What can you eat with gastroduodenitis, foods, cereals, nuts, vegetables, chocolate, garlic and other foods that you can not eat?

Gastroduodenitis is in itself an unpleasant disease, but the greatest danger is that it is impossible to eat, which can greatly worsen the state of health and cause the disease to progress.

In order to properly compile lists of authorized and prohibited products, you must consult your doctor. If you do not know your type of disease( with reduced or increased acidity), you risk aggravating the situation.

So, what can you eat with gastroduodenitis? In this matter, you need to be very careful, since even porridge can cause harm. We will analyze in detail the lists of food that will help us to maintain our health.

Fans of baked pastries will have to give up their favorite food for a while. With any variety of gastroduodenitis, one can not eat any fresh baked goods, especially baked. Is it possible to eat bread? Of course! To refuse bread is rather difficult - it is allowed to use yesterday's baking or slightly dried bread. Precisely, that it is possible to eat in the course of such disease, so it is home rusks.

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Porridges with gastroduodenitis

Porridges, so familiar to us from childhood, play new colors when you so much want ordinary food. And what can you eat from such a wide variety? Friable porridge from the diet will have to be deleted, but can all the rest be and should they be consumed? Yes, and more often. Separately it is necessary to allocate pyshenka and semolina, thanks to a variety of possible recipes and contained in them vitamins. And what to eat for the normalization of digestive processes? No less good properties have oatmeal.

Vegetables with gastroduodenitis

Vegetables are a source of vitamins, so necessary in the conditions of illness, and just a good way to diversify your diet. Virtually all the usual vegetables are allowed with gastroduodenitis of any kind. However, doctors warn people with high acidity that eating vegetables such as radish, radish, cucumber with skin, as well as a variety of pickles is prohibited. Garlic, without which none of the recipes so beloved by us, can be safely attributed to the list of foods that can not be eaten, since it also represents a danger. The juice of garlic adversely affects the mucous membrane, which is vulnerable at the time of illness, therefore it falls into the list of products forbidden for gastroduodenitis. More information about what can and can not be eaten from vegetables can be obtained from your doctor.

Chocolate with gastroduodenitis

What can be eaten from sweet without the risk of complications with gastroduodenitis? The list of sweets is more modest, but it is necessary as it is possible by the way. It will be necessary to exclude what can not be eaten with any kind of disease - so loved by many ice cream. Place of sweets are berries, fruits( except for citrus fruits and berries with hard seeds), jam, honey and other soft foods. Is it possible to have chocolate? Even if it is natural, it is not worth it. Unfortunately, vegetable fats contained in chocolate irritate the inflamed mucosa of the stomach. Ordinary varieties are also made with the addition of flavors and other harmful products that close the way to the list of allowed for gastroduodenitis.

Nuts and seeds in gastroduodenitis

This food is kept apart from the rest of the items. Alas, the question of whether you can eat, nuts with gastroduodenitis, will have to respond negatively. When you get into the stomach, nuts, as well as garlic, irritate the inflamed walls, which is bad for the treatment process. Even people without problems with the gastrointestinal tract are advised to limit their intake, because they cause not the most pleasant problems - heartburn, pain and irritation. Nuts are especially dangerous when it seems that there is a calm and the stomach reacts calmly to the use of any food. Remember that eating nuts during the period of gastroduodenitis is prohibited.

What can not be eaten with gastroduodenitis?

To summarize, we should note, not only need to monitor what you can eat, but the compliance with the diet prescribed by the doctor's diet determines the speed of your recovery. Self-activity in this issue is unacceptable, because it's about your health. Let's compose a small list of products that are prohibited under any variety of gastroduodenitis, whether it is increased or decreased acidity:

  • Fresh pastries, especially rich;
  • Any food that irritates the stomach( acute, salty);
  • Fatty grades of meat and fish products;
  • Sour fruits and vegetables( special attention should be paid to citrus fruits);
  • Under absolute prohibition is alcohol in any form;
  • Carbonated drinks.

In any case, whether it is possible to use these or other products for food only to your doctor, since each organism is individual, and presumes compliance with its strictest diet.

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