Function of the pancreas in the human endocrine system

The pancreas is a person's internal organ, which has many different functions. As a rule, two main ones are distinguished, such as: exocrine and endocrine. What are the main features of the latter, and what is its importance for the body?

Endocrine function of the pancreas is due to cells of a certain type. They are called Langerhans islets, and, although they are minimal in size and do not constitute even the 10th part of the entire pancreas volume, the functions that are realized with their help play an important role not only for the digestive process, but alsofor the whole organism.

It should be noted that cells located in the form of islets are divided into several different species. They differ depending on what hormone is produced with their help. In the largest number are cells that secrete the hormone insulin, because they realize the main part of the endocrine function of the pancreas. A deficiency or excess of insulin can lead to the development of many serious ailments, in particular, diabetes mellitus.

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Endocrine dysfunction of the pancreas

What is important, this function is responsible for metabolic processes throughout the body. So, the lack of at least one of these hormones can lead to an excessive increase in the amount of glucose in the body, a general deterioration in the state, and also negatively affects the work of many other organs.

Often with age, there is endocrine pancreatic insufficiency, which manifests itself in a decrease in insulin production. And in this case it is very important to notice the appearance of primary symptoms in a timely manner, namely: frequent urination, constant thirst, weakness. Therefore, it is so important to diagnose the onset of a possible disease in a timely manner, doing everything possible to establish the work of the body.

Thus, the endocrine function of the pancreas plays an important role for the whole organism, affecting the metabolism, as well as the production of the basic hormones necessary to regulate the level of sugar in the body. In order for the process to pass without any failures or difficulties, it is necessary to take care of the condition of this organ without overloading it with improper nutrition. In the case of any changes, it is worthwhile, without losing time, to consult a specialist, for the purpose of timely treatment.

Pancreas in the endocrine system

The concept of the endocrine system of the body involves a set of endocrine glands producing certain substances called hormones. It is the endocrine system of the pancreas that can provide humoral regulation in the body. If we talk about her work in general, I want to note that it performs the same functions as the nervous, as well as the immune system. All of them are closely interrelated, since all the processes in the human body are under their control. The endocrine system is formed by endocrine glands. These include the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland, the placenta, the ovaries, and the thyroid gland. The part of the pancreas is also referred to the organs of internal secretion.

Endocrine dysfunction of the pancreas can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus. Everyone knows how much the disease is popular and common in the world. Every year the number of cases is growing. Basically, such a disease affects children under the age of 16 years. To prevent diabetes is not your diagnosis, it is necessary to follow the blood sugar level. That is why it's important to visit a doctor, as well as take all the necessary tests.

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