Right-sided, left-sided and bilateral kalikopielektasiya: causes, forms, symptoms, treatment

Renal calyceal system performs cumulative functions. In this renal structure, there is accumulation of urine, after which it is sent to the bladder cavity through the ureter, where it leaves the body through the urethra. Most often, these kidney structures undergo pathological enlargement. This process is called kalikopielektseziy.

Kalikopielektasiya - what is it?

The abnormality of pelvis and calyx in the kidney is called hydrocalicosis or kalikopielektasie. Such a disease leads to compression of the kidney structures, provoking atrophy of the renal papillae and further overlapping of the urinary tract, which leads to violations of the urine flow. This is not an independent pathology, but only a symptom that indicates the development of renal pathology.

Pathology can be unilateral( kalikopyleloektaziya right or left kidney) or bilateral character. Most often, Kalikopyleloctasia is localized on the right( right-sided - 65-70%), less often bilateral( 15-20%), but rarely on the left is diagnosed( only 10% of cases).

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Causes of

Various factors can provoke pathology, but its main cause is abnormal urinary flow.

Among the most common factors, nephrologists call:

  • Defects of the renal arteries;
  • hereditary factors;
  • Traumatic injuries of the kidneys, here also include surgical manipulations;Renal anomalies of an innate nature;
  • Pathological lesions of the urinary system, such as syphilis or tuberculosis, nephrolithiasis and nephroptosis, benign tumors and oncology;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Complications or consequences of pyelonephritis;
  • Kidney damage by parasites;
  • In pregnancy, late-onset, a load on the kidneys is created, which also leads to cup-and-tubal extensions;
  • Pathological disorders in neighboring organs and systems such as tumors, congenital anomalies of venous, lymphatic or arterial structures.

As a result of urine-flow disorders, urine accumulates in the calyx-pelvis segments, which leads to compression of the renal parenchyma, development of disturbances in the blood supply to the organ, and inflammatory processes.

Forms of

There are several forms of pathology: moderate, unilateral or bilateral. If the pathological process affects only one kidney, then, as a rule, it does not particularly manifest itself. If the expansion of the pelvis is not detected in time, then the condition may develop into hydronephrosis. When pathology affects both kidneys, the symptomatology acquires a more pronounced character, manifesting pronounced symptoms.

Similar mechanisms of development are observed in patients of any gender and age, even in children, only their etiological factors differ. Kalikopileloektaziya in a child, in contrast to adults, is congenital in nature and is caused by fetal developmental anomalies, prematurity and anomaly of the urethra, uneven growth of internal organs, etc. If a baby has a similar diagnosis, then there is no need to fear, because all phenomena may well beindependently disappear.


The clinical picture is caused by a kind of pathology, but there are general manifestations:

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  1. Urinary disorders, when the patient too often urinates in small portions;
  2. Deterioration of the condition, such as weakness, vomiting and nausea, hyperthermia or pressure;
  3. The hue of urine changes, it is cloudy and dark, sometimes there are bloody impurities;
  4. Soreness. At first, weakly expressed, but with the development of the pathological process, it is markedly enhanced. Soreness is observed in the lumbar region, in the side with which the lesion is observed.

Pathology can be asymptomatic. In this case it is necessary to pass an ultrasound examination at least 2 times a year.


Detection of the pathological process is a rather complicated process.

Instrumental and laboratory studies are used for diagnostics:

  • Urographic diagnostics. The procedure is carried out by inserting an urographine into the artery on the elbow, then a series of shots of low-tidal organs is performed;
  • Angiography - a contrast agent is injected into the arteries of the kidneys, after which the process of passage of the contrast along the vascular courses is studied by means of X-ray or radiographic diagnosis;
  • Multislice tomography is a scanning of the renal structures in a cutaneous fashion, so you can carefully examine each layer of the kidney;
  • Ascending urographic diagnosis, when contrast is introduced by a catheter into the urethra.

In addition, laboratory diagnostics, patient examination, history and examination of complaints are used for diagnosis.

Survey urography can reveal shadows of stones, the outlines of the lumbar muscles, structural abnormalities in the urinary organs, etc. Excretory urography helps to accurately detect the abnormalities and pathologies of the cup-and-pelvic structures. Ultrasound diagnostics helps to determine the presence of extensions or narrowing of the urinary tract. An excellent diagnostic effect is observed when performing a Doppler ultrasound, which allows studying the blood flow in a diseased kidney.
Calipyeloectasis manifestations via ultrasound:

Treatment of

Therapy is started to be treated only after the causes of the pathology are accurately identified. If you eliminate the cause causing the expansion of the calyx, then the pathological symptomatology disappears. Used medicamental therapy or surgical intervention.

For the treatment of kalikopielektasii medicament preparations are used:

  • Diuretics of plant origin with field horsetail, shepherd's bag and cowberry, vegetable parsley;
  • Alpha-blockers like Tamsulosin or Omnik;
  • Reception of litholytics such as Cystenal and Prolita;Phytolysin or Kanefron, Cyston, etc.

Also used are plant-derived preparations like pods of beans and cowberries, foiled filigree and onosmic bracts, rough straw solstice or heart heart.

Complications and predictions of

If the pathology is not detected at the right time and the moment of timely treatment is missed, especially in the pathology of both kidneys, complications such as chronic kidney failure, glomerulonephritis or urosepsis, active calculus formation, pyelonephritis or hydronephrosis may occur. To avoid such complications in the occurrence of the first manifestations, an urgent examination is necessary. But with timely therapeutic measures, the predictions for cure are quite positive.

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