Folk remedies for migraines

1 Determining the cause of

To determine what migraine spoils your life, you can observe the following symptoms: first, as a rule, pain occurs in the back of the neck or temples, gradually spreading over most of the head. The reasons for a migraine attack can be very different: the effects of alcohol or caffeinated drinks, allergies, hormonal failure, stressful situation, etc. In addition, the same list may include lack of sleep or, conversely, an excessively long time allocated for sleep, and still a sedentary lifestyle, because insufficient physical exertion can still provoke an attack of this unpleasant disease. However, the symptoms of migraine may be supplemented by a feeling of nausea or a violation of visual functions in the form of distortion of surrounding objects. The first symptoms may appear at the age of 15-25 years in the female part of the population or about 8-10 years in the male.

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2 The main symptoms of

Every third person who is prone to migraine attacks confirms the presence of an "aura" - a painful condition that precedes the main symptoms. It is during this period that there are problems with vision, sensitivity and perception of light decrease. This form of migraine is usually called classical.but the remaining 2/3 of the patients are not exposed to the aura, and in their case the diagnosis is migraine usual.

3 Folk remedies

If, in the case of colds or other acute illnesses, most patients are inclined to resort to medications, then migraine treatment for folk remedies seems to be the most preferable way to solve the problem for most people. If you take into account the people's remedies for migraines, special spreads have received medicinal herbs, which are taken in the form of broths and infusions. However, in order to obtain a more stable effect from the use of this type of treatment, it will take at least six months. One of the most effective means is a clover meadow, or rather an infusion of its flowers. For its preparation, it is enough to pour a spoonful of raw material with a glass of boiling water and, having covered, let it brew for about an hour. As the infusion cools, drain and take half a glass 3 times a day.

In addition to clover, the infusion of oregano can also help. In order to cook it, you need to take three tablespoons of dried herb oregano and pour them with a liter of boiling water. Insist for another hour. And then strain and drink a glass three times a day. In the same list is an infusion of elderberry flowers, which is prepared in the same way as the clover infusion. And take it should be a quarter cup a quarter of an hour before a meal. You can sweeten with honey. The broth of St. John's wort can still cure a headache. To make it, you need one tablespoon of dry herbs to pour a glass of water and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Then let the broth cool down and strain and drink the same way as the infusion of elderberry - while eating three times a day for a quarter of a glass.

Similarly, a decoction of valerian root is prepared - a remedy for migraine. One tablespoon of chopped root on a glass of water and let the product soak for 15 minutes in a water bath. Take it in a strained form on a tablespoon three times a day. Some people are helped as a remedy for migraine by a strong infusion of green tea, freshly squeezed juice of a guelder rose or black currant, and also juice of raw potato tubers. The latter is suggested to use 50 grams per headache.

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In order to get it, you need two teaspoons of herbs to pour a glass of steep boiling water and to insist for 6-7 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and consumed three times a day for two days.


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4 What else can help with migraine?

I must say that not only herbs are a way to defeat a migraine attack. So, using folk remedies for migraines, you can not say about compresses. It is not so important, which you choose - cold or warm. Sometimes in the water for compresses, add mint oil or lemon balm, after which, wetting the tissue in water, squeeze and put on a sick site. It is desirable to relax and not strain the muscles of the face and neck. In some cases, if there is no desire to mess with compresses, it is enough to lubricate the whiskey with peppermint oil. This folk remedy still helps to relax and take away the pain. As a kind of compresses can still act leaves of cabbage, fresh burdock or lilac. A fresh leaf of one of these plants is applied to the diseased area and, according to the patients, within a quarter of an hour, relief comes.

In addition, folk remedies can also provide for the preparation of recipes involving food. One such recipe is to break into a glass a raw chicken egg, stir it well, add hot milk to the same place. Then, again stirring the resulting mixture, it must be drunk. This cocktail will be consumed twice a day: morning and evening. Repeat the treatment for several days in a row. In another, no less common recipe, it is suggested to take 500 g of oranges, 300 g of sugar, 150 g of grated horseradish root and 1 liter of dry red wine. Oranges need to be finely chopped, not cleansing, mixed with the rest of the ingredients and proton this mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes. After that, cool the mixture, strain through a sieve and take 50 g after 2 hours after eating.

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Separately stand baths with a decoction of the root of valerian, prepared according to the recipe given above. To get a better effect, you can use the hand baths or for the feet with the addition of a small amount of mustard powder into the water. If there is no powder, it can be replaced with mustard oil, only beforehand it needs to be mixed in a half liter container with water until an emulsion is obtained. And then pour the emulsion into the bath. For a general bath, the procedure time is not more than ten minutes, and for the foot bath - up to light reddening of the skin. After that, it is necessary to wash off the remains of water and mustard from the skin with the help of running water. This method is based on the effect of mustard on the vessels of the hands and feet, and as a consequence, the situation with the vessels of the brain is alleviated.

In some cases it helps to restore normal blood circulation and relieve spasms of vessels using a contrast shower. However, this should be done with caution to people with weakened immunity and a tendency to hypertension. In addition, you can make a small aromatic pillow under your head, which will help relieve the headache much more quickly during the rest period. So, a small pillowcase made of natural cloth should be filled with a mixture of eucalyptus, laurel, bayroccam and laurel leaves, trying to ensure that each component had the same number of parts. Rest on such pillow promotes the prompt restoration of forces and resources of an organism.

Additional methods of treatment are head massage, directing the movement of the hands from the forehead to the nape, and also inhaling a mixture of ammonia and camphor alcohol. However, similar experiments should be approached with caution, and in the absence of effect or exacerbation of pain immediately stop using the wrong method. Most correctly, trying to cure migraine treatment with folk remedies, combine with the use of medications. Benefit to date in pharmacies you can find effective painkillers that will help cope with the attack within half an hour. And, of course, should periodically include in the prevention of migraine massage, acupuncture, manual therapy, and even try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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