Pricks Panavir: instruction on the use of injections, the price of ampoules, reviews, analogues

Among the effective antiviral drugs, Panavir is given a worthy place, which is produced in various dosage forms, including injections.

Composition, form, packaging

The active ingredient of Panavir is an extract of a potato top, in which a hexose glycoside is present, which is a mixture of glucose and arabinose, galactose and mannose, uronic acids, xylose and rhamnose. Auxiliary component is a solution of sodium chloride.


The drug Panavir is exclusively of Russian origin and is produced by the following companies:

  • Medical center "Ellara";
  • LLC Lanafarm;
  • OJSC "Moshimkhimpharmpreparaty" them. N. A. Semashko.

Indications for use

Injections Panavir are assigned to patients who have such health problems:

  • Infectious herpesviral lesions of various locations( ophthalmoherpes, herpes zoster, genital herpetic forms, etc.);
  • Cytomegalovirus infectious pathologies, including chronic acute form in pregnant women 2-3 trimester or in the presence of habitual miscarriage;
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  • Immunodeficiencies of a secondary nature, arising from various infectious pathologies;
  • At the planning stage of pregnancy in patients with an interferon deficiency or a chronic infection of a viral origin;
  • With the combined treatment of influenza and ARVI;
  • In the complex treatment of anogenital warts with papillomavirus infection;
  • For relief of neurological symptoms and removal of viral load in tick-borne encephalitis;
  • In the complex treatment of chronic prostatitis of bacterial etiology;
  • With ulcerative lesions in the gastrointestinal tract and stomach( in addition to the main treatment);
  • In rheumatoid arthritis, which occurs in parallel with herpesvirus damage in patients with a compromised immune system.


Panavir in ampoules has no contraindications except:

  1. Age to 12 years;
  2. Breastfeeding;
  3. Hypersensitivity or persistent intolerance to components.

Mechanism of action

Panavir injections are a category of effective medicines for antiviral and immunomodulatory action.

Subject to these therapeutic dosages, Panavir is well tolerated and does not cause adverse reactions.

In the course of clinical trials and trials, additional therapeutic effects also emerged:

  • Antipyretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory( exudative swelling, proliferative chronic inflammation, pseudoallergia on concavalin);
  • Neuroprotective( with Parkinsonian syndrome caused by the action of neurotoxins);
  • Analgesic( with pain syndrome of a neurogenic, inflammatory nature or with burns);
  • Wound healing( with gastric ulcer);
  • Ophthalmoprotective( improves the function of the optic nerves and the eye retina).

Instructions for use Panavir injection

The drug is administered intravenously, slowly and struyno. The dosage is the contents of one ampoule.

  • In the treatment of herpesvirus infection , as well as tick-borne encephalitis, two injections are given with a two- or one-day interval. The course can be repeated after a month.
  • In the treatment of papillomavirus or cytomegalovirus infection , intravenous injections are administered three times in the first week( in an ampoule after 2 days), and in the second week twice( in ampoules after 3 days).
  • With acute cytomegalovirus in pregnant , intravenous injection of Panavir is administered according to a scheme similar to the previous one;
  • Influenza infections and acute respiratory infections are administered twice daily;
  • With ulcerative lesions of , five-fold intravenous administration of the drug every other day is indicated.
  • In a prostatic bacterial inflammation chronic form of infusion is administered intravenously after 2 days, only 5 injections.
  • In rheumatoid arthritis , in combination with herpesvirus, 5 injections are given with a 1-2-day interval. With insufficient effectiveness, the course of injections can be repeated after 8 weeks.

In the treatment of children from 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed intravenously 1 r / d.

Side effects of

The drug does not cause adverse reactions.


No cases of overdose have been reported, which is due to the non-toxicity of the drug.

Special instructions

If the solution in the vial / ampoule is cloudy, it is forbidden to use it for administration.

Drug Interaction

No interaction with any medications has been recorded.

Reviews about injections


Every year I suffer with herpes, I have no strength. As the cold season begins, so my sore characteristic on the lip pops up. And vitamins of a saw for a raising of immunity, and a diet special observed - it is useless. In the queue to the therapist, a woman advised to pierce Panavir. I consulted with a doctor and underwent a course of treatment. Already a year of no colds, and not only herpes, but even SARS and the flu did not hurt. I want to repeat for the prevention.


I got condyloma in my groin, as it turned out, caused by HPV.The doctor decided to remove and prescribed a course of injections Panavir. In the course of the course, I was stripped of my education, after which I made 2 more injections. For prevention, the areas where the outgrowths were removed and sprayed Panavir for about a month. While nothing is bothering, the second year after the treatment was over.

Prices of Panavir in ampoules

  1. The cost of 5 ampoules of 5 ml is 3636-4272 rubles;
  2. Packing 2 ampoules will cost 1456-1632 rubles.


There are a lot of similar preparations with Panavir:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Anti-Gerpes;
  • Viferon;
  • Virazole;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Herpferon;
  • Gropronosin;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Cyclovir;
  • Ergoferon, etc.

Cheap analogs of

Among cheaper analogs one can distinguish Hyporamin, Anaferon, Lavomax, Acyclovir-Acry, Viferon, Neovir, Kagocel, etc.

Synonyms for medicines

Synonyms for Panavir are not available.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

When buying a drug, you need a prescription.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The shelf-life of the preparation is 3 years under conditions not exceeding 25 ° C.

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