Vertebrogenic lumbalgia: causes, treatment, and the possibility of postponing an army

Vertebrogenic lumbalgia is localized in the lumbar spine and is characterized by a long-term course with mild or moderate pain syndromes. The disease can occur in people of middle and old age, as well as in adolescents during puberty.
There are three forms of the course of the disease:

  • subacute ( with rather pronounced but not acute pain manifestations);
  • chronic ( with persistent aching and mild pain, which causes discomfort during physical activity, or during rest and sleep);
  • acute( occurs as a result of degenerative changes in the spine);

Often the only symptoms of the disease for a long time may be a feeling of tension in the lumbar spine. Pain syndromes rarely reach a high degree of intensity, but this does not indicate the harmlessness of this pathology: on tomography images with diagnosed vertebrogenic lumbalgia, there are serious disorders and abnormalities in the structure of the spine.

Causes of

Factors affecting the development of vertebrogenic lumbargia can be:

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  • Bruises and lumbar spine injuries, falls, resulting in dislocations and pathologies of tissues, sudden movements;
  • Regular physical exhaustion;
  • Work in uncomfortable for the spine posture:
  • Subcooling;
  • Acute respiratory diseases;
  • Exacerbations of focal( latent) infectious diseases;
  • Unstable and active body growth during adolescent puberty;
  • Muscle spasms;
  • Lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • Flat-footed;

Improper or inadequate treatment of the disease can lead to exacerbation of the disease and the development of such consequences as intervertebral hernias and vertebral displacements.

And do you know what pills can be used for dizziness in osteochondrosis? Causes of dizziness.

The methods of treatment of thoracic neuralgia can be found here.

Symptoms of

The main symptom of this disease is back pain of varying degrees of intensity and duration.

Pain can predominate on one side of the lumbar spine and increase with standing, lying or standing in any other posture. Also, the disease can be expressed in a sense of fatigue and tension in the lower back.

These symptoms force the patient to constantly look for a posture in which pain and tension are less pronounced. Often the pain appears in the morning, after sleeping on the stomach or, conversely, on the back. Lying in a pose on the side reduces pain symptoms.

With lumbography, it is difficult to relax the muscles of the lumbar region by strong-willed effort, the patients feel a constant stiffness of this part of the body.

Vertebrogenic lumbargia may be accompanied by the development of radicular syndrome.
This is a pathological process affecting the rootlets of the spinal nerves. It can be sensitive, vegetative and motor nerves, the irritation of which leads to the appearance of "reflected pain."

Such pain can occur not only in the place of localization of pathology, but spread throughout the body - in the abdominal region, perineum, genital organs and lower limbs. Radicular syndrome can lead to pathologies of reproductive organs and other unpleasant consequences. Medical diagnosis reveals painful signs in the spinous processes, motor and tendon disorders in patients.

For lumbagia is characterized by the presence in the problem area of ​​muscular densities, the tenderness of which is more pronounced than in the rest of the zone. Pressing on these areas( trigger points), cause acute pain, causing the patient to flinch( the so-called "jump symptom").External manifestations of pathology in adolescents are expressed in the form of stretch marks of the transverse direction in the lumbar region.

Diagnosis methods

To identify the disease allow:

  • X-ray studies;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Palpation;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging( MRI);

Treatment of

Therapy for vertebrogenic lumbagia should be comprehensive and include treatment with medicines, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture. For a full-fledged treatment you can use folk remedies that help with this disease - it's natural to do any procedures related to the spine, only with the permission of the treating doctor.

During the exacerbation of the disease, the patient is recommended a bed rest, providing complete peace for the spine. The pose for maximum relief of the load on the spinal column is a posture with bent and placed on some support like a cushion with legs. This helps to relax the muscles.

It is important that the surface on which it lies, as well as the patient sleeps, is moderately stiff and elastic.
In the future, it may be recommended to wear a corset.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment is primarily aimed at the removal of painful symptoms and relief of tension and stiffness of the muscles of the lumbar region.

Drugs for treatment can be of the following types:

  • analgesics;
  • anesthetics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( ibuprofen, diclofenac);
  • neurotropic drugs;

With severe pain, it is possible to administer injections of novocaine.

Traditional medicine

It is quite difficult to cure vertebrogenic lumbalia with folk remedies, however, the following procedures will help relieve the pain and alleviate suffering:

  • Compresses with horseradish on the lumbar spine;
  • Treatment with gum, resin of coniferous trees - apply by application( application to the painful zone);
  • Anti-inflammatory poultices based on sabelnik;
  • Rubbing the same part of the body with aloe juice;
  • Wrap with a mixture of pork fat and vegetable oil;
  • Mineral wax applications;


Massage and manual therapy have a significant healing effect for people with diseases of the back and spine. The main thing is to find an experienced masseur. Amateur massage is better not to be used in a body such as the vertebral column, where it is easy enough to pinch the nerve or cause injury.

Japanese shiatsu massage is a good aid for lumbar therapy, as well as a massage combined with wrapping the lumbar region.

Frequent headaches and sudden changes in pressure may indicate the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia of a mixed type. The diagnosis of mixed-type VSD is not a verdict.

All of the signs of intracranial pressure in adults can be found here.

Encephalitis of the brain is a serious disease that can lead to irreversible consequences, therefore it is extremely important to choose the right methods for treating cerebral encephalitis. All information about this disease can be obtained by clicking on the following link: http: // bolezni-nevrologii / infekcionnye-zabolevanija / entsefalit-golovnogo-mozga.html.

Physical exercises

Therapeutic exercises and physical exertion are possible only in the absence of pronounced pain symptoms.

Physical exercises for lumbulgia include the torso, lying and sitting exercises, designed to increase blood circulation in the muscles and other tissues of the lumbar spine.

Complete blood supply reduces the risk of complications and degenerative spine transformations. In addition to gymnastics, patients with vertebrogenic lumbalgia are recommended running, skiing, swimming.

The main thing - remember the dosed application of loads on the back and spine
.In no case should such loads be excessive. The negative criterion for too much stress is muscle pain and tension.

Possibility of release from army

Lumbalia in general refers to a list of diseases that can be exempted from compulsory service. However, it is necessary that there be documented medical evidence of the presence of exacerbations of this ailment, carried over in the past and possible in the future.

In the medical record, all patient complaints for acute back pain must be recorded. Repeated and regular exacerbation of lumbargia may theoretically be the reason for exempting from service in the armed forces.

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