What is Acetone in the urine of a child - the causes and treatment

The children's organism is constantly improving and developing, therefore at the initial stage of life the organs can not function fully.

This often leads to the problem of fat metabolism disorders, which is why the accumulation of acetone in the child is manifested. Such a disease causes unpleasant symptoms - nausea and vomiting, besides leads to a decrease in the vital activity of the baby.

Of course, the first thing that many parents do in this situation is to call a doctor. And right! After the smell of acetone from the mouth, as well as the specific smell of urine, sudden vomiting may indicate that the blood of the child has increased the level of acetone, because of this, it is excreted in the urine and has a toxic effect on the body. This condition is quite dangerous for the child, it certainly requires special treatment.

Reasons for the appearance of acetone in the urine of a child

In order to begin treatment of increased acetone in children, it is first necessary to identify the cause of its appearance in the body.

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So-called ketone bodies appear in the body due to improper metabolism, that is, the breakdown of proteins and fats. After that, these substances pass into the oxidation process, and then start to exit through the urine and exhaled air.

Let's see why the child has elevated acetone in the urine, and what factors contribute to this.

  1. Power imbalance .In the child's food, fats and proteins predominate, which are difficult to process into glucose, resulting in the deposition of nutrients "in reserve."And, if necessary, the mechanism of neoglucogenesis immediately turns on.
  2. Enzymatic deficiency of , in which carbohydrates are poorly digested.
  3. Lack of glucose in food - babies remain without carbohydrates.
  4. Increased consumption of glucose .It is provoked by stressful conditions, increased physical and mental load. Also, the rapid combustion of carbohydrates is facilitated by diseases, injuries, and surgery.

In addition, the odor of acetone in the urine can be a signal of insulin deficiency. At the same time urgent consultation of the endocrinologist is necessary, since there is a risk of occurrence of diabetes mellitus of the first or second type.

Whatever the reasons for this condition, parents need to identify them in time and try to take the necessary actions to help the child.

How to determine the presence of acetone?

To do this, buy in the pharmacy special test strips. Lower the strip for a few seconds into the baby's urine and after a few minutes get the result. Compare the color of the strip with the color scale on the dough pack. If the test showed the presence of acetone +/-( 0.5 mmol / L) or +( 1.5 mmol / L), then the condition of the child is characterized as light.

If the test result is ++( 4 mmol / l) - this indicates that the child is of medium severity. At a rate +++( 10 mmol / l) it is a question of a serious condition. In this case, the child needs urgent hospitalization.

Symptoms of

The increased acetone in children has the following symptoms:

  1. The child has completely lost his appetite, he is sluggish and weak, he sleeps a lot, but this dream is like forgetting at a very high level of acetone in the blood of a child.
  2. The child complains of acute pain in the navel area, he has an uncontrollable vomiting, which is aggravated by attempts to give him water or feed him.
  3. Nausea and vomiting are accompanied by a disorder of the stool, an increase in body temperature to 38-38.5 degrees. Often a chair with a characteristic smell of acetone, there is a smell of acetone from the mouth.
  4. The child's cheeks are very red, crimson, dehydration and all signs of intoxication are observed.

Getting into the blood ketone body, quickly spread by the body, poisoning it, so acetone in children irritates the vomiting center, which leads to constant vomiting without any signs of poisoning. The nervous system, the digestive system suffers, cardiovascular insufficiency can develop.

Treatment for the detection of acetone in urine.

. If your baby has symptoms of acetone crises for the first time, you need to call a doctor. The disease is insidious because it is very difficult to predict its development and the reaction of the baby to increasing the level of acetone.

If the child already had an acetonemic syndrome, then the parents have already acquired the necessary experience and can independently cope with acetone and stabilize the condition.

Treatment is carried out according to in two main directions of :

  • acceleration of ketone excretion;
  • providing the body with the necessary amount of glucose.

To replenish the scarce glucose reserve that a child has lost, you need to give him sweet tea, preferably with honey, regidron, compotes, glucose solution. To avoid repeated vomiting, it is necessary to give a child a drink every 5 minutes, giving a teaspoonful of liquid, it is especially important to give a baby at night.

A very good recipe for eliminating acetone is a decoction of raisins. One hundred grams of raisins per liter of water.

To remove ketones, a cleansing enema is performed for the child, enterosorbents are prescribed( Smecta, Polysorb, Polyphepan, Filtrum, Enterosgel).Soldering and increasing the amount of excreted urine will also promote the elimination of ketones, so the sweet drink alternates with alkaline mineral water, ordinary boiled water, rice decoction.

Remember that you can not force a child to eat. If he wants to eat, you can offer him puree with potatoes or carrots, soup with vegetables, apple baked and dry biscuits.

In this case, you need to constantly monitor the level of acetone in the urine. If the child's condition does not improve, then most likely the doctor will prescribe intravenous fluids that fight with dehydration and ketone bodies. Such treatment, most likely, will take place in a stationary setting. With properly prescribed treatment, all symptoms will disappear in a week.

If the acetone crisis returns constantly, it is necessary to change the lifestyle of the baby and prescribe a special diet.


To prevent the re-development of acetonemic crisis, it is important to adhere to certain rules in nutrition. From the ration of the child, products that can raise the level of blood ketones are removed:

  • fatty meat and fish varieties,
  • fructose broths,
  • mushrooms,
  • marinades,
  • sour cream,
  • cream,
  • byproducts,
  • smoked products,
  • sorrel,
  • tomatoes,
  • oranges,
  • coffee and cocoa products.

It is forbidden to give a child fast food, carbonated drinks, chips, crackers and other products saturated with preservatives and dyes. Daily digestible carbohydrates( fruits, cookies, honey, sugar, jam) should be present in the menu in reasonable quantities.

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