Muddy urine: causes in men and women

In a healthy man or woman, the color of urine can vary from that of straw to rich yellow. The intensity of the color depends on the concentration of pigments: urochrome, uroeretrin, urobilin, hematoporphyrin and urozoin.

White turbid urine with flakes, or too dark is a signal of possible problems in the body.

Also urine can stain some products, medicines or the effects of diseases of internal organs. In a healthy transparent urine, various impurities( flakes, mucus, pus, salt, sediment) should be absent.

Causes of turbid urine in women and men

Turbid urine may occur for various reasons. In women and men, they can be different, or common. Often clouded urine is observed in hot weather, as well as after heavy physical labor or visiting the sauna. In such cases, dehydration of the body occurs, to eliminate which it is recommended to drink more liquid.

Urine clouding can also lead to excessive intake of protein, which is found in meat products. If the cloudy urine has a pronounced salt precipitate, it can cause the development of kidney stones.

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We identify the main causes in men and women, due to which the urine becomes turbid:

  1. Turbid urine with flakes, an admixture of mucus, pus( leukocytes) and bacteria with a sharp smell of unchanged color is a sign of an inflammatory disease of the kidneys or urinary tract. It can be cystitis( inflammation of the bladder), pyelonephritis( purulent kidney disease), urethritis( inflammation of the urinary tract).
  2. If a man has cloudy urine, then there may be some disease of the genitourinary system, maybe prostatitis, adenoma or venereal disease.
  3. If the urine is red, then we can talk about the presence of stones in the urinary tract and kidneys, which damage the integrity of the mucous membrane, and the blood enters the urine. With a reddish brown color of urine, it is possible to damage the kidneys themselves.
  4. In women, the turbidity of urine suggests that they are too active in sexual life. Here, first of all, the rules of intimate hygiene are required, so that later there is no cystitis.
  5. Dark, "beer" shade, greenish and brown color may indicate a variety of liver diseases.
  6. Muddy urine in a child is in the morning after sleep, the reason for this is the change in the water diet. Nothing special in this situation, parents should not do, however, if such a phenomenon does not occur periodically, but daily, then you should consult a doctor for examination.

These are the main reasons why urine is cloudy with or without precipitation. Urine turbidity does not necessarily indicate any disease. But, if it repeats regularly, then you need to undergo a checkup and see a doctor.

Turbid urine in pregnancy: causes of

Turbid urine during pregnancy, against the background of control of the quantitative content of the component composition, indicates a pathological deviation from the norm of the following elements:

  • protein structure;
  • complex carbohydrates;
  • of leukocytes;
  • of erythrocytes;
  • of salt residues;
  • bacteria, etc.

The change in the external structure leading to the appearance of turbid urine with flakes during pregnancy occurs against the background of the onset of the inflammatory process under the influence of factors of a different nature or a change in the functional state of the kidneys with an increased burden on them associated with pregnancy.

What tests do I need to take for a cloudy urine?

First of all, do not let things slide. Timely diagnosis, and, as a consequence, treatment sometimes plays a huge role.

The first thing to do in this case is to contact the district clinic and take the urine test. This will help to find out what caused the change in the transparency of urine - salt, bacteria, mucus, white blood cells or red blood cells. Treatment is appointed depending on the revealed pathology.

So, what tests can the patient send to the doctor in case there is such a sign as cloudy urine?

  1. General analysis of urine. It is this study that is usually done on all medical examinations, upon arrival at the hospital, etc. It is not surprising, because it is quite universal, and therefore can identify a variety of problems with the body.
  2. Analysis of Nechiporenko .This urine test is somewhat more accurate than the general one, because it is usually prescribed if any indicators in the general clinical analysis have exceeded the norm.
  3. Kakowski Test - Addis .Unlike previous studies, collection of urine in this case should be collected not once, but within 12-14 hours( that is all day).This method is often used to detect glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

Color change and the disappearance of urine transparency may be a result of serious diseases from the genitourinary system, as well as liver, blood and other organs pathology, therefore requires careful diagnosis and timely treatment.

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