What should I do if I have an allergy to alcohol?

The term "allergy" means an increased sensitivity of the body to all kinds of substances( allergens), which begins to develop with their repeated exposure to the human body.

Allergy today is a very common disease, but few of us know that some people suffer from allergies to alcohol. After taking alcoholic drinks, some people develop skin rashes and other typical allergy symptoms( see photo).

It should be noted that few of these "lucky" people turn to the doctor, as there is an opinion that such a reaction of the body to hot drinks is the norm.

Causes of alcohol allergy

The main allergen in this disease is ethyl alcohol, present in many hot drinks. However, it is a mistake to believe that all other alcoholic drinks in this case are completely safe.

Allergies to alcohol can also be caused by substances such as:

  • hops or yeast;
  • preservatives;
  • fragrances and dyes;
  • polyphenolic compounds.

Allergy to alcohol is not only from the above substances. A negative reaction can also be caused by the presence of pesticides, which were used in the cultivation of grapes, from which wine was subsequently produced.

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Some nuts, such as almonds, are used to make some alcoholic beverages, such as liquors, mulled wine or cognac. Such products often cause a strong reaction.

What is the most dangerous alcohol for allergy sufferers?

The strongest allergens are substances, belonging to moonshine, tequila, whiskey and other similar multi-component drinks , while vodka is recognized as the safest.

Nevertheless, any low-quality product of a distillery, especially an underground industry, can cause the strongest allergic reactions.

Symptoms of alcohol allergy

There are different signs of an allergic reaction, which depend on the specific allergen. However, the most striking symptoms of alcohol allergy are:

  • immediately after its use, a person's face and hands turn red;
  • sensation of head compression and sharp pain in the head;
  • pressure jumps along with body temperature increase;
  • marked exacerbation of gastritis( nausea, stomach disorder, vomiting reflex);
  • swelling of the face, legs, hands, strong cold;
  • extremely accelerated intoxication;
  • violation of a stable heart rate( this may be a manifestation of tachycardia or bradycardia);
  • exacerbation of asthma and even attacks of suffocation.

The essence of the development of an allergy to a particular product is that it usually takes a long time to occur. A person who consumes alcohol from time to time may not even guess that the constantly emerging slight weakness is the symptoms of alcohol allergy, which is progressing.

Drinking on birthdays or corporate days, the patient often notices irritation on the skin or drowsiness, however, as already mentioned above, it is written off for food eaten or general overwork. Thus, the allergy slowly develops in the human body, causing it harm after every glass drunk.


As you have already understood, all the above symptoms of an allergy are serious enough. Therefore, if you do not take the necessary measures in time, the allergy can cause such dangerous consequences as spasm of the bronchi, Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. It should be noted that more than 30 minutes of this condition can lead to death. Therefore, if you see that a person is ill - always call an ambulance.

With regard to drug treatment, the first thing, if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction to alcohol, you need to give the person first aid. For mild manifestations, it is sufficient to give a sorbent. It can be activated or white coal, you can drink Smectou. If the symptoms are serious enough, accompanied by facial swelling, choking, falling blood pressure, you need to immediately call an ambulance, which knows what to do, can take emergency measures, introducing adrenaline, glucocorticoids, bronchodilators to the patient, depending on the type of complications.

Allergy to alcohol: photo

How red spots look when you are allergic to alcohol, we offer to view specific photos.

In detecting such symptoms of this ailment, first of all, you should stop using any alcoholic beverages, especially those that you doubt. Well and further, it is necessary to address to the doctor and to check up kidneys, a liver, etc.

How to treat an allergy to alcohol

Unfortunately, treatment with folk remedies will not bring any benefit. First of all, it is important to give up any low-quality alcohol. It is necessary to determine exactly what drink is allergic to. In general, treatment of alcohol allergy can only be handled by a specialist, in order to avoid negative consequences for your health.

In the rest, try to follow certain rules:

  1. Buy only quality alcohol and do not mix drinks. It is best to completely eliminate the use of strong alcohol or cocktails.
  2. If the allergic reaction to alcohol is irregular, pay attention to foods that serve as snacks. Perhaps, allergic manifestations arise precisely on them.
  3. If you have an allergy after alcohol, you need to determine the type of drink that causes a dysfunctional reaction and permanently refuse to use it.
  4. If you have trouble breathing( shortness of breath, choking), use an anti-asthmatic inhaler.

If the allergic reaction is irregular and there is no connection with the reception of a particular beverage, it can be assumed that the problem lies in the incorrect functioning of the digestive system. In this case, for the preventive purpose, it is recommended to take digestive enzymes, sorbents. From the diet it is better to exclude foods that can provoke or intensify an allergic reaction.

Medical treatment

The standard treatment of a reaction to alcohol does not differ from the treatment of its other types. The main complex is antihistamines. They eliminate the symptoms of the disease and allow further analysis and examination.

The most frequently prescribed antihistamines are the latest generation:

  • cytirizine;
  • loratadine;
  • ebastin;
  • bamipin or fensperide.

Today they are considered the most effective and safe. However, it is worth noting that with the joint intake of alcohol and tablets, the latter will not act in full force, or even worse - will cause additional side reactions.

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