Rate of platelets in the blood

Platelets are small blood plates that form in the cells of the red bone marrow and play an important role in the processes of hemostasis and thrombosis.
It is from the platelets depends on the preservation of blood in a liquid state, the dissolution of blood clots formed and the protection of the walls of blood vessels from damage.

There are established norms of platelets in women, men and children in the analysis of blood. If the platelets are raised, it is fraught with the formation of thrombi, and if the number of platelets is below the norm, then we can speak of low blood coagulation, which in turn will cause severe bleeding.

Reduced platelets

A decrease in platelet count ( thrombocytopenia) is observed in the following cases:

  • receiving a number of medications;
  • chronic and acute leukemia;
  • aplastic and hypoplastic conditions of unknown cause;
  • thyroid dysfunction( thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism);
  • viral diseases( measles, rubella, chicken pox, influenza);
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  • syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation( ICE);
  • increased spleen activity in liver cirrhosis, acute and chronic viral hepatitis;
  • connective tissue diseases: lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma;
  • Verlhof disease is an autoimmune disease in which a decrease in the number of platelets is due to their increased destruction under the influence of specific antibodies.

Symptoms of thrombocytopenia are similar to each other, regardless of the cause and nature of the course of the disease. Patients often find:

  • a tendency to bruising with minor injuries;
  • frequent nasal bleeding;
  • hemorrhage in internal organs;
  • gum bleeding;
  • occurrence of bleeding from the digestive system;
  • profuse menstrual bleeding in women.

In some cases, thrombocytopenia can be one of the early manifestations of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus( HIV).

Elevated platelets

A high platelet count in the blood is a thrombocytosis. It can be primary and secondary.

  • The first is a characteristic sign of blood diseases, most often because of the too rapid division of these cellular forms associated with their transformation due to a tumor.
  • The second is a consequence of active production of thrombopoietin, which catalyzes mitosis and endomitosis of colony-forming cells and megakaryocytes.

In addition, for an increased level of platelets , some diseases may also be characteristic:

  1. Myelofibrosis;
  2. Hemolysis;
  3. Erythremia;
  4. Internal bleeding;
  5. Malignant neoplasms;
  6. Various inflammatory processes, especially chronic course.

The result of prolonged use of corticosteroids may also serve as a reason for raising the level of platelets. In some cases, the cause of the shift may be hidden in the postoperative state of the patient.

And do not panic, because modern technology and experienced professionals are ready to bring small blood cells back to normal. Treatment appoints a hematologist, he picks up the necessary drug, which reduces the level of platelets in the blood.

Platelet norm in the blood

If the platelets are normal - this indicates a good hematopoiesis. The norm of platelets in men, women and children is different.

In adults, their level should be:

  • for women - 150-400x109 per liter of blood;
  • for pregnant women - 100-420Х109;
  • for men - 180-320H109.

Deviations from the norm in the platelet count are a very important signal for the doctor.

Platelet norm in men

If platelet levels are elevated, thrombi may begin to form in the body. If the level is lowered, there may be increased bleeding. Both these pathologies are dangerous.

Platelets, whose norm for men ranges from 180 to 320 billion / l, can be lowered because of blood loss. It is for this reason that women have lowered their levels during menstruation. However, the reduction associated with blood loss should be temporary.

The pathological condition associated with a decrease in platelet count in the blood is called thrombocytopenia. And excess of norm is called thrombocytosis.

Platelet norm in the blood of women

If we talk about the norm of platelets in the blood, then the level should vary from 200 to 400 thousand / μL.

In women, the indices may be different, for example, with blood loss during menstruation, the indicator can be reduced to 75-220 thousand U / mm, and this will also be a variant of the norm. When pregnancy, the number of platelets in the blood naturally decreases, and therefore the norm for women "in the position" is somewhat lower - 100-420 thousand units / μl.

It would also be superfluous to mention that the norm also depends on the age category of women:

  • from 16-80 years - the norm is 180-320 thousand / mkl;
  • from 18-15 years - 180-340 thousand / mkl;
  • from 1-4 years - 150-300 thousand / mkl;
  • up to a year - 120-300 thousand / mkl.

A reduced platelet level indicates that the walls of the vessels are fragile, the blood is too fluid. With an overestimation of the number of platelets, frequent headaches appear, the condition becomes close to a stroke.

Platelet norm in a child

In a child, the baseline limits of normal platelet counts in the blood are determined from 180 to 320 * 10 ^ 9 units per liter. Children in this case include both male and female individuals - the second before the menstrual cycle begins.

Platelet norm in newborns

The hematopoietic system in newborns and children up to one year is not yet stable: platelets are very actively developing and perishing, so the differences in the values ​​of the concentrations of cellular blood structures in physiological norms are very wide - from 100 to 420 * 10 ^ 9 units per liter.

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