Embolism of cerebral vasculature and arteries: causes, symptoms, prognosis

The human body, in fact, a fragile thing and a danger to his life can lie in wait on every corner. So, if some injuries are not in themselves dangerous, then their complications can lead to serious pathologies. One such is the embolism of the cerebral vessels.

Features of the ailment

Embolism of the brain is called the sudden occlusion of the brain vessels by the embolus, which is sometimes a consequence of the development of ischemic stroke. The condition is dangerous because it may not manifest itself in the first days, with untimely diagnosis leading to internal bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage and death.

Classification of

Embolism can be single or multiple, as it can be caused by one or more thrombus. The most frequent embolic material is a thrombus, which clogs the blood vessels of the brain. A thrombus can have different sizes, but in any case they speak of a cardiogenic embolism( ave of cerebral vessels) or thromboembolism. On the same principle, the disease is classified into:

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  • Fatty. In this case, the lipid drop enters the bloodstream and blocks the capillaries, gradually transferring to the brain.
  • Air. The vial is blocked by an air bubble.
  • Gas. It looks like air in all respects, however, a bubble of gas causes a blockage.
  • Cellular. In the bloodstream come pieces of tissue that break it.
  • Microbial. It is caused by microbes settling on the walls of the capillaries, which causes abscesses, which block blood flow.
  • Mechanical. In this case, blockage is provoked by a foreign body, for example, a bullet.

Depending on the species, the causes and some treatment regimens differ. About the causes of embolism of cerebral vessels we will talk further.

Causes of

The common cause for all forms of embolism is vascular trauma, for example, in case of accidents or surgical interventions. In this case, the brain itself can be injured: even childbirth may in some cases be complicated by embolism.

The most common causes of embolism:

  1. fracture and injury of tubular bone;
  2. traumatization of subcutaneous fat;
  3. introduction of drugs with an oil base;
  4. pneumothorax;
  5. abortive intervention;
  6. carrying out caisson works;
  7. fast decompression;
  8. anaerobic gangrene;
  9. pathological processes that cause tissue destruction;
  10. is a strong microbial inflammation.

On what symptoms are typical for embolism of the cerebral arteries, read on.

Symptoms of cerebral embolism

The clinical picture of cerebral embolism is the severity of the neurological infarction. Depending on the type and location of the blockage, the symptomatology may change. The main symptoms are:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  1. dizziness;
  2. loss of consciousness;
  3. shortness of breath;
  4. severe fatigue;
  5. hemoptysis;
  6. cough with phlegm;
  7. convulsions;

In some young patients, embolism may not appear immediately, but may appear after stress and fiz.load.


The status is diagnosed by inspection and hardware research. First, the doctor collects an anamnesis of life and complaints, and also conducts a physical examination for cyanosis of the skin, other signs of embolism. An accurate diagnosis can be made on CT of the brain, which allows you to determine the lesion and possible localization of blockage.

For additional diagnosis, which allows to identify the causes and accompanying pathologies, appoint:

  1. ECG;
  2. blood and urine tests;
  3. scintigraphy.

The most accurate study is MRI, however, diagnosis with it is expensive, and the necessary equipment is not in every hospital.

Treatment of

Treatment should be resorted to immediately after diagnosis, since any delay is fatal. The main treatment measure is drug therapy, which can be performed in conjunction with surgical and therapeutic methods.


Patients with embolism are shown complete rest. If the patient feels well, then the treatment can be carried out at home, however, it is better to transport the patient to a hospital. The hospital is also shown when the patient's condition worsens.

When transporting, it is necessary to use a stretcher, while keeping the head above your legs, while controlling the condition so that the foamy saliva does not enter the respiratory tract and does not lead to suffocation. After delivery to the hospital, the person should be carefully undressed and freed from tight clothing, and then clean the oral cavity of the vomit, suck the mucus out of the respiratory tract.

If there is an increase in blood pressure, you can resort to bleeding( 200-300 ml at a time).It is also important to comply with the diet, so, vegetable fatty foods are shown only on the 2nd day after the improvement of well-being, and before this time it is better to limit oneself to teas and light meals.

Drug medication

Drug therapy is prescribed depending on the manifestations of the embolism:

  • With expressed ischemic status, ie reduced blood pressure and a weakened pulse, cardiovascular agents such as camphor and caffeine are prescribed.
  • For respiratory disorders, injections of lobeline and cytitonin are used.
  • With reduced prothrombin give vikasol and vitamin K. With increased optimal drink anticoagulants like dicumarin, pelentana, phenylin and heparin.
  • Patients with thrombopenia are shown vitamin C, blood transfusion and calcium chloride.
  • During thrombotic stroke, thrombolysis is indicated.
  • With ischemic stroke, pahycarpine is prescribed.
  • Patients with tachyarrhythmia and atrial fibrillation should take medinal or novocainamide with novocaine.
  • Patients with pulmonary edema are given anti-foaming agents, eg antifensilane.

Other drugs may also be used, depending on the symptomatology and the response to treatment.


Surgical intervention is indicated when breathing is stopped. During this condition, the patient is tracheostomy, that is, an incision is made in this area, after which a temporary tracheal and environmental anomaly is constructed.

Patients with tracheostomy should be fed oxygen through the tube, after removing the mucus and phlegm from there.

Prevention of

Prevention of embolism of the heart is to avoid conditions that can lead to it. Often, this is unrealistic, since the list of these states is very wide. When surgical intervention, the doctor should monitor the quality of obstruction of the vessels, i.e., their cauterization, dressing of wounds, etc. To reduce the risk of embolism, you can if you monitor your health and fully comply with the requirements of doctors.

Other types of operations aimed at restoring normal blood circulation can also be used.

Next, let's talk about the complications of embolism of the cerebral arteries, including a cerebral infarction caused by it.

Complications of

Embolism is a severe condition that is often complicated:

  1. internal bleeding;
  2. hemorrhage in the brain;
  3. edema of the brain;
  4. circulatory disorders;
  5. disorders of the heart rate.

The most serious complication of the embolism of the brain is a stop of breathing, which can lead to death if first aid is not provided on time.


The prognosis for embolic treatment depends entirely on its timely diagnosis. There is no precise statistics, but in most cases, when embolism affects a person outside of hospital conditions, the patient dies because he does not immediately consult a doctor.

With early diagnosis and proper treatment, there is a high probability of a full recovery. Sometimes, patients may experience residual events such as paresis, circulatory disorders and concomitant diseases.

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