Bursitis of the elbow joint

Free flexion of the limb at the elbow is possible due to the presence of a special periarticular bag - the bursa.

A small amount of special fluid that is contained in its cavity plays the role of lubricant, reducing friction and preventing possible micro-trauma.

If suddenly the synovial bag becomes inflamed, a disease called bursitis of the elbow joint develops, the symptoms and treatment of which we will now consider.

What is it?

Why arises bursitis of the elbow joint, and what is it? Around the elbow there are interosseous ulnar, raybulb and ulnar subcutaneous synovial bags, which contain a little liquid, which ensures painless functioning of the joint.

If the inflammation develops in the synovial bag for one reason or another, then the amount of fluid increases, its composition, character changes, pain and other symptoms of bursitis appear.

In most cases, elbow bursitis is a consequence of an injury that results in damage to synovial bags and contamination by pathogenic agents. For example, streptococcus, staphylococcus or causative agents of syphilis, tuberculosis, gonococcus.

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Causes of

This pathology can occur for several reasons, the main of which are:

  1. Infection enters the bursa with the current of lymph and blood from purulent foci in the body( furuncle, sore throat) or in case of influenza.
  2. Arthritis of any etiology is rheumatoid, psoriatic or gouty. In this case, against the background of an acute inflammatory process in the cartilage, fluid accumulation begins, which leads to the appearance of bursitis.
  3. Inflammation of the bursa occurs after excessive loading of the elbow joint .This is typical for athletes who play tennis and golf.
  4. In a number of patients, the disease develops over time after the mechanical damage to the elbow of the ( for example, with a strong impact or fall on this part of the body).

Suppuration can occur due to weakened immunity, impaired metabolism in the body, as well as due to the use of steroid drugs.

Symptoms of bursitis of the elbow joint

In the area of ​​one of the synovial bags appears swelling, which looks like a seal, rather soft when probing, which has a size of about 70-100 mm.

Elbow bursitis has other symptoms. These include:

  1. Edema, which appear suddenly and cause pain, as well as interfere with the movements of the joint. Sometimes such an outflow can be noticed not immediately, thereby delaying the beginning of treatment.
  2. The synovial bag will gradually increase in size and the inflammation will increase, and thus also painful sensations.
  3. A person can have a fever and the skin turns red.

Purulent bursitis of the elbow joint, in addition to the symptoms described above, has a microbial flora and provokes the development of purulent arthritis. In this case, the following symptoms appear:

  • increases body temperature;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nausea and / or vomiting;
  • joint area is red, very painful, tense;
  • may even be confusion and delusional syndrome with a sufficient amount of effusion,
  • caused by an aggressive pathogen.

All these manifestations are characteristic not only for bursitis and can occur in other rheumatological and traumatological diseases - arthritis, epicondylitis, fractures and sprains, etc. Therefore, for additional diagnosis of bursitis, additional methods of investigation and a correctly collected history are of great importance.

Elbow bursitis photo

How does this ailment look like, we offer detailed photos to view.

Diagnostic methods

To clarify the prevalence of the process and avoid complications, there are a number of methods for instrumental diagnostics:

  1. Radiography of the joint: allows to determine the presence of the inflammatory process in the articulation.
  2. Joint ultrasound: helps to specify the size and location of the inflamed bag, the amount of exudate in it
  3. MRI of the joint: allows to diagnose bursitis of deep articular bags.

In most cases, it is not difficult to diagnose the diagnosis on the basis of the examination of the orthopedist traumatologist.

Consequences of

Complications of elbow joint bursitis are much more difficult to treat than the disease itself.

  1. of phlegmon .Purulent melting of the cell spaces located under the skin and between the muscles.
  2. Purulent arthritis .Characteristic is the transition of the disease to the joint, which is located next to the injured and limiting it in movements.
  3. Lymphadenitis .It is formed as a result of infection of the lymph nodes, to which lymph flows from the focus of inflammation and an abscess is formed.

Treatment of elbow bursitis

Treatment depends on the form of the disease and it all starts with the diagnosis. If bursitis of the elbow joint is not complicated and is a consequence of a minor injury, it can go on independently, with limited mobility of the sore spot and the application of a cold compress followed by the use of dimexide as a dissolving agent.

However, there are general guidelines for assisting in this pathology:

  1. Immobilization of the joint .The elbow joint is fixed by means of a dressing or orthosis, which provides rest to the organ, reduces discomfort caused by movement, helps to resolve edema.
  2. cold compress can be used as an acute care for acute bursitis. In chronic bursitis use compresses with honey, aloe, burdock, St. John's wort or yarrow.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs - the so-called NSAIDs. The basic group for the treatment of bursitis and all rheumatological diseases.

Purulent bursitis of the elbow joint requires a more serious approach to treatment. The patient goes to the surgeon, who carries out a puncture of the bag, rinses it and injects antibiotics and corticosteroids directly into the inflammatory focus. Further treatment continues with observance of all principles of purulent surgery, in case of severe forms it can be performed in a hospital.


Surgical intervention is performed only in extreme cases, when all tried methods are ineffective. Most often, the operation is necessary for a recurrent bursitis, or purulent-hemorrhagic inflammation, as well as for persistent serosity.

Than to treat a bursitis in house conditions?

In a light form, folk remedies that can be done on their own at home can help cure the elbow joint bursitis.

  1. How to use: 20 g propolis per 1 glass of quality vodka .The resulting liquid must be mixed and allowed to stand for 1 week. After the mixture is applied to a clean gauze or bandage and applied to the inflamed place for 5-10 minutes. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to apply the compress every day for several weeks.
  2. Aloe with honey .This treatment is suitable for acute bursitis. Take 1 tbsp.aloe juice and 2 tbsp.honey, mix the ingredients. Fold the bandage in several layers and put the mixture on it, then apply it to the sore spot, wrap it with cellophane and fix it with a bandage on the elbow. You need to be like a compress for at least two hours.
  3. The infusion of celery seeds excellently removes inflammation, and also strengthens the immune system. To prepare this medicine you need to pour a glass of boiling water one spoon of celery seeds. The container with the product should be tightly closed and wrapped. Insist the drug should be for several hours. Then the drug should be filtered and taken inside by a glass twice a day. Course - up to two weeks.

With a noticeable progression of the inflammatory process and the lack of effectiveness of folk remedies for more than two days, one should not get involved in self-medication

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