Reflux-esophagitis 1( A) degree and its treatment

Overeating, obesity, wearing tight clothes and belts create high pressure in the stomach, which triggers spontaneous release into the esophagus of its contents with a high content of hydrochloric acid. This process causes inflammation of the mucosa of the esophagus and leads to the occurrence of reflux esophagitis 1 degree. Treatment does not begin immediately.

From natural, non-pathological causes that trigger the onset of the inflammatory process, pregnancy and immaturity of the esophagus muscles in its lower part in infants are pregnancy. Sometimes it happens that with a strong and prolonged cough, the patient also has reflux esophagitis. There is also such a reason, as a consequence of the transferred infectious diseases or disorders of the functions of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment here should be aimed at eliminating the root cause. In any case, if you are in one or more categories of people at risk, then you definitely need to know about reflux-esophagitis to prevent the development of this disease. After all, without proper treatment, it can pass into an oncological disease and lead to death.

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Classification of reflux esophagitis

Esophageal disease has such uncharacteristic symptoms at the initial stages( 1-2 degrees) that patients very rarely seek medical help during the first three years of the disease and do not receive any treatment. Therefore, the real cause of the onset of the disease, and how it proceeded, no one in fact can in fact recover.

Four stages of development of reflux esophagitis are distinguished:

  • 1 degree( stage A) - the esophagus area is affected by an area of ​​about 5 mm, and the lesion has the appearance of folds;
  • 2 degree( B) - it is possible to identify from one to several defective changes in the mucosa over an area larger than 5 mm in diameter, also in the form of folds;
  • 3( C) - the lesion may already be up to 75% of the circumference of the esophagus from two folds or more;
  • 4( D) - defects account for more than 75% of the esophagus along the circumference.

The disease can occur in acute or chronic form.

It is most important to note reflux esophagitis per 1 tbsp. Then the treatment is completely uncomplicated, short and can take place even without medication.

How do I know reflux-esophagitis 1 degree?

Symptoms of this disease are found in about half of the population. The very first of them is heartburn. Often, no one takes this sign seriously and does not take any measures for the survey. The actions of most patients are aimed at eliminating this symptom, they do not even try to find out its cause and start treatment for the underlying disease that caused heartburn.

After 1-2 degrees of reflux esophagitis, there may be pain in the sternum, giving up in the back, nausea, vomiting. Even at a later stage - it is difficult swallowing, which leads to a decrease in food intake, weight loss, dry skin and anemia.

In the supine position, the symptoms intensify, especially if you lie down right after eating. It is better to wait at least an hour.

Treatment of reflux esophagitis st. And

As a treatment for the first degree of reflux esophagitis, nutrition appears. First, in order to avoid overeating and overfilling of the stomach, take food in large portions 5-6 times a day in the form of basic receptions, a little larger in volume, and snacks. It is important always, but on 1 st.especially, do not allow stagnation of food in the stomach and intestines. Take food less than 3-4 hours before bedtime, not worth it.

If you do not stay up for an hour after eating, she will have time to leave her stomach and move to the intestine. Consequently, there will be no release of food masses into the esophagus, the inflammatory process will be halted already by 1-2 levels.

Another aspect - adhere to the diet. If the disease is determined even to the extent of A, the exclusion of products irritating the mucosa will prevent further development of reflux esophagitis 1 degree to a more severe condition and relieve inflammation.

Getting rid of the habit of transferring at the beginning, you can forget about the overcrowding of the stomach and about flatulence, which increases the pressure in the abdominal cavity, weakens the sphincter and increases the likelihood of reflux. Therefore, they are excluded from food: beans, sauerkraut, mushrooms, soda, black bread, dried apricots, spicy dishes, alcohol and spices. After eating for a while, do not bend over and lie down. If there are any individual products that cause reflux esophagitis 1 st., Which can be recognized by heartburn, they should also be excluded.

Observing all these simple rules, you can confine them to the treatment of reflux-esophagitis 1 degree and prevent the development of more complex forms.

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