Symptoms and treatment of intracranial pressure in adults

1 Clinical picture

The disease is very insidious, it is difficult to recognize because the signs of increased intracranial pressure in adults are similar to many other ailments. The elevated ICP may indicate:

  • Pressing headache, which manifests itself most often at night or in the morning. It can be accompanied by heaviness in the head.
  • Fast fatigue.
  • Nausea in the morning, which can be accompanied by vomiting.
  • Meteo dependence.
  • The presence of dark circles under the eyes.
  • Lowering of sexual desire.
  • Sweating.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Frequent presyncopal conditions.
  • Doubling in the eyes.
  • Increased agitation and nervousness.

There are two forms of acute and chronic disease. The acute form is a consequence of a head injury or stroke. In chronic form, the cause of increased ICP are neurological diseases or minor physical injuries to the head, or the side effect of taking certain medications.

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2 The main causes of the ailment

There are quite a few reasons why in adults the ICP is increased, among them:

  • Hypoxia
  • Stroke
  • Migraine
  • Disturbance of the metabolic process
  • VAS spasm
  • Excessive body fluid
  • Overweight
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Obesity
  • Neoplasms in the brain
  • Excess amount of vitamin A in the body
  • Encephalitis

3 Methods for diagnosing the pathology

It should be remembered that unlike the measurement of blood pressure, ICP with a tonometer at home can not be measured. This procedure is carried out exclusively in medical institutions.

There are several ways to measure:

  1. The subdural method. This method of measuring intracranial pressure is rarely used in emergency cases, since it is quite complex. In this case, a subdural screw is introduced through the trephination hole, with the help of which ICP is measured.
  2. Intraventricular method. The most common method. Its essence lies in the fact that a special catheter is inserted into the trepanation hole, through which not only ICP is measured, but excess CSF is pumped out.
  3. Epidural method. In this case, an epidural sensor is placed in the trepanation hole, through which intracranial pressure is measured. The disadvantage of this method is that ICP can not be reduced with the help of pumping out liquor.

4 Drugs

The most commonly used for the treatment of intracranial pressure tablets, namely:

  1. diuretic Diacarb, which excretes through the kidneys excess fluid. The same effect is possessed by Glycerol. Apply it once, to remove the swelling of the brain.
  2. Furosemide or Lasix loop diuretics are sometimes prescribed. It should be taken in conjunction with Asparkam, in order to prevent the elution from the body of potassium.
  3. In the complex appoint nootropics: Piracetam, Thiocetam, Nootropil, Calcium Gopantenate, homeopathic medicines and vitamins.

To reduce ICP:

  • For rapid reduction of intracranial pressure, drip Mannitol or Mannitol intravenously. Or intravenously, Magnesium sulfate.
  • In the acute form of intracranial pressure due to trauma or stroke, a surgical procedure( craniectomy) is performed in which the skull sections are removed.
  • In the chronic form of ICP, drug treatment is performed. If it does not give a positive result, an intraventricular method of measuring and pumping out the cerebrospinal fluid is used. If the pathway of the circulation pathways is maintained. For stabilization, a spinal puncture is performed, then one end is inserted into the shunt, which is immersed in the spinal canal, and the other is immersed in the ventricle of the brain. The rate of removal of fluid outward is regulated by the valve. If a shunt can not be established, a ventricular puncture is performed.
  • In case of visual impairment due to increased intracranial pressure and edema of the optic nerve disk, fenestration of the envelope that envelops this nerve is carried out. When pumping excess fluid, ICP is reduced.
  • With hydrocephalus, medication does not give results, surgical intervention is necessary.


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5 Treatment measures

For the treatment of intracranial pressure in adults, you can use exercise "bow".

For this, in the morning, before climbing vertically, you need to sit down on the floor. Sit on the heels, hands on your knees and breathe intensively for one minute. Then you need to inhale and lean forward, head tilted to the floor to exhale the air and froze in this position for a few seconds. At exhalation, the influx of blood raises blood pressure. Again, inhale, get up and breathe and repeat the exercise two more times. During the ascent, the maximum tide occurs.

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Thus, the cerebrospinal fluid is evacuated and intracranial pressure is normalized. Over time, the number of exercises and their duration should be increased.

How else to help yourself with the seizure? With increased intracranial pressure, you need to take a diuretic. It is also worthwhile to put a compress of camphor alcohol on the neck and collar section. You can also grind the neck with Menovazine.

If the symptoms increase, the headache does not double in the eyes and the heart rate increases, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

6 Methods of traditional medicine

To reduce ICP, you can use not only drugs, but also folk remedies:

Hawthorn tincture. To prepare the product will need fifty grams of hawthorn fruit. If the berries are fresh they need to be crushed with a crush. Put berries in a glass jar and fill with seventy percent medical alcohol. Infuse in a dark place for ten days, and then drain. Take thirty drops three times before meals, for half an hour or an hour.

Melissa infusion. Two tablespoons of lemon balm to pour half a liter of boiling water and insist an hour, then strain. Drink during the day, dividing into four meals.

The Lithuanian can of the fruit of the viburnum, mash with tolstooth, add a half-liter jar of honey and a glass of alcohol. The drug should be infused for a week in a dark place. Take a spoonful before meals, three times a day. This will help not only normalize ICP, but also improve metabolism. Means to use for a month.

Broth of dogrose. Half a glass of rose hips fill half a liter of water and put on a slow fire. Boil five minutes after boiling, let it brew for two hours, drain and drink within a day.

7 How to reduce ICD

In order to reduce intracranial pressure in adults, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the reason that ICP is increased. When neuroinfections prescribe antibacterial drugs or hormone drug Dexamethasone.

During rest or night sleep it is necessary to sleep on a high pillow, or the head of the bed should be raised.

In order for the liquid not to stay in the body, it is necessary to adhere to the salt-free diet, and introduce in the diet vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities.

8 Alternative Therapy

As an alternative therapy, acupuncture is used. If cerebral circulation is disturbed due to osteochondrosis, you should regularly perform neck and neck massage sessions. This massage should be conducted in courses. To some people, in order to relieve the neck muscles, it is necessary to wear the collar of Shantz. People who are overweight should lose weight to reduce ICP.

In order for intracranial pressure to return to normal, regular physical activity is required. Gymnastics should be quite active. One of the most effective methods is running. If you do not forget about the morning jogging for six months, the pressure will come back to normal. Also worth yoga, with a good coach. Within a few months after the start of the exercise, ICP is normalized.

Increased intracranial pressure is a serious enough pathology, and only a doctor can make this diagnosis on the basis of a special examination. Independently to treat the disease is not recommended, before starting taking medications you need to seek advice from a specialist.

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