitamins, high work or training loads. Primary hypotension most often occurs in young women and adolescents. In people older than 50 years, the elasticity of the vessels decreases, they begin to respond to changes in atmospheric pressure and weather.
  2. Secondary hypotension arises as a symptom of a disease or as a complication of a number of severe pathologies( hepatitis, gastric ulcer, heart attack, cervical osteochondrosis, anemia, intoxication, heart failure, cirrhosis, tumors, diabetes, alcoholism, rheumatism, tuberculosis, cystitis).

Often, hypotension is accompanied by so-called crises, under which the pressure can drop sharply to a rate of 90 to 60 or lower. Thus the person can test a nausea, strong giddiness up to a faint. This state lasts for several minutes.

Symptomatic of low blood pressure

At a pressure of 90/60 mm Hg. Art.a person experiences a set of characteristic symptoms:

  • is a sluggish, depressed state with signs of general malaise;
  • sensation of lack of air, especially for tight and crowded rooms;
  • headaches accompanied by pulsation in the temples and occiput;
  • decreased appetite;
  • problems with sleeping;
  • pain in the heart;
  • tachycardia;
  • irritability and nervousness.

The appearance of these symptoms can be short-lived, and can be of a regular nature, than it causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. If you feel bad against the background of low blood pressure, be sure to consult a specialist for advice.

What to do at a pressure of 90 to 60

If you find yourself experiencing symptoms of low blood pressure, the first thing to do is to see a doctor. He will prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis. It should be borne in mind that the treatment of low blood pressure is a very individual matter. Do not prescribe yourself a medicine. It can end badly.

What if you have such pressure? Here are the general recommendations:

  • You do not need to stand up sharply after awakening. It is better to lie down for a few minutes in bed, and only then slowly get up. This will help avoid morning dizziness and fainting, which can occur in hypotensive patients.
  • Observe the drinking regimen by drinking at least two liters of liquid during the day.
  • You need to eat at least four times a day. At the same time, the diet should be balanced.
  • Take a bath and a contrast shower without sudden changes in temperature, go for a massage.
  • Requires motor activity.

These simple useful tips will help to normalize the pressure and avoid hypotonic crises.

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