Pancreas in children, impaired function, ring-shaped form in a newborn baby

The pancreas is an important organ, the slightest disturbance, in the work of which can lead to quite serious consequences and cause a lot of discomfort. What are its functions in the child's body?

The primary task of the pancreas in both children and adults is to produce enough gastric juice, which is necessary for digesting food. And this is really important, because if the body does not cope with its function in full, there is bloating, upset stomach, flatulence, and other unpleasant symptoms.

It is important to understand that the pancreas in newborns is strikingly different from a similar organ in an adult. That is why children need special food, the slightest violation of which can lead to the appearance of an allergic rash, as well as the strongest gastric colic.

The pancreas in newborn infants, as well as in adults, can change the composition of pancreatic juice, depending on which food predominates in the menu. So, the most difficult to digest food with a high content of carbohydrates, and therefore it is best to include it in the diet no later than lunch. But protein food is relevant at any time of the day - it is quickly digested, and therefore even a late dinner will not create a serious load on the pancreas, as well as discomfort for the children's stomach.

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Enzymes present in the pancreatic juice are quite diverse, and they provide proper secretion of this organ and the allocation of the optimal amount of pancreatic juice. Despite the fact that the pancreas is completely formed in newborns, the rhythm of its secretion, as well as its functions, are somewhat different from adults, and therefore it is very important for children under 5 years to adhere to a special diet, so that there are no serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the future. That is why it is better to exclude from the diet an abundant intake of sweets, as well as fatty and fried foods, giving preference to either boiled dishes or cooked in a double boiler.

Pancreas in newborn babies and children under the age of 5-7 years, is not yet able to perform its functions in a manner similar to an adult, releasing a sufficient amount of pancreatic juice. That is why it is so important for children to comply with the appropriate diet, so that in the future, with the work of this body, there is not the slightest problem.

Pancreatic disorders in children

Quite often, disorders occur in the ring-shaped pancreas in newborns, which occurs in embryogenesis. There is an opinion that this pathology was formed due to the uneven growth of the vertical and dorsal tabs of the organ. As a result, the organ tissue is in the form of a ring. And it can completely cover the descending part of the 12-типерстной gut.

As a cause of the violation can be called genetic diseases, the impact of harmful factors on the fetus during pregnancy, various infectious diseases, uncontrolled and excessive use of medicines.

In one case, the annular pancreas in newborns is not a danger and does not cause any concern to the baby. In addition, you can carry out a corrective operation. But there are cases when such a violation of the pancreas in children is combined with other anomalies in the development of the digestive system or other organs. All this can lead to a combination of pathologies leading to death.

If during the development of the fetus the pressure of the annular pancreas on the duodenum is expressed, then from the first minutes of life the baby will be observed regurgitation, as well as other symptoms that are characteristic of congenital pyloric stenosis or pilorospasm.

If in the early period of the development of the disturbance nothing is done, then in an older child or already in an adult person there may be a squeezing of the lumen of the duodenal ulcer. If to add to this chronic pancreatitis or cancer of the head of the pancreas, it is often observed and the occurrence of intestinal obstruction, which can manifest itself in acute form. It is not uncommon for cases of jaundice and mechanical type, which leads to excessive compression of the bile duct.

It also happens that when such a violation of the pancreas in newborns does not manifest itself and passes absolutely asymptomatic. And it is found only when randomly checked.

Treatment of the annular pancreas in newborns in the absence of symptoms is not required. If complications are observed, surgical intervention is necessary. In any case, the child is under the supervision of the attending physician, who appoints these or other measures.

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