Symptoms and treatment of gastritis of bulbar of the duodenum, medicine, how to cure a diet?

Therapy, which helps to defeat the disease, is based on the fight against the root cause, the treatment of bulbit is complex. It is important not only to try to stop the inflammation of the mucous bulb itself, but also to take measures to restore it. Therefore, in conjunction with medications, popular remedies are widely used. How is the scheme drawn up? Let's understand together.

Drug method

Symptoms and treatment of bulbitis are similar to the symptoms and therapy of gastritis. The starting point is the individual diagnosis of the patient. It allows you to identify the root cause of the disease, and starting from it, draw up a scheme for taking medications.

So, for example, if the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is found in the stomach or intestine, and the bulbit is diagnosed, the treatment is done with antibiotics. And not one drug is prescribed, but three or four medications from one group( Clarithromycin + Amoxicillin + bismuth drug).

In case of parasitic infection, the treatment of duodenal bulbit is carried out a program of cleansing the body of helminths. It is carried out in three stages:

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  • First drugs are taken that can kill parasites. To do this, the outflow of bile is accelerated, then the intestines are cleaned, then the immune system is stimulated. The course lasts 10 days.
  • Then the process of de-worming is carried out, the current of bile is accelerated, the detoxification of the liver is intensified. The goal is to deduce the products of the decay of vital activity of parasites. The course lasts 30 days.
  • Rehabilitation - repeated cleansing of the intestines, strengthening of immunity, reduction of allergy symptoms.

When answering the question of how to treat a bulbut of the duodenum, if it is provoked by parasites, it is worth considering that the therapy is long-term. And all because it is necessary to go through the entire cycle of development of identified helminths. Strong synthetic antibiotics help speed up the process. But almost all of them have complicated and life-threatening complications. To avoid them, doctors advise the use of healing complexes, consisting of harvesting herbs. There are ready fitontsidnye sets. They are a great alternative, but the treatment with them lasts a very long time.

Sometimes, neural disorders can provoke bulbit, treatment in this case is carried out using sedatives. They soothe the nervous system and help other means to actively repair the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

Regardless of the causes of the disease, along with the main course of treatment, preparations are prescribed that provide enveloping properties that stimulate the regeneration of mucosal cells that improve intestinal motility.

Bullet of the duodenum and physiotherapy

Accelerating the healing process is capable of modern medicine, bulbit in the inactive phase, for example, is actively treated with diet and physiotherapy. When a patient is diagnosed with gastritis bulbitis, the treatment can be accompanied by galvanization and drug electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy and exposure to sinusoidal modulated currents, DMV therapy and inductothermy. Balneotherapy is also actively used.

Similar procedures can stop disturbances in the mucous bulb, exclude the possibility of dystrophy of epithelial cells, and stop the pain syndrome. They purposefully influence the secret and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulate the regeneration of the affected cells.

Therapeutic diet for gastritis and bulbite

In the initial stage, non-drug therapy removes bullet of the duodenum. Treatment is a diet plus a two-day hunger. From the hunger strike the patient is advised to go out gradually, including porridge on the water, sour-milk products, meat and fish dishes cooked from minced meat for a couple. It is forbidden to eat spicy, salty, smoked dishes, canned food, products consisting of synthetic ingredients.

All food should be warm, crushed, eat often( 5-6 times a day), but in small portions.

Folk remedies and herbs are also able to effectively eliminate bulbits, treatment in this case is carried out in parallel with drug therapy. Traditionally, the indicated purposes use the decoction of St. John's wort and the juice of plantain, mixed with honey. These drugs have a calming effect and accelerate the healing process of the mucosa.

It is important to understand that after taking the whole complex of treatment, you can achieve full recovery, but if the patient does not revise his nutritional regime, a relapse may occur, and the ailment will return with even greater force. Therefore, it is useful to review your eating habits, completely abandon alcohol and smoking, try to protect yourself from constant stress. Knowing how to treat bulbit, what are the symptoms of the disease, how they differ from the signs of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you can really assess your own health.

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