Aortic valve stenosis: treatment without surgery, symptoms, degree

The pathology of the cardiac system, expressed in a significant narrowing of the aorta passing through the valve, requires rapid diagnosis and the initiation of appropriate treatment, which equally applies to both tricuspid stenosis and pulmonary artery stenosis and aortic stenosis.

Aortic stenosis manifests itself in a worsening of breathing, even with little physical exertion, emotional stress, and also in the form of dyspnoea, dizziness and nausea.

Features of the

Disease Blood flow disturbance manifested in the left ventricle increases the load on it and manifests itself as a difficulty in systolic emptying of the left half of the heart. This disease is 25% of the total number of cases of heart defects. In men, this pathology is more common.

Stenosis of the aortic valve can be diagnosed in adults, as well as in children, as well as in newborns. However, manifestations for all age categories are similar in many respects, which makes it possible to diagnose, first of all, subjective manifestations of disorders in the functioning of the cardiac system. But since aortic stenosis requires a different method of treatment in comparison with other pathologies of the cardiac system, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed study after preliminary diagnosis.

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In the next video, a well-known doctor will talk about the peculiarities of aortic stenosis in children and adults:

In adults

The appearance of dyspnea and rapid fatigue during physical exertion, dizziness that can occur up to and fainting are all manifestations of the condition under consideration. Even a brief loss of consciousness amid reduced activity and a high degree of physical fatigue should be considered a sufficient reason to call a doctor to conduct a check for abnormalities in the cardiac system.

Critical aortic stenosis


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Children with cardiac dysfunction can also feel shortages of air, have pale skin, avoid physical exertion and show a high degree of rapid fatigue. Their lethargy is explained by excessive stress on the heart, which leads to the impossibility of accepting fatigue.

Dyspnea is possible even in childhood, and this should be considered a serious manifestation of this type of heart failure - stenosis of the aortic valve.

In newborns

This pathology is diagnosed in infants infrequently, since its manifestations at this age are almost invisible. These include the following:

  • blanching or blueing of the skin;
  • arrhythmia;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • Irregular heartbeat.

In newborns due to this cardiac defect the most often occurs a sudden asymptomatic death.

The hereditary factor here also plays a key role, therefore, if there is a disease in the family of patients, it should be especially acute and conduct an earlier examination of the newborn child for the detection of cardiac pathologies.

Degrees of stenosis of the aortic valve

Classification of aortic stenosis is based on the appearance of pathology: congenital stenosis occurs more frequently acquired - about 85% and 15%, respectively. By the type of localization of aortic narrowing, the disease can also be classified as follows:

  • is a sub-valued species, accounting for about 30% of cases of this condition;
  • is a supra-valued species - about 6-11% of cases;
  • valve - 60%.

There is also a division of the examined pathological state into five degrees, which are divided according to the hemodynamics of the process.

Scheme of aortic valve stenosis

The first stage of

It is also called full compensation. At the first stage the disease is not very pronounced, the narrowing of the aortic aperture is insignificant.

On the condition of this degree of pathology affects to a small extent. A cardiologist may be recommended to regularly monitor and conduct appropriate examinations, surgery is not prescribed.

The second stage of

The second stage also has the name of latent heart failure. At this stage of development, pathology already has some external manifestations in the form of a short breath and rapid fatigue and with little physical exertion. There are rare faints and dizziness.

The examination is carried out for the detection of defects in the functioning of the cardiac system. With the help of ECG and X-ray study it becomes possible to identify the developing pathology. Treatment - in the form of surgical correction.

Third stage

With relative coronary insufficiency, external manifestations are already more pronounced: dyspnea, fatigue, heart rate soybeans are often manifested, dizziness and loss of consciousness are also possible.

After the examination, surgical intervention is recommended.

Fourth stage

With severe heart failure, dyspnea occurs even at rest, physical exertion is no longer possible. Arrhythmia and angina are almost constant, loss of consciousness is frequent.

Treatment with surgical intervention is no longer recommended, the therapeutic treatment of this defect of the cardiac system does not bring significant results.

Fifth stage

At the terminal stage, shortness of breath, cardiac irregularities and dizziness are almost constant. Operative treatment in the form of intervention and correction is no longer possible.

What are the objective reasons for the development of aortic stenosis?

Causes of

Congenital aortic stenosis is inherited, and genetic predisposition should be considered the primary cause of the development of this cardiac defect. Diagnosis of the disease is usually up to 30 years.

Acquired aortic stenosis can occur for the following reasons:

  • rheumatic heart valve disease and its valves;
  • atherosclerosis of the aorta;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • end stage renal failure.

The factors that stimulate the appearance of this pathology are smoking, excessive amounts of cholesterol in the blood.

On what are the symptoms of aortic valve stenosis, read on.

Symptoms of

Because the disease can progress, in connection with which its classification is carried out according to the stages of development, its manifestations can differ significantly in the degree of intensity. However, they are approximately similar in physical manifestations, and can manifest themselves in children, and in newborns, and in adults.

Symptoms that characterize this pathological condition of the cardiac aorta include the following:

  • dyspnea, manifested depending on the stage of the disease: at the initial stage, it manifests itself only with significant physical or moral overload, and at the final already and with peace of mind;
  • angina and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness and fainting;
  • rapid physical fatigue;
  • weakness in muscles even at rest;
  • sensation of excessively loud palpitations;
  • pulmonary edema.

Gradual strengthening of these manifestations indicates the development of pathology and requires immediate medical attention.


Thanks to timely diagnostic measures, it becomes possible to identify the pathological process of narrowing the aorta of the heart and conduct the necessary treatment.

The most effective and often used diagnostic measures include the following:

  • palpation - this is the measure that allows you to make a preliminary diagnosis in detecting cardiac tremor;
  • pulse and blood pressure measurement;
  • auscultation - with its help it becomes possible to detect systolic murmurs in the heart;
  • ECG provides detection of a change in the size of the left ventricle;
  • X-ray provides diagnosis of changes in heart size and a violation in the dimensions of the lumen of the cardiac aorta;
  • with the help of echocardiography it is possible to see the compaction and thickening of the walls of the left and right ventricles.

Thanks to early diagnosis, effective treatment and a positive diagnosis for patient survival are possible. And now let's learn about the basics of treating aortic stenosis and the possibility of carrying it without surgery.

Treatment of

This pathology of the cardiac system is treated mainly by surgical intervention, therapeutic treatment is prescribed by the doctor only at the first stage of the pathological process. Regular visits to a cardiologist will make it possible to see the dynamics of the disease.


Conservative treatment of aortic stenosis is the following treatment measures:

  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • slowing the course of the pathological process;
  • elimination of cardiac arrhythmias and arrhythmias.

With this type of treatment, special attention is paid to the restoration of normal blood flow in the heart area and neutralization of the negative consequences of arrhythmia.


When aortic stenosis is detected, the doctor prescribes medicines such as diuretics that accelerate the removal of fluid from the body and thereby reduce blood pressure, and with the development of cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac glycosides( for example, Digoxin) are prescribed.

Potassium preparations are also aimed at removing excess fluid from the body.

Carrying out the operation

Surgical intervention allows eliminating this pathology by widening the narrowing of the cardiac aorta. However, this method of treating pathology is acceptable only in the early stages of the disease.

The operation may involve two options for making adjustments to the heart departments:

  1. Balloon plastic.
  2. Valve Prosthesis.

The operation is appointed in such cases, when the patient has no contraindications to its conduct and there are no strong negative manifestations of the pathology.

Indications for surgical intervention in the presence of aortic stenosis are the following conditions:

  • myocardial function at a satisfactory level;
  • an increase in the size of the left ventricle;
  • a slight excess of the norm of systolic pressure.

Correction of the valve of the cardiac valve causes minor damage: an artificial separation of the closed valve flaps is performed.

The following video will describe the peculiarities of aortic stenosis treatment in the endovascular way:

Prevention of

disease Since there are no preventive measures for congenital heart aorta damage, only a surgical operation is performed to eliminate this cardiac defect. However, the acquired disease can be avoided, and for this it is necessary to prevent the development of the following diseases leading to the onset of this cardiac pathology:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • infective endocarditis;
  • rheumatism.

The correct advice will be careful treatment of angina, and proper nutrition, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Complications of

If untimely detection of aortic stenosis, further progression of this terrible disease occurs, and in the absence of treatment, a fatal outcome is likely.

Strengthening of dyspnea and complete inability even for minor physical exertion, as well as gradual narrowing of the passage of the cardiac aorta, are possible consequences of insufficient treatment of pathology.


Timely detection of pathology at early stages has a very high 5-year survival rate - about 85%, and the forecast for the next 10 years is 70% in this case.

With frequent fainting, severe angina and increased fatigue, the prognosis may be only 5-8 years.

Even more useful information on the issue of aortic stenosis contains the following video from the well-known presenter:

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