Polyneuritis of alcoholic, lower limbs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Polyneuritis - damage to the structure of multiple nerve fibers can develop at any age. In rare cases, the disease occurs and develops as an independent ailment, but more often it is a secondary complication of toxic poisoning, trauma, diabetes, alcohol dependence. The first possible signs of polyneuritis is the appearance of a feeling of numbness and "running" goosebumps in the extremities, recorded for several weeks, later there is a decrease in the physiological tone of the muscles, the lack of tendon reflexes.

Species and features of

polyneuritis The disease is characterized by a predominant pathological lesion of the distal, that is, distant parts of the nervous system of the limbs, this is manifested by a decrease in sensitivity and strength in the hands and feet, while in the above-located departments these characteristics are manifested already in neglectedcases.

Treatment of the disease depends on the effect of the primary cause, so in the diagnosis it is necessary to identify this provoking factor.

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Polyneuritis, first of all, covers the nerve parts of the limbs, therefore, the symptoms of the disease are associated with this area of ​​the human body.
Polyneuritis of the extremities usually begins with a sensation of a drop in temperature in the area of ​​the feet and hands, and later a sensitivity violation is added.

The pathological reactions in the nerves are characterized by the presence of dystrophic changes, their inflammation in this disease is not typical.

The flow of polyneuritis and its prognosis depend on the cause of the disease, so the treating doctor before treatment should determine the etiology of the disease.

Alcoholic polyneuritis

Characterized by the simultaneous appearance of sensitive and motor-based severe disorders. For this type of disease, a characteristic determining symptom is the presence of mental disorders, the most obvious of which is pathological memorization - the patient does not remember the events that occurred, can distort events and facts.

The patient fills the memory holes with fiction, which sometimes has a clearly fantastic plot. To this, polyneuritis of the lower extremities is added. Legs or arms become cyanotic, they lose sensitivity and mobility.

Kidney polyneuritis

Develops with severe glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. The disease is associated with a violation of glomerular filtration. Appear edema on the lower limbs, weakening of hands and feet.

Acute polyneuritis

Usually develops during or after ailments with a viral nature of origin. After eliminating the underlying cause, subfebrile temperature appears, "aching" in the limbs, strong, burning pain along the nerves. All the symptoms grow in a matter of hours or days.

Diabetic polyneuritis

It develops in patients with diabetes mellitus. In a number of cases, violations in the limbs that are noticeable to the patient are registered earlier than the symptoms of the underlying ailment.

With successful treatment of the underlying disease, the symptoms of polyneuritis can persist for a long time, in the form of difficulty in walking, the inability to perform precise manipulation of the fingers, muscle atrophies and paresis.

As already mentioned, the cause of polyneuritis can be various diseases. So VSD on the background of cervical osteochondrosis can lead to the manifestation of symptoms of polyneuritis. About this you can read in this article.

Symptoms and manifestations of hydrocephalus or hydrocephalus of the brain are extensive and diverse. More about the disease.

Chronic polyneuritis

Gradually develops under the constant influence of a disease-provoking factor. Slowly developing pronounced weakness and atrophy in the muscles located in the lower and upper limbs, then there are signs of changes in the functions of the brain and spinal cord, speech disorders and inflammation of the meninges can be recorded.

Toxic polyneurite

Develops under the influence of alcohol, salts of heavy metals. Depending on the amount of toxin in the body, it can be acute or subacute.

Acute poisoning is accompanied by obvious symptoms of intoxication - vomiting, pains in the digestive tract, diarrhea.

Significant signs and deterioration of the general condition are then attached.

Vegetative polyneuritis

Occurs during intoxications, thyrotoxicosis, negative professional working conditions. For this form of the disease is characterized by the spread of burning pain throughout the body, worsening trophism of tissues, expressed by temperature changes, excessive or insufficient sweating.

Infectious polyneuritis

Called the causative agent of infection and is considered a distant consequence of the disease. It begins with a fever, the lesions in the extremities are usually recorded in two at once and develop along the ascending path, that is, from the stop to the higher nerve fibers located.

Alimentary polyneuritis

It is caused by a lack of vitamin B in food or by its improper digestion by the body. In addition to signs of pathological lesions in the peripheral nerves of the extremities, severe cardiac disturbances are recorded.

Differences between polyneuritis and neuritis

The main difference between polyneuritis and neuritis is the generalization of the whole pathologically occurring process. With neuritis, one nerve can suffer, which is manifested by the presence of pain in its location.

In polyneuritis, nerve damage is usually defined as symmetrical and captures several groups at once, which only increases the severity of the disease and the patient's well-being, disruptive gait and performance.

The cause of local neuritis may be tumors, trauma or arthritis, whereas polyneuritis has an infectious and toxic etiology of origin.

Causes of polyneuritis

The causes leading to the development of polyneuritis are conventionally divided into several groups:

  • Infections - angina, diphtheria, influenza, various types of typhoid infection, severe form of dysentery.
  • Exogenous intoxication factors - poisoning with surrogates of alcohol, lead, chlorophos, arsenic.
  • Endogenous intoxications developing in diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the thyroid gland, nephritis.
  • Avitaminosis is a lack of B vitamins.
  • Professional working conditions - constant work in the cold, vibration of tools.
  • Chronic metabolic disorders.

In addition, the development of polyneuritis can contribute to the presence of a disease such as encephalopathy. They are inextricably linked and characterized by loss of sensitivity and motor functions of the extremities, both upper and lower.

Signs of polyneuropathy of alcoholic genesis are similar to manifestations of polyneuritis. It is very important, at the first detection of symptoms, to immediately seek qualified help.

Predictions in the treatment of alcoholic encephalopathy in the late stages are most often unfavorable. Why, learn from the article.

How to cure the nervous tic of the eye in various ways, is described in detail here http: //gidmed.com/ bolezni-nevrologii /nevralgija/ nervnyj-tik-glaza-prichiny-vozniknoveniya-i-lechenie.html.

Symptoms of the disease

Patients report the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • Periodic crawl, burning and numbness.
  • When viewed, the skin of the limbs is pale, sometimes with a marble pattern, to the touch colder than the rest of the body and wet due to excessive sweating.
  • Weakness in the muscles begins to manifest discomfort when doing the usual work - patients can not fasten buttons, it is difficult to keep small items in their hands.
  • In the feet weaken muscles that take part in the rear bend, this leads to the fact that the leg seems to hang down and when walking a person is forced to lift a limb high.
  • Sensitivity is broken - many patients do not feel touch, changes in external temperature, injections with sharp objects. At the same time, burning and severe pain are expressed.
  • Changes in deeply located muscles lead to movement disorders, uncertain gait, and trembling of the hands.
  • Over time, the skin on the limbs becomes thinner, becomes swollen and acquires a dark purple hue, the nail structure changes.
In adverse cases, the fibers of the vagus nerve can be involved in the pathological process, which is manifested by the functional disorder of the act of breathing and cardiovascular activity.

Severe pneumonia with severe dyspnoea and tachycardia is documented. Without proper treatment, this condition can result in a fatal outcome.

The photo shows the lesion of the lower extremities in polyneuritis:


The diagnosis is usually not difficult. The doctor examines and interviews the patient.

Among additional methods of research are important:

  • Determination of the presence of toxic substances in biological fluids - urine, blood.
  • Examination of internal organs and endocrine system.
  • Exclusion of oncological pathologies.
  • Electromyography is a study aimed at studying the electrical impulses of muscle fibers. This examination is recommended to perform and the period of treatment as a control over the improvement of the course of the disease.

Treatment of

All forms and types of polyneuritis begin to be treated in the same way:

  • In the acute period, bed rest and rest are appointed.
  • It is necessary to eliminate the effect of intoxication, when antidotes, that is, preparations aimed at neutralizing toxins, are detected by laboratory diagnostics of acute poisoning.
  • For infectious polyneuritis, 4% of Urotropin or 1% of Trypaflavine is administered for several days. In the diphtheria form, the administration of antidiphtheria serum is shown, with influenza form - interferons and gamma - globulins.
  • Detection of beriberi vitamins requires course use of vitamin complexes, especially from group B.
  • Magnesium sulfate, Glucose, diuretics are prescribed to reduce swelling on nerve fibers.
  • Improve microcirculation and metabolism using Aminalon, Nootropil, Trental, potassium preparations.
  • Anesthesia therapy is selected based on the severity of the pain symptom and the presence of concomitant diseases.

After an acute period, physiotherapy, massage, mud therapy, therapeutic exercises, reflexotherapy are shown. To prevent the development of contractures with pronounced atrophies and weakness in the limbs, they are worn with longi.

The recovery period lasts several months, at this time a good effect is provided by the sanatorium treatment, constant massage and gymnastics, a specially composed diet.

Food should be especially rich in B vitamins - pork, buckwheat and oatmeal, eggs, dairy products, liver, kidneys, brewer's yeast.

It is recommended to drink constantly freshly prepared vegetable and fruit juices, especially from carrots. In the recovery period, radon and hydrogen sulphide common baths are used.

Nontraditional therapies

Folk methods of treatment can be considered only after eliminating the acute signs of the disease. The patient is recommended to drink broths of herbs that improve metabolic processes in the body and use compresses.

  • Shredded stems and raspberry garden leaves in the amount of a tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water and insist for less than an hour. Take three tablespoons before meals.
  • A spoonful of tea willow tea is poured in half a liter of boiling water, placed in a thermos bottle and insisted for 8 hours. Drink the infusion during the day.
  • Improve the metabolism of leaves of nettle and birch. They can be brewed individually or together at a rate of one spoonful of collection per half-liter of boiling water. Cooked broth for a day.

For the preparation of compresses or baths take such plants as wormwood, birch and eucalyptus branches, pine shoots. To make a bath it is enough 100 grams of a plant and a liter of boiling water, the resulting infusion is poured into water.

Consequences and prognosis of

Timely treatment of polyneuritis usually ends in a favorable outcome, it should be borne in mind that the restoration of nerve fibers takes months.

Therefore, in the recovery period it is necessary to fully comply with all the doctor's recommendations, undergo physiotherapy and pay attention to nutrition.

Also it is necessary to exclude contact with substances that cause intoxication - their repeated influence leads to relapses, the treatment of which will be difficult and long.

With the involvement of vagal nerve sites in the process and with inadequate care in this condition, the outcome of the disease can be lethal.

Frequent and prolonged headaches in the area of ​​the temples should not go unnoticed. Any pain should be correctly diagnosed and treated, in order to avoid serious consequences in the future.

All about the symptoms and treatment of the occipital nerve is described in detail in the article. .

Prevention measures

Polyneuritis can develop in any person, the main preventive measures include the following:

  • Elimination of the effect of toxic substances.
  • Prevention of viral infections.
  • Observe safety in handling poisons.
  • In special working conditions - compliance with all recommendations for the performance of work.

A balanced and rational diet, treatment of chronic diseases is of great importance in the prevention of the disease.

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