Ascites in pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis

The term ascites is understood to mean the accumulation of filtered blood plasma in the cavity of the peritoneum. This condition is a consequence of a number of pathologies, including, including pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis in the acute stage.

The mechanism of development of ascites in pancreatic cancer is that as the cancer grows, it contracts the portal vein. This vein is responsible for the collection and transfer of blood from multiple vessels of the digestive tract to the liver cells. Because of the increase in hydrostatic pressure, plasma begins to separate from the blood and sweat into the abdominal cavity, gradually accumulating there. As a result, a condition called ascites occurs. It develops in the presence of pancreatic cancer quickly enough, especially when the head of the organ suffers.

In addition to bloating and increasing its volume due to arriving fluid, a person often suffers from heartburn, acidic eructations, frequent nausea and vomiting, a sense of rapid satiety. Evacuation of fluid helps improve the quality of life of the patient. It is produced either by taking diuretics, or by installing a catheter that removes the accumulating plasma.

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Ascites in pancreatitis

Ascites in pancreatitis are rare, but not uncommon. Sometimes the reactive effusion( which is almost always observed with inflammation of the organ) in the peritoneal cavity after an acute attack of the disease stabilizes and begins to slowly accumulate. The cause of ascites is thrombosis and compression of the portal vein. If the pancreatic effusion is complicated by cirrhosis of the liver or the presence of a pancreatic cyst, it will definitely grow into a true ascites.

To diagnose the accumulation of exudate in the peritoneum with pancreatitis is not difficult. Enough physical examination, supplemented with ultrasound diagnosis. When the diagnosis is confirmed, a therapeutic treatment is performed with subsequent surgical intervention. Evacuation of the liquid( laparocentesis) often gives a temporary result, since the effusion tends to accumulate. Due to the fact that, most often, ascites due to inflammation of the pancreas occurs due to cystic lesions on the body, it is advisable to internal drainage. In addition, diuretics are prescribed, and, if there is cirrhosis, the means for restoring and regenerating liver tissue.

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