How to choose the best ointment from herpes on the lips?

Every second resident of the planet has experienced colds on the lips, while the herpes virus lives in almost every one of us. The question is - how often does he show himself? Someone does not suffer from this ever, but someone is less fortunate and has to constantly look for what to smear herpes on the lip, so that it quickly passes.

The most common treatment for herpes( colds on the lips) can be called antibacterial and antiviral ointment. Such ointments should be used immediately, at the initial stages of the disease, as soon as you feel that the skin on the inner surface of the lips and corners of the mouth begins to tingle, pinch, itch and blush. It is forbidden to scratch these places, otherwise the herpes can be spread to other parts of the face.

If you do not start therapy in the first 1-2 days after the onset of herpes on the lip, then it will be difficult to get rid of the inflammation afterwards, and the rehabilitation period will last for a long time.

Why does the herpes exacerbate?

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Aggravation of herpes is preceded by a weakening of the body's immune defenses. When the natural defense of the body is weakened, viruses become more active. Including herpes.

There may be several reasons:

  1. Overstrain, lack of sleep, stress.
  2. Abuse of alcohol, tobacco, coffee and strong black tea.
  3. Severe psychological conditions, depression.
  4. Wrong food with a lot of carbohydrates with a lack of vitamins.

Ecology plays an important role in weakening immunity.

What is the advantage of ointments?

Most people prefer to use for treatment is ointment against herpes on the lips, rather than good tablets. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Ointment has a double action of - it suppresses the activity of the virus and creates a soothing and insulating membrane at the site of the rash, which reduces the risk of spreading the virus through the body and transferring it to others.
  2. Ointment allows the to process precisely damaged parts of the skin , acting point-wise.
  3. It is also psychologically accepted that tablets attack the virus with the help of "chemistry" and act on the whole organism( which is generally true), and the ointment is more natural and thanks to point application it is effective( which is also partly true).

As a result, ointments for herpes on the lips are used more often, are produced in large volumes and are better represented on the shelves of pharmacies. Therefore, it is worth to get acquainted with them more closely.

The best cream and ointments from herpes on the lips

All local drugs designed to treat viral infections are divided into three large groups:

  1. Ointments from herpes on the basis of acyclovir and its derivatives .Preparations of this group have the strongest antiviral effect. The mechanism of their action is based on the destruction of the DNA of the cells of the virus, which hinders its further development and spread and allows it to effectively fight the infection.
  2. Antiviral products based on plant components .Considered the most harmless to the body, almost no side effects, except for individual intolerance.
  3. Other antiviral ointments .These drugs are based on other active components, including interferons and other substances that stimulate immunity and strengthen the defenses of the body, which allows him to cope with the infection on his own.

On a question - than to smear herpes on lips for the prompt convalescence? In the list we will list the names of the best ointments and gels, which are most effective when a cold on the lips appears.

  • Acyclovir - is active against Epstein-Barr viruses, Herpes simplex 1 and 2, Varicella zoster virus, cytomegaloviruses.
  • Vivorax - in the treatment of herpes, an increase in the therapeutic effect is observed with the joint appointment of immunostimulants.
  • Zovirax is the most publicized herpes remedy on the lips, the manufacturer of Great Britain.
  • Gerperax - producer India, with herpes helps to prevent the formation of new rashes, reduces the development of visceral complications, promotes the rapid formation of crusts, anesthetizes and relieves itching.
  • Alpizarin ointment is a tetrahydroxyglucopyranosylxanthene, which is obtained from the medicinal plant of a penny of alpine yellowing, from mango leaves, sumacs, legumes, produced in the form of ointments and tablets.
  • Panavir is an antiviral and immunomodulating gel, which contains an extract of purified shoots of the plant Solanum tuberosum, in which the main active ingredient is a hexose glycoside.
  • Bonafton is an antiviral ointment that is active against adenoviruses and the Herpes simplex virus, active ingredient Bromnaphthoquinone.
  • Viru-Merz Serol is an effective antiviral gel, the active ingredient of which is Tromantadine. It is active against the viruses Herpeszoster( chickenpox and herpes zoster) and Herpessimplex I and II types.

However, for the treatment of herpes on the lips with ointments and other local remedies, while the pharmaceutical industry can not offer anything better than acyclovir, the question on how to anoint herpes in any pharmacy will be answered - Acyclovir, which has many analogues.

How to apply ointment correctly?

When applying the ointment, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Adhere to the hygiene requirements of : Wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap before applying the ointment to avoid infection.
  2. For manipulations of , it is better to use cotton buds, avoiding touching finger rashes with .Do not use cotton swabs, because their fibers can cling to the wound, rather than bring pain.
  3. Every time you need to use new application tools , carefully dispose of previous ones, as they can also be a source of infection for others.
  4. After application, should wait until the is completely absorbed, and do not need to remove it with a tissue.

Remember that when the herpes bubbles begin to burst, painful bleeding sores may appear on the skin. They are very easy to infect, greatly complicating the process of recovery.


Acyclovir is an antiviral that has proven efficacy against herpes simplex( herpes simplex virus).The trade name Acyclovir can be found on tablets, ointments and cream. The ointment differs from a cream with other consistence, many find a cream more comfortable at applications.

Acyclovir can be found in another popular remedy for herpes - the cream of Zovirax produced in the UK.As an adverse event from Zovirax, itching and redness can occur at the site of application. Other external agents with acyclovir - Acigerpine, Gervirax, Gerperax, Vivorax, which are available in the form of creams. Acyclovir acrylic is also an ointment of a Russian manufacturer that produces common Acyclovir, but it differs from it with components supplied from Spain.


Indian Vivorax is used when the patient has an allergy to Acyclovir and Valaciclovir. The active substance is acyclovir, but it is in a bound form. Vivoravs is activated only in the body, so it does not give side effects. Sometimes, when it is applied, itching, burning on those areas that are processed.

Ointment against herpes Vivorax should be applied to damaged areas 4 times a day at intervals of about 4 hours and carefully monitored so that it does not get into the mouth, nose and eyes. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.


Its action is similar to the previous ointments, only this medicine also reduces the duration of the rashes, the herpes takes place in a shorter time. It has one more important advantage: a toning effect.

You can choose a cream with the right tinting color: from beige to brown.

Viru-Merz Serol

Gel Viru-Merz Serol on the basis of tromantadine quickly removes the painful manifestations of herpes, shortens the duration of the disease, when used in the first hours of the appearance of sypsum infections blocks its development.

The gel can be used for a long time, because the virus does not get used to the drug, in most cases the remission period is prolonged.

Prevention of recurrence of herpes

In order to prevent such an incident, you must first of all maintain your health, that is:

  • beware of ailments;
  • to go in for sports;
  • dress only for the weather;
  • observe the rest regime;
  • to eat healthy foods;
  • does not engage in self-medication;
  • consumes vitamins;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • is less likely to be in crowded places during flu epidemics.

These factors will work only for good, and you can forget about herpes for a long time.

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