Nausea and vomiting in cardiovascular diseases: heart attack, heart failure, arrhythmia

Nausea and vomiting are extremely negative manifestations due to specific abnormal conditions or pathologies of the body. And today we will talk about how nausea and vomiting manifest in heart diseases: heart attack, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, heart failure and others.

What is nausea and vomiting

Nausea is manifested by an unpleasant sensation of emptiness in the stomach and the approach to the mouth of a wave of faintness, and often there is a pressing pain in the head. Unpleasant sensations develop and grow in the stomach, esophagus. Nausea is often accompanied by vomiting-a sudden painful and often repeated stomach spasm and ejection of food masses treated with hydrochloric acid, through the mouth.

Nausea and vomiting are so clearly pronounced and deliver so much discomfort and unpleasant sensations that it is not difficult to detect them. These are obvious symptoms. Also, sometimes there may be symptoms of nausea and vomiting of dizziness, headache or pain in the heart area with temperature - it all depends on the specific case.

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About what such nausea and vomiting are, experts in the video below will tell you:

Types of symptoms of

Often, nausea and vomiting are symptoms of internal illnesses that are not detected or treated at the time, or acute conditions in which immediate medical attention is urgently neededhelp. As a rule, vomit are semi-digested products, the mucous contents of the stomach. Vomiting of bitter bile is usually a sign of exacerbation of cholecystitis, pancreatitis. The so-called "vomiting of the vomit" accompanies the intestinal obstruction.

Usually, nausea and vomiting do not appear separately, but in combination with other unhealthy manifestations:

  • pain or cramps in the stomach and / or intestines;
  • darkening in eyes;
  • strong weakness;
  • increased heartbeat, sweating, intense sweating;
  • abundant saliva with sour or bitter taste in the mouth;
  • belching, diarrhea, increased gas formation;
  • muscle pain, tenderness of the skin( with severe intoxication);
  • dizziness, fever and chills;
  • pain in the nape, compressing pain in the head;Icterus of the skin, sclera.

About the reasons for nausea and vomiting in an adult and a child with heart disease, we'll talk about it below.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

What diseases can the

sign indicate? Cardiogenic diseases

Heart pathologies, other than chest pain, often accompany nausea and even paroxysmal vomiting. This is an alarming symptom of life-threatening abnormalities in the work or structure of the heart. These include the following:

Pumping heart failure

Very often accompanied by nausea, flatulence, constipation, paroxysmal vomiting and other symptoms of dyspepsia. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. Dysfunction of the digestive organs of varying degrees due to hypoxia( oxygen deficiency in tissues) and reflex effects.
  2. An abnormal change in the structure of myocardial muscle tissue, a decrease in heart function, which leads to an increase in intracardiac pressure, edema of the tissues in the chest and peritoneum, and the development of nausea.
  3. Often, nausea with vomiting with weak heart activity is manifested as a side effect of the drugs used in therapy( aspirin, cardiac glycosides).

Myocardial infarction

In addition to the regular appearance of burning and severe pain in the heart, sometimes even 3 - 5 days before the heart attack develops a painful sensation of nausea. The symptom is quite typical for the acute development of such a disorder in the work of the myocardium. Increased pressure, tachycardia is replaced by a sharp drop in pressure, increased shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, along with a sense of incomprehensible fear and "dagger" pain in the chest.

Abdominal( gastric) infarction is characterized by spasmodic or cutting pain in the epigastric zone with nausea and vomiting. He absolutely disguises the true cause of pain in the heart, "mimicking" the problems of digestion. Soreness occurs only in the stomach area together with faintness, creating the false impression that these signs of poisoning are spoiled by products or a common attack of gastritis.

Specificity of pain and nausea in this form of a heart attack:

  1. Pain appears suddenly, which is typical of gastritis, digestive tract ulcers, food poisoning, develops rapidly, increasing to extremely pronounced sensations.
  2. Pain begins without a connection with the use of food, and a fit of vomiting does not give the patient relief.
  3. As a rule, people with a similar seizure have repeatedly had angina attacks.

More often the "gastric infarction" affects women( not always, and this must be taken into account by men).The diaphragm in the female body is located slightly higher than that of men. The lower segment of the heart, in contact with the diaphragm and is closer to the stomach, causing a feeling of pressure, pain and nausea in this zone. Often, these feelings are accompanied by panic, fear, but the real state of affairs and confirmation of the diagnosis of a heart attack is determined only by electrocardiography.

With a typical fading heart attack, the patient feels burning pain in the heart, numbness of the hand, irradiating pain in the jaw, shoulder, shoulder blade, but these are standard symptoms. Often, it is the nausea is the only sign in the painless course of the pathology, which manifests itself in a number of atypical signs. Most often this applies to women who have a heart attack sometimes almost asymptomatic.

The following video tells us about which diseases are most often accompanied by vomiting and nausea:

Digestive organs

General information

Nausea, vomiting often reflects the external manifestation of the following conditions of the digestive tract:

  • acute forms of diseases requiring immediate hospitalization and surgical treatment: appendicitis, pancreatitis, clogging of the ducts that lead bile;
  • peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, bleeding during perforation of ulceration of the intestine and stomach, cholecystitis.

In these acute conditions, not only nausea with vomiting develops, but a whole complex of symptoms, where the main is pain.

  • chronic pathologies: gastritis, gastroesophagitis with periodic heartburn, gallstones, hernia of the diaphragm in the esophagus, enterocolitis, ulcer of the stomach and intestines, duodenitis;
  • hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • Immunity of certain products( allergy);
  • gastroparesis( dysfunction of muscle contractions);
  • dyskinesia of the bile ducts( especially often in the childhood and adolescence, when there is a large amount of fat in the diet);
  • inflammatory processes in the intestine, including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, irritated bowel;
  • diverticulum in the esophagus, intestine;
  • tumors of different origin;
  • defects of the digestive system: stenosis( narrowing) of the lumen of the esophagus or gastric pyloric, atresia of the digestive tract( fusion channels);
  • food poisoning, helminthiases, viral gastroenteritis;
  • foreign objects that enter the digestive organs of the
  • diverticulum or neoplasms of the esophagus, stomach, intestines.

Individual states of

For individual disease states, the nausea and vomiting characteristics are not the same and vary in intensity, frequency of emetic attacks, duration, specificity of vomit.

  • Gastritis with low acidity often accompanies an unpleasant, not depending on the type of food, nausea, but not vomiting. Feature - strengthening after eating( but not always).More often the symptom worries patients suffering from a complex of diseases, for example, gastritis and cholecystitis or pancreatitis.
  • The combination of nausea with vomiting is more common in patients with abnormally active secretion of gastric juice or suffering from "ulcer".High concentration of hydrochloric acid corrodes mucous, and vomiting is the only way that helps to remove contents from the stomach and bring relief. With peptic ulcer, the food has a sour smell.
  • With , intestinal inflammation of , vomiting occurs, usually with an exacerbation, signaling the progression of the disease.
  • With gallbladder pathologies , liver attacks of nausea, vomiting almost always occur in combination with other symptoms associated with these diseases: bitter taste in the mouth, urine-like urine, clarified feces, itchy skin caused by activity of liver enzymes, yellow skin tintand the sclera of the eyes.

Other pathologies

In addition to heart and digestive disorders, the symptoms of nausea and vomiting are very often present in severe pathological conditions of the nervous system and are observed in such diseases:

  • intracranial neoplasm;
  • Brain trauma, including swelling, bruising, concussion and compression;
  • Brain infections - encephalitis, meningitis;
  • neurosyphilis and HIV;
  • borreliosis;
  • poisons secreted by staphylococci, enteroviruses, streptococci, salmonella, E. coli, cholera vibrio, clostridia;
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • high intracranial and blood pressure;
  • weak kidney function, kidney stones;
  • pathology of the inner ear - Ménière's disease or labyrinthitis;
  • diseases associated with the endocrine system: hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria and ketoacidosis( with a high risk of coma), thyrotoxicosis, adrenal dysfunction;
  • acute poisoning, cerebral hemorrhage, sepsis;
  • nausea is a constant "companion" of patients who suffer radiation and chemotherapy in cancers.

About what nausea and vomiting treatment suggests, read below.

If problems are not identified

Nausea and vomiting can be a non-dangerous functional condition, that is, it is a response of the body to a stressful situation, an extremely unpleasant sharp smell, a prolonged nervous tension. This serious disease, which can provoke nausea or vomiting, is not detected.

Possible causative factors that do not depend on any pathology:

  • motion sickness in motor vehicles or on water( kinetosis);
  • overeating, nutrition with high intake of fats;
  • negative side effect of drugs;
  • penetration into the body of toxins from spoiled products, fumes, chemicals;
  • psychogenic nausea in fright, nervousness, strong psychoemotional stress;
  • the period of bearing of the child( nausea, as a rule, disappears to the beginning of the second trimester);
  • overheating( hyperthermia), sunstroke;
  • severe migraine.

How to deal with them

General rules

Symptoms of nausea and vomiting are often indicative of small or extremely dangerous disorders in the body. Therefore, before dealing with the elimination of the symptom, it is worth analyzing the patient's condition and all other abnormal manifestations.

Particular attention should be given to nausea, which is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • chest pain, cough( possible heart attack, thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery);
  • feces of black color, blood in feces and vomit( internal bleeding, perforation of the ulcer, intestinal perforation);
  • any acute pain in the abdomen( acute inflammation of the peritoneum or digestive organs, abortion);
  • vomiting and nausea in the II - III trimester are often warned about a sharp rise in blood pressure and the possible development of preeclampsia, which threatens the life of the fetus and the mother, whose treatment is performed only in the obstetric hospital;
  • severe or shallow breathing, fainting, frequent pulse( myocardial insufficiency, pulmonary pathology, asthma);
  • impaired consciousness( coma in hypoglycemia and other severe conditions)
  • temperature above 38.5 C( inflammation of various organs, systems, tissues, infection, infection of blood);
  • intense headache, stiffness( stiffness, stiffness) of the occipital muscles;
  • marked pallor, profuse sweat, cold and sticky, fear of death, panic.

The appearance of these signs, together with nausea or vomiting, warns of life-threatening conditions when medical advice is immediately required, and sometimes the resuscitation team calls.

  • In addition, a doctor's consultation is mandatory in case of nausea after head trauma.
  • In case of nausea, combined with chest pain of different strengths and other alarming symptoms, accurate diagnosis is necessary to determine the cause. For example, to relieve nausea in case of cardiac dysfunction and vascular function, medications are required to lower blood pressure, improve heart function, vascular status, and blood properties.
  • Treatment of autonomic vascular disorders usually involves the complex use of sedatives, antidepressants, sometimes tranquilizers, which also relieve the feeling of nausea.
  • With a heart attack, withdrawal of a symptom of nausea or relief of emetic attacks is impossible without active inpatient therapy, which depends on the degree of damage to the heart muscle. Here, the time factor is extremely important - cell repair is possible if the treatment begins as early as possible( the limit is 12 hours from the onset of the attack).

Medicines for nausea in a child are prescribed only by a pediatrician. Following a nausea in the child often begins a fit of vomiting, which threatens dehydration. Therefore, with sudden vomiting( multiple), especially in small children, at elevated temperature, diarrhea, parents should immediately call an ambulance.

  • If a child has an acute intestinal pathology( perforation of the intestine, appendicitis), brain trauma, symptoms of irritation of the meninges or intestinal infection( for babies), urgent hospitalization follows.
  • When vomiting in children, it is necessary to take measures to restore the fluid and minerals that are "gone" with vomit. Use: Regidron, Hydrovit, 5% glucose in a 2 to 1 ratio. For 6 hours, the baby should drink 100 ml of liquid per 1 kg of body weight( or 1 teaspoon of solution every 5 to 10 minutes).Further, the child's separation is continued in the volume of 100 ml per 1 kg of weight in 24 hours.

Medications for nausea and vomiting

Common medications for nausea and vomiting are used for specific diseases or conditions in which they can help.

  • So, the remedy for nausea when carrying a child will not help to eliminate nausea in case of a heart attack, hemorrhage, hypoglycemia, internal bleeding. All medicines have a fairly large number of contraindications, most are forbidden when carrying a baby due to the threat of interruption and the danger to the development of the baby.
  • Very many can not be taken to children, people suffering from glaucoma, high blood pressure and in other cases, which are taken into account in order not to harm. Therefore, any transfer of medications is a general overview.

Overview of drugs that relieve nausea for specific indications:

  • Aeron with motion sickness, Validol, Anestezin.
  • Cerucal( with radiation therapy, other pathologies).
  • Benzodiazepine tranquilizers soften fears, suppress the urge to vomit, eliminate nausea, soothe after operation: Rudotel, Seduxen, Relanium, Diazepam, Prazepam.
  • Pipolphen, Betaver, Betagistin, Betaserk, Vestibo, Vezikal, Deno, Betanorm, Tagista, Vasoserk, Betacentrine, Micrometer, Bonin, Dimenhydrinate will help with labyrinthine disturbances, dizziness, Ménière's disease.
  • Ciel, Dramina, Aviamarin are also used in Meniere's syndrome, seasickness, vestibular disorders.
  • Vertigohel, homeopathic preparation Avia-sea are shown with nausea during motion sickness in any transport.
  • Nitrofurans. When poisoning, drugs of the first choice - drugs that suppress vital activity and bind enteroviruses, bacteria that poison the body - Furazolidone, a cheap and effective drug that helps with vomiting and diarrhea. In addition to it - Enterofuril, Stop-diar, Nifuraksazid.
  • Cerucal( metoclopramide), Riabal, No-Spasm( Bromide Prifinia), Motilium( domperidone), Buscopan are used directly from vomiting in gastric and intestinal disorders.
  • Zofran, Lautran, Tropisetron( Novoban, Tropindol), Domegan, Granisetron( Avomit, Kitril), Ondator, Ondansetron for nausea and vomiting in the treatment of cancer tumors and in the period after using general anesthesia.

During nausea and vomiting during pregnancy:

  • Kokkulin, Splenin, Hofitol;
  • Herbal remedies for calming down with herbaceous motherwort, lemon balm, calendula.

More useful advice on how to cope with nausea and vomiting without a doctor will be given by Elena Malysheva in the video below:

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