Mochesiola diathesis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The renal system often suffers from a variety of pathological processes. In some diseases, the patients themselves are to blame, or rather their wrong way of life, and others are inherited from us by the parents. One of the hereditary renal conditions is mochesiolic diathesis.

Mochesiol diathesis of the kidneys

Mocheleic diathesis is considered to be a pathology of the kidney structures, which is characterized by excessive salt formation, which provokes active formation of stones. Along with this, with mocheceal diathesis, active involvement of the articular structures takes place, and in the urine there is an out-of-limit content of phosphate, urate, magnesium and calcium oxalates, as well as carbonate salts.

With the development of the disease in the renal pelvis structures sand is formed, chronic pyelonephritis and deforming kidney pathologies are formed, the bile-muscular and musculoskeletal structures are affected. In fact, pathology is a congenital metabolic abnormality, but it has nothing to do with independent pathologies. This specific pathological deviation in the form of increased formation of uric acid, purine and calcium salts.

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In children, mochesiolic diathesis is rare, although the syndrome has hereditary conditioning. Just as the body grows, the urinary structures become difficult to perform their functions, and then the pathological syndrome is activated. Especially often this happens against the background of exacerbation of inflammation or chronic urinary tract disease.
On the video about what is a diathesis:

Causes and pathogenesis of

The tendency to develop mocheceal diathesis is of an innate origin, but many factors can provoke such a state. Most pathological syndrome develops in adolescence and childhood in the presence of kidney failure.

In women and men, a similar problem occurs for various reasons:

  • Chronic inflammatory kidney disease;
  • Chronic dehydration;
  • Unhealthy diet with abuse of salted and smoked, sharp or fatty foods, as well as incompatible dishes, which provokes a real exchange imbalance, affecting the activity of urinary structures;
  • Prolonged refusal of food;
  • Chronic pathologies and inflammations, traumatic kidney lesions;
  • Deficiency of intake of vitamins, minerals, leading to immune instability;
  • Intoxication;
  • Congenital renal pathology, hereditary renal failure;
  • Long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • Excessive physical congestion, etc.

Actually, mocheceol diathesis is a borderline condition, which is prone to the emergence of a variety of pathological processes. Such an organic feature provokes an increased content of salts in urine. The process of formation of salt diathesis is caused by metabolic disturbances, as a result of which uric acid crystals settle in the kidney tissues. Against the background of metabolic failures, urate formation occurs, which can be seen from the characteristic reddish urinary sediment. In the kidneys there is the formation of concrements and the development of various pathological conditions. Important role in the pathogenesis of salt diathesis is also due to external factors such as diet, drinking regimen, ambient climate, etc.

On the photo of salt in urine

Symptoms and signs

At first the salt diathesis can develop secretly without any manifestation. Characteristic symptoms such as blood in urine, lumbar pain and discomfort appear when salt crystals are formed in the kidney tissues, traumatizing the walls of the urinary structures. Therefore, with the appearance of the slightest deviations in renal activity, medical consultation is required.

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The following are the manifestations of the development of myocardial diathesis:

  • Painful discomfort when urinating in the lower abdomen;
  • Lean diuresis;
  • Lumbar pain;
  • Increased urination and bladder emptying;
  • Admixture of blood in urine;
  • Hyperthermia against the background of inflammatory kidney process;
  • Symptoms of nausea and vomiting;
  • Appearance of characteristic puffiness;
  • Pressure increase.

In addition, may be worried about headaches, exhaustion and constipation, lack of appetite. From his mouth often smells of acetone, as if with an intoxication defeat. It is necessary to turn to a nephrologist for at least one reason, especially for pregnant women, since there are certain risks to the child and to the mother herself.


The main diagnostic directions are:

  1. Study of the patient's urine. Urine is considered an indicator of health, because usually early in the urine, clusters of various salts are detected. Having determined the predominance of a concrete type of concrement, it is possible to easily select the necessary drugs and therapeutic tactics in general.
  2. Diagnosis of blood reveals inflammatory processes, and biochemistry determines an increased level of nitrogen, urea, creatinine, etc.
  3. Sometimes, to determine the size of the stone and its location, radiography is used. But here the urate and pebbles less than 3 mm are not detected during X-ray examination.
  4. Ultrasound diagnosis - is performed to identify concrements, etc. If the content of salts remains too high, the process of formation of grains of sand and then stones is soon launched.

In general, the patient must submit general and bacteriological studies of urine and blood, additional urine tests for Zimnitskiy or Nechiporenko, blood biochemistry. In addition, instrumental diagnostics including ultrasound and excretory urography, CT and panoramic radiography are conducted.

Treatment of

It is required to contact a specialist without delay, if certain signs suddenly appear. In general, saline diathesis is treated with surgical and conservative methods, as well as with the help of folk remedies and diet therapy.


The most important stage in the treatment of myocardial diathesis is the restoration of water balance. During the day, the patient needs to drink at least 2 liters of water to increase diuresis, unless, of course, there are contraindications. When the kidneys begin to release more water, salt will also be washed away. It is necessary to change the living conditions, adjust the diet, etc. Drug medications are not performed at all for patients, but only in cases of rapid disease progression and inflammatory complications, and also in the detection of a large amount of sand in urine.

The specific choice of preparations is determined by the type of accumulated salts. Usually appointed:

  1. Asparks;
  2. Magnesium preparations;
  3. Potassium citrate;
  4. Sodium-potassium complexes;
  5. Pyridoxine;
  6. Diuretics;
  7. Xidiphon or Phosphotech;
  8. Antibiotics;
  9. Phytolysin;
  10. Cyston;
  11. Vitamin preparations, etc.

It is strictly forbidden to make appointments to oneself because it can aggravate the situation by provoking the obstruction of the urinary tract. If complications occur, lithotripsy( ultrasound fragmentation) or complete surgery may be required.

Folk remedies

Many patients actively practice the use of a variety of folk remedies. There are many effective prescriptions, only to use them it is necessary as additional therapy and only after discussion with the nephrologist. A variety of fees help restore salt metabolism and improve the functioning of kidney structures.

In the treatment plan for mocheceal diathesis, plants such as birch and bearberry, corn stigmas and chamomile, spores, etc. are effective.

  • In the case of phosphate deposition of salts, it is recommended to take blackberry broths.
  • Also, patients will be helped by cranberry and cowberry berries.
  • With oxalaturizing or phosphaturia, it is also recommended to drink dog-rose infusion;
  • It is also recommended to take infusion of crushed roots and parsley greens.
  • It is also recommended to include in the herbal preparations such components as dioecious nettles, barberry leaves or celandine, yarrow herb.

Any folk remedies before the reception should be discussed with the nephrologist. Diuretic herbs are strictly prohibited in the presence of kidney stones. Therefore, independent appointments can lead to the movement of stones, which entails a lot of complications.


If the patient does not have stones, then it is possible to cope with mocheceal diathesis with the help of competently formulated diet therapy based on diet number 6.It is recommended to minimize consumption of salt as much as possible, drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day, provide a diet with vitamins, include in the menu products rich in potassium salts that reduce the content of urate and uric acid components, and have a pronounced diuretic effect.

It is useful to include in the diet cottage cheese, yogurt and milk, berries and fruits, an alkaline mineral water such as "Borjomi".But from smoked products, sausage and fish products, meat and meat fatty dishes must be discarded. Also you will have to exclude coffee, chocolate and tea.
On the video about the treatment of myocardial diathesis:

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