Does the use of Drotaverin help a headache?

1 The purpose of the drug

The main active substance of the pharmacological agent( drotaverina hydrochloride) effectively removes spasms of smooth muscles by dilating the vessels and facilitating the relaxation of muscles, reduced by spasm. The effect of the drug is very similar to papaverine, the difference is a milder effect on blood pressure. Drotaverin has only a slight hypotensive function.

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The main effect of the drug is to block the intake of smooth muscle cells in excess of calcium ions, which leads to muscle relaxation and the elimination of pain syndrome. Drotaverin has two forms of release - tablets and a solution for injections. With headache in the vast majority of cases, it is recommended to take the drug in the form of tablets. In rare cases, with a strong spasm of cerebral vessels, intramuscular injections are administered according to the doctor's prescription.

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Drotaverin, although it is used to relieve pain of an antispasmodic nature, does not apply to pain medication. Spastic headache or convulsive contractions of the musculature in the premenstrual period are removed within 20 minutes after taking the pill. Drotaverin unlike anaesthetising drugs affects not the nerve endings, but helps to eliminate the cause of pain, reducing motor and muscle tone.

2 Spectrum of action of

The spectrum of action of this drug is wide enough, as it affects smooth muscles and blood vessels in various areas of the body. Most often, spasmodic pains occur in diseases of internal organs and functional systems of the body. Drotaverin is used:

  • With spasms of the gastrointestinal tract caused by diseases of the pancreas, intestines, stomach( cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, intestinal colic).
  • With pathologies of the urinary system provoked by inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the kidneys, the bladder( cystitis, pyelitis, renal colic).
  • For gynecological problems, for example, menstrual pains and increased uterine tone during pregnancy.
  • With a headache caused by spasms of the brain vessels.
  • With high blood pressure in combination with antihypertensive drugs.
  • At a temperature along with analgesics, Drotaverin effectively acts as an antipyretic.

3 Causes of cerebral vasospasm

Drotaverin can quickly help with a headache caused by spasm of cerebral vessels. To distinguish such pains can be on the following grounds:

  1. Prolonged severe pain with frequent and regular repetition. Most often they appear in the morning after a dream and in the evening.
  2. A characteristic sign of spasmodic pain is an acute reaction to weather change( meteorological dependence).
  3. Against the background of regular headaches, there is a decrease in concentration, attention, coordination, performance, memory impairment.
  4. One of the obvious signs of cerebral vasospasm is noise and ringing in the ears, which increases with tension and physical exertion.
  5. Nausea and vomiting are also a frequent companion of spastic headaches.

The cause of spasm can be a variety of pathologies and disorders. First of all, they include osteochondrosis of cervical vertebrae, fatigue, increased mental and physical loads. Often spasm provokes prolonged work at the computer or with papers. Oxygen starvation caused by prolonged exposure in a poorly ventilated enclosed space, smoking, stress, lack of sleep and fatigue. The exact cause of the spasm can be identified only by the method of diagnosis and research - x-ray of the cervical spine, ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and brain, MRI.

4 Dosage of

The intake of the drug does not depend on food intake or time of day. The admissible single dose is 80 mg, which corresponds to two tablets. The amount of reception is not more than three times a day. The effect of the drug begins to appear after 20 minutes after taking, the maximum effect occurs after 40 minutes. The drug is intended to relieve painful symptoms, taking it more than 3 days is not recommended. To identify the causes and treatment, you need to contact a medical professional.


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5 Contraindications

Like any drug, drotaverin has its side effects and contraindications. This drug is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it can provoke miscarriage at an early age, newborn children, people with insufficient kidney and liver function, with severe stenosis of the coronary vessels.

It is undesirable to use this medication during breastfeeding, as it will enter the baby's body with the mother's milk. If it is not possible to tolerate migraine, then take the medicine immediately after feeding, and then skip the next feeding, pouring out and pouring out the milk. The drug is allowed for children from the age of 12.In extreme cases, one-time use of half of the adult dose is possible for children no younger than 6 years.

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