Causes and treatment procedures for headache and nasal congestion

1 The main causes of

A common cause of such unpleasant symptoms is a disease called sinusitis. As a rule, it is preceded by influenza, acute respiratory disease or common cold. They cause edema of the nasal septum, and the amount of sputum on the nasal mucosa grows. As a consequence, there is a blockage of the passages in the paranasal sinuses and there is excessive pressure. Of course, it should be added that headaches can be caused by a normal migraine, but they tend to go through the day. With sinusitis, the head hurts for a long time, sometimes up to several weeks. The eyes are watery because the nasal canal is closed and there is no other way for the fluid, except through the tear duct.

Often people ignore a cold, carry it on their feet, and even generally believe that this "mild" disease will pass by itself. Such behavior can often provoke the onset of another unpleasant disease called the frontitis. Sometimes it grows into a chronic form, which from time to time turns into a sharp one. Its chronic course can provoke inflammation of other paranasal sinuses. When the chronic form of the frontitis is not always a headache, such pains begin to bother the person with exacerbation of the disease. However, many patients complain of feelings of raspiraniya in the region of the frontal part of the head. They can disappear if a person lies down. The main sign of the chronic course of the frontitis is an unremitting rhinitis( rhinitis), which can not be cured by traditional methods. Often there are other signs:

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  • the patient's sense of smell is reduced( in some cases, his complete loss);
  • anemia, weakness, in which even everyday things are given to a person with great difficulty;
  • a persistent cough that does not pass even after taking expectorants;
  • conjunctivitis.

With chronic frontitis, polyps and other neoplasms often develop in the nose, which create additional difficulties in breathing.

Often stuffy nose and allergic rhinitis. Doctors are sounding the alarm, because the number of allergy sufferers around the world is steadily increasing year by year. Mortification, pain in the nose may be accompanied by constant tearing and sharp, sometimes very severe headaches. To determine what a person is allergic to is not so simple, in some cases you need to go through a whole complex of various analyzes.

Often, people suffering from allergic rhinitis, feel his arrival in the spring. And this is not surprising, because the time of flowering of plants begins. It is the allergy to pollen that becomes the root cause of the fact that the patients feel nasal congestion, pain in the nose bridge, itching, burning. Sometimes such unpleasant symptoms can be accompanied by depressive conditions, insomnia, a constant sense of weakness. Some people suffering from this form of allergy tend to minimize their contact with the external worlds. It is unlikely that such a path can be called productive. As allergic exacerbations are fraught with serious complications, it is necessary to pay a visit in advance to the allergist doctor and stock up on necessary medications. You need to start the course of treatment before you start to poke your nose and have unpleasant symptoms.

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In some cases, pain in the nose can trigger furunculosis, in which the skin of the outer part of the nose becomes inflamed, this pain also reaches the various parts of the head.

When you try to palpate an inflamed area, the pain sensations only increase, the nasal passage also narrows. Additional symptoms of such damage are redness and tension of tissues, as well as their swelling.

However, the greatest problems a person can bring sinusitis. With such a disease, the maxillary sinuses become inflamed. In any of them, an infection can develop. Sinusitis in its acute phase often develops after infectious diseases, such as influenza, measles, scarlet fever, and dental diseases. Even poorly treated ordinary rhinitis can also provoke the development of sinusitis. The course of this disease is very difficult for a person to tolerate. The pain is constant and intense, it increases with the tilt of the head, during coughing or sneezing. There are chills, general poor health, photophobia, anemia, decreased sense of smell. Discharge from the nose are mucopurulent.


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Genyantritis is also dangerous for its many complications, among which you can call meningitis, i.e. Inflammation of the meninges. Due to the fact that in the genyantritis the eyes are constantly watery and swollen, cases of phlegmon of the orbit are not uncommon. Purulent processes can also cause the destruction of the wall of the maxillary sinus. As a result, negative processes begin to affect bone tissue, which can lead to osteomyelitis, i.e.inflammation of the upper jaw bone.

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In addition to the symptoms of pain in the head and nose, nosebleeds can also be observed. They arise for various reasons and can be associated with various disabilities in the work of the brain. If a person suffers from hypertension, the pressure on the vessels increases, the weakest of them simply burst. Such processes can be provoked by chronic craniocerebral traumas, the symptoms of which appear after years. In these cases, the diagnosis can be difficult, since headaches can be given to the nose or vice versa. In addition, a person may incidentally suffer other diseases that provoke such symptoms.

2 Treatment of the

problem Do not expect that such symptoms will disappear by themselves. Some of them may temporarily retreat, but this does not mean that the illness has passed. Methods of modern diagnostics include X-ray, computer and magnetic resonance imaging. The intraocular pressure is also measured. In some cases, blood and urine tests are prescribed. During the examination, a specialist( usually an otolaryngologist or neurologist) pays attention to such factors:

  • is the place of pain;
  • character of pain;
  • its intensity and duration;
  • Concomitant symptoms.

If the disease is not very neglected, then conservative medication is prescribed to treat the underlying cause of the disease. Therapy of infectious diseases is performed with the help of antibiotics. However, it should be remembered that these are potent drugs, the use of which can harm other internal organs, therefore only an experienced specialist prescribes their quantity, dosage and time of administration.

If genyantritis is diagnosed, then microwave therapy, electrophoresis, medical inhalations and paraffin applications are prescribed. For general improvement of the patient's condition, antipyretic drugs, antimicrobials and vitamins courses are shown. Such treatment is best done on an outpatient basis.

Quite active for the treatment of sinusitis is used an alternative medicine Sinuforte based on cyclamen extract. The drug helps purify the maxillary sinuses from pus and mucus. It is also good that it does not become addictive.

As an additional tool often used aromatherapy, which can be performed at home. It is good to use eucalyptus or pine oil for its carrying out.

If conservative medical treatment does not bring tangible results, then an operation is prescribed. The doctor decides what it should be and what the anesthesia will be.

Prevention of diseases of the nasal cavity should be aimed at the overall strengthening of the body's resistance to infectious diseases. In the diet should be a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, bad habits( in particular smoking) are excluded. It is good to have an air humidifier at home, it helps to remove phlegm from the nasal sinuses, alleviating the symptoms of the disease.

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