Diagnosis of cancer and pancreatic tumors of her head, differential diagnosis, how to identify, diagnose, recognize, identify?

Standard methods for diagnosing a pancreatic tumor should be considered ultrasound( ultrasound) and computed tomography with bolus contrast enhancement.

These methods make it possible to visually determine not just how widespread the primary tumor mass is, but also whether there are metastases that accompany pathology. With the help of CT, it is possible to obtain pancreas images of a high degree of accuracy. It is based on the results of tomography, the question of whether operable or not is education.

Diagnosis for symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer require diagnostic methods such as ultrasound, blood tests and HCC.Ultrasound will make it possible to determine the presence of any formations or anomalies in the gland.

A blood test is also a "signaling device" for the presence of a tumor. So, if we analyze the content of CA19-9 in the blood and its content is high, then we can safely talk about the presence of pancreatic cancer.

However, one more additional way, which will make it possible to make sure of the result, will be CHCGG.This procedure makes it possible to examine the bile ducts using X-rays. A thin needle with contrast substance is introduced into the body through the liver, which, after reaching the bile ducts, gives their image. It is on this basis that it is possible to assert with 100% certainty about the presence of an oncological disease.

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Differential diagnosis and diagnosis of pancreatic cancer

Differential diagnosis should be considered precisely the method that enables you to choose the right one from a large number of diagnoses. This is necessary because the presence of tumors in the pancreas can be evidence not only of cancer of this gland, but, say, cancer of the liver or other closely located organs.

In order to diagnose a pancreatic tumor, first of all, methods such as:

  • sonography;
  • angiography;
  • computed tomography;
  • retrograde pancreotocholangiography.

With their help it is possible to put the only true diagnosis, which is approved on the basis of all the symptoms and the general picture of the disease.

How to identify, recognize, identify pancreatic cancer?

In order to determine pancreatic cancer, it is necessary to conduct a full-scale complex of examinations, which begins with a complete blood test and ends with CT.Among these methods there is, so-called, the symptom of Courvosier. It is always positive in pancreatic cancer and negative in the case when there was only a blockage of the entire bile duct by the stone.

Another method that will help 100% determine the diagnosis is a biopsy. With the presented method of examination, a small fragment of tissue is removed for further study using a microscope. Exclusively biopsy makes it possible to confirm or deny the presence of cancer. The biopsy piece of tissue is given to a histologist who determines the diagnosis.

Fine needle aspiration biopsy, known as TAB, is rightly recognized as one of the best methods that serve to produce a piece of pancreatic tissue. The object for analysis is obtained simply: a certain amount of tissue is absorbed by means of a syringe with a thinnest needle that is inserted into the gland.

Diagnosis of pancreatic head cancer

A common case of pancreatic cancer is head cancer. Recognize his presence is possible by symptoms. However, this diagnosis can be differentiated only with the help of such methods of differential diagnosis as:

  • biopsy;
  • MRI;
  • PET-CT( Positron Emission Tomography);
  • radiograph.

First and foremost, it will be necessary to have an X-ray, which will reveal tumors in the region of the gland's head. However, their character will still be unknown, because it can be metastases, and not directly cancer. In this case, biopsy, MRI or PET-CT comes to the rescue.

The last two methods of diagnosis are used last, after the roentgenogram, a biopsy is performed. If, with its help, it was not possible to determine whether the formation of pancreatic head cancer is a cancer, depending on the patient's condition, age and other individual characteristics of the body, either MRI or PET-CT is prescribed.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, there is a need for an early procedure for gastro-pancreatoduodenal resection. All other methods of combating this kind of oncology turn out to be ineffective in practice.

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