Catarrhal duodenitis - symptoms and treatment

Duodenitis, or inflammation of the duodenal mucosa, distinguishes between acute and chronic. Acute duodenitis of a catarrhal nature can occur when poisoning with chemical or toxic substances;abuse of alcoholic beverages or very spicy food;trauma of the mucous membrane of the duodenum with foreign objects, etc.

For catarrhal duodenitis, the following symptoms are typical:

  • acute pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent nausea and profuse vomiting;
  • general weakness and dizziness;
  • pain during palpation in the epigastric zone.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact your healthcare provider immediately. This must be done so that the catarrhal duodenitis does not go into chronic form, which can happen when the treatment is ignored.

Treatment of catarrhal duodenitis

It is worth noting that to cure catarrhal duodenitis and get rid of its symptoms in a couple of days without medication. For this, one should turn to fasting, refraining from eating for several days. Also, with catarrhal duodenitis, you must observe bed rest and be at rest, both physically and emotionally. Another important condition is gastric lavage. Rinse is a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

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After several days of compliance with this regime, the patient must switch to a special diet that a doctor can make.

Therapeutic diet for catarrhal duodenitis

The diet of a patient with catarrhal duodenitis should be varied. Also, it should consist of a minimum amount of carbohydrate products, preference is given to protein dishes. Doctors advise drinking more natural fruit juices or compotes. Such drinks should contain a lot of vitamin C. In order not to injure or overload the stomach, the patient should consume the food in small portions, about five times a day.

The diet for catarrhal duodenitis includes vegetable broths and cereal soups. A desirable condition for the preparation of the first courses is the addition of milk or cream. With this disease, you can eat meat or fish dishes cooked on a daily basis.

Different dairy products will benefit greatly: cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir and others. Hard boiled eggs or mashed fruits, it is recommended to consume for breakfast.

It is important to know that sweets are allowed in very small quantities. Chocolate sweets should be replaced with honey.

Specialists, insist that the diet of the patient completely exclude salt and various spices.

From drinks, it is required to use herbal teas, fruit jelly, freshly squeezed juices.

A patient with catarrhal duodenitis should forget during the diet about: canned food, sausages, chips, spices, coffee, fatty foods, very hot and cold drinks.

If you adhere to these recommendations, less than a week later a person will forget about unpleasant symptoms and cure a dangerous disease.

Treatment of catarrhal duodenitis with folk remedies

Various kinds of folk recipes are very popular in the fight against the disease.

For example, in the fight against the disease using tincture of St. John's wort. To cook it you need about 50 gr.dry grass pour steep boiling water. Put this tea in a water bath and keep on fire for 30 minutes. After this procedure, allow to cool and strain through gauze. Use this tincture for a third 1/3 cup about three times a day, before eating.

Another effective recipe for catarrhal duodenitis is based on the juice of plantain and honey. To make it you need to mix about 80 gr.juice of plantain and a teaspoon of honey. This tincture is taken on an empty stomach before meals, 20 gr. Each.three times a day.

The next broth will help to quickly achieve the desired effect and forget about catarrhal duodenitis. To make it, you need a glass of raw oats, which is filled with a liter of cold water. This mixture is put on a small fire and cook until the mucous mass is formed. Then the resulting mixture is cooled and filtered. Parallel to this process, it is required to brew dry nettle grass, 1: 3.Leaves that have swelled should be cut and mixed with broth of oats. Such a solution to drink a half cup before eating.

In order not to interfere with catarrhal duodenitis, not to suffer from its symptoms and not to spend time and energy fighting it, you should lead a healthy lifestyle. Regular, healthy nutrition, abstinence from alcoholic beverages, timely treatment of other gastrointestinal diseases - all these factors can prevent ailment.

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