How to increase eyelashes at home

Long eyelashes are one of the main symbols of femininity. Millions of girls regularly come up with new ways to make them longer and thicker. In the case when nature did not award too lush eyelashes, proven, popular means come to the rescue. With regular and proper care, the original length of eyelashes can increase by more than 30%.

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Multi-recipe recipes foreyelashes

Since ancient times, people have successfully applied various recipes to achieve extraterrestrial beauty. Many of them have survived to this day and are now enjoying success among women of all ages.

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Castor oil

The most common and effective remedy. It already in a short time makes eyelashes much more black, strong, dense and prevents loss. Also, it perfectly stimulates growth, which allows you to see the first results after a week:

  • fill the old bottle of mascara with oil, pre-wash well;
  • put the oil on the eyelashes daily with an old brush, if desired, flushing after an hour or leaving.

Burdock oil for eyelashes

This oil is the best for preventing hair loss, so it can be useful in case of unsuccessful eyelash extension, after which they are in a weakened state. Apply it exactly as castor.

Important! Do not leave oil on eyelashes without flushing daily, it may threaten the clogging of the channels and their decay.

Combine oils with other components

Of the oils, you can still distinguish the sea-buckthorn, peach and almond. Thanks to their rich vitamin composition, and lightness, they are perfect for daily use.

There are many recipes for masks for eyelashes, with a strengthening and stimulating effect:

  • take burdock oil and aloe juice in equal proportions;
  • soak the resulting composition of wadded discs, put on your eyes for 15 minutes.

The following mask implies the use of pharmacy vitamins, preferably in ampoules:

  • mix in equal amounts burdock and castor oil;
  • add one ampoule of vitamin A and E;
  • if desired, add a couple drops of aloe juice.

Another mask, also prepared on the basis of oils, but with the addition of parsley. Is an excellent emergency tool for the restoration of eyelashes:

  • mix castor and burdock oil, adding to them finely chopped parsley;
  • insist the mixture for a day, after which soak the cotton disc, leaving it on your eyes for half an hour.

Application of juices and infusions

Chamomile-based recipe is a good stimulator for natural growth and strengthening:

  • purchase at the pharmacy dry flowers of chamomile, cornflower and calendula;
  • take a teaspoonful of each and pour all together with steep boiling water;
  • insist for six hours, then dipping cotton pads, put on your eyes;
  • rinse after half an hour - an hour.

The following recipe is unusual for the eyes, but rather effective:

  • squeeze out a tablespoon of cabbage juice or carrots, add olive or burdock oil;
  • massage the mixture on the eyelids, leaving for a while.

If you do not have chamomile on hand, you can easily replace it with tea when preparing a compress:

  • mix in the same ratio of tea and black tea;
  • moisten cotton pads, leaving for 15 minutes.

Effective method - linseed oil

Another oil that can improve the condition of cilia is linseed. Lubricate them on the growth line every evening before bed. The first results will be visible in a week. Rose oil, in addition to a beneficial effect on the eyelashes, provides them with glitter, eliminates any dryness of the skin around the eyes, and its unique composition prevents premature aging. Oil of wheat germ, combined with a regular intake of fish oil, will add growth and strength not only to the cilia, but also to the body as a whole. If you observe dryness and fragility of eyelashes, pay attention to the coconut and rosehip oils, which effectively fight it.

Important! Do not leave the mask on the eyelids for the night, otherwise in the morning you will most likely expect strong swelling and discomfort.

The mask with rum will help to awaken the sleeping bulbs of the cilia:

  • take a teaspoon of fish oil and add a couple drops of rum or cognac;
  • with a brush on the eyelashes, leaving for 15 minutes.

Important! Apply this mask very carefully, if it gets on the mucous membrane or in the eyes, immediately rinse with plenty of water.

Rosehip is famous for its unique composition, it is a storehouse of the most useful vitamins, so in the growth of eyelashes can help not only oil, but the berries themselves in pure form:

  • chop fresh fruits, stir by adding a couple of spoons of sea buckthorn oil;
  • leave the mixture for a few days in a dark place;
  • the resulting oil is applied to the eyelashes every day.

The last oil, widely spread among the Slavs some time ago, is the oil of the octylus. Its action is equated to the action of castor oil because of instant healing processes. Apply in exactly the same way with a cotton swab or a brush, flushing after one hour.

The easiest way to visually increase the length or volume of the weakened eyelashes - this is correctly matched mascara. Keep in mind that there is no universal tool that will give both the length and thickness, just one thing. Most of it depends on the brush, so, having rare eyelashes, choose the widest, and if the eyelashes are short - a thin brush with rare prongs will do.


To prevent a weak condition of eyelashes is possible due to proper care. Every night you need to remove your makeup from the eyes, even if you are very tired. It saves not only the eyelashes, but also the delicate skin that is most prone to the early formation of wrinkles. Arrange "unloading" days without cosmetics, so that the cilia breathe more, enrichment with oxygen acts on growth much more strongly than sets of the most expensive oils.

Adjust your diet so that you receive a sufficient dose of calcium and fat daily, as this is the first cause of hair loss, poor nails and eyelashes. If you have a sharp deterioration in their condition, pay attention to the situation around you, maybe you have experienced stress, the reaction to which the body gives immediately.

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