Economic and tar soap in the treatment of hemorrhoids

For decades, housewives have been washing things with soap, but they do not even suspect that it can be used to eliminate hemorrhoids. Before proceeding to this, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the healing properties of this product.

Not everyone knows that the household.soap is a natural and environmentally friendly product. It consists of fatty acids and sodium salt. The product contains 72% fat. People who use soap for treating hemorrhoids need not worry about the appearance of an allergy, since it is hypoallergenic.

Unfortunately, modern manufacturers add chemical additives to the soap, which have an adverse effect on humans. It is best to choose a household.soap having a dark shade. It contains only natural substances.

Household soap with hemorrhoids

Dropout of hemorrhoids leads to bleeding, cracks, discomfort and itching.

Infection can enter the patient through damage to the rectal mucosa. People should know that complications with hemorrhoids can be avoided if you use soap. This product has the following actions on the body:

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  • Bactericidal;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Healing.

At the moment, there are several ways to eliminate hemorrhoids with the help of household soap. First of all, the patient should wash them. It is best if the wash is after the act of defecation.

If bleeding occurs, a lather is inserted into the anus. Such a method of exposure, can not only eliminate bleeding, but also eliminate acute pain. But you should remember about caution when carrying out the procedure.

Tar soap from hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids with soap helps the patient to quickly get rid of the problem. Patients most often use suppositories made from it. They can be made by hand. Using a knife, carefully cut a piece in the shape of a candle. To make the candle smooth, you must moisten it with water.

Procedure is best performed before visiting the toilet. Thus, it will be possible not only to relieve the patient's condition, but also to eliminate constipation.

Suppositories can be made according to a different recipe:

  • A tar soap is rubbed on a fine grater;
  • In the resulting mass is added three tablespoons of honey;
  • Components are thoroughly mixed and put on a water bath;
  • When the mass becomes uniform, the container is removed from the fire;
  • After 15-20 minutes from the received weight it is possible to make suppositories.

To treat external hemorrhoids, you can use lotions from tar soap. Infusion for lotions can be done by yourself, for this you will also need boiled water with aloe juice.

Before starting to prepare the mortar, you should grind the soap. You can use a grater for this. In the next step, 2 tbsp. Spoons of chips are poured with 150 milliliters of boiling water. After this, the liquid should be allowed to infuse for 2 hours. At the final stage, the infusion is filtered and 2 tbsp.spoons of aloe juice.

This tool can also be used to eliminate exacerbations of hemorrhoids. Procedures can eliminate the pain that has appeared, as well as eliminate unwanted symptoms.

Patient should seek professional help if the condition worsens. If the doctor does not examine the patient, serious complications can develop, which can only be eliminated by an operative method.

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