Transversoptosis of the intestine( colon) - alternative treatment, how to treat the symptoms?

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The omission of the internal organs of the peritoneum is commonly called visceroptosis, and is characterized by a decreased muscle tone and increased pressure inside the peritoneum and sternum. Usually there is an omission of not all organs, but individual, among which the most common is the sagging of the transverse colon - transversoptosis.

Transversoptosis of the intestine leads to a change in the normal position of the transverse colon, which instead of the transverse direction bends, acquiring the form of a Latin letter V. The hanging of the organ with kinks in the region of the hepatic and splenic angles is known as the Payra disease. In this case, sharp excesses and motor disorders lead to prolonged and severe constipation, the development of inflammatory processes.

Symptoms of transversoptosis

The primary symptoms of transversoptosis are:

  • pain syndrome, accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the abdomen;
  • constipation;
  • manifestations of nausea and vomiting;
  • headaches, bouts of irritability.
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In addition, with transversoptosis in patients there are symptoms: rapid heartbeat, burning pain in the heart, pain between the scapula. The pain is aggravated after taking a large amount of food or with considerable physical exertion. Adopting a horizontal position weakens the intensity of pain. In elderly patients, pain is more prolonged and painful.

Pain syndrome is characteristic of most GI diseases. Therefore, in order to rule out an error in the correct diagnosis of intestinal transversoptosis, an X-ray analysis using the method of irriography is carried out, paying attention to the shape and position of the large intestine. As a contrast agent, a barium suspension is used. Massaging the abdomen with fingers, determine the displacement of the transverse colon. In some medical institutions, a radioisotope method is used to determine the level of intestinal motor dysfunction in children, along with fluoroscopy.

Treatment of intestine transversoptosis

After the establishment of an accurate diagnosis, complex therapy is prescribed. First of all, correct the diet with the predominance of high-calorie and easily digestible food that does not contain a large amount of slag waste. To enhance the secretion and peristaltic activity of the mucosa, lactic acid products with a high content of organic acids are introduced into the diet. Liquefaction of intestinal contents and activation of peristalsis is facilitated by honey, sugar, sweet dishes and fruits.

An important place in the treatment of transversoptosis is gymnastics as a general restorative. To reduce pain, paraffin applications on the stomach, electrophoresis with novocaine, and abdominal massage are prescribed. With transversoptosis, accompanied by prolonged and severe constipation, vegetable and fruit juices and herbal medicinal herbs are prescribed. For daily use, these drinks should be in very large quantities. Folk remedies can be used as auxiliary for strengthening peristalsis and liquefaction of fecal masses with constipation.

In the absence of the effect of conservative therapy, surgical intervention is prescribed. In addition, the need for surgery is determined when the following indicators are available:

  • chronic intoxication;
  • attacks of obstruction of the large intestine;
  • inability to stop pain syndrome.

How to treat transversoptosis, should only determine the doctor based on the analysis of the clinic and the results of the research. The development of active surgical tactics with transversoptosis, especially with a pronounced pain syndrome accompanied by bloating and the threat of acute intestinal obstruction, is taken by an experienced surgeon. Previously, for surgical treatment of the disease, resection of the middle part of the transverse colon was used. Then, it was moved under the gastric-ligament ligament and with subsequent strengthening of the free end in the transverse direction to the back wall of the abdominal cavity. However, the need for resection of the large intestine with the application of anastomosis, while significantly, increased the dangerous consequences of the operation.

More popular is the operation suggested by Payrom, in which the transverse colon is sewn directly to the stomach using separate seams. However, when it is necessary to perform an operation for children with transversoptosis of children, this method is not accepted due to a violation of the normal ratio of organs in a growing child's body. Therefore, in this case, segmental collocation is used in the transverse direction to reduce the length of the gut. Sewing with the growth of the child is normal. In any case, with transversoptosis of the colon, there is no alternative to treatment in one form or another.

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