What if the tooth hurts after the filling?

Filling of the tooth is a process of artificial restoration of the anatomical and structural shape of the tooth with the help of special materials. Often, patients who have undergone this procedure complain of the occurrence of pain in the tooth.

Many associate this with the impact of dental equipment on dental tissue. The reasons for which the tooth hurts after filling with nibble can be much larger, so it is important to understand them and know how to quickly get rid of toothache at home.

How does the sealing work?

The process of tooth filling includes:

  • widening of the cavity of the damaged tooth with the help of a drill;
  • drying of whole tooth surface;
  • removal of injured, necrosis, spoiled tissues;
  • treatment of the cleaned surface with special glue;
  • installation of special gasket;
  • seal setting process;
  • resurfacing the seal;
  • fits the seal under the general view of the teeth.

The most common procedure is without any problems and pain, if any, is temporary. If you feel acute and prolonged pain, then something went wrong and you need to rush to the dentist again.

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Causes of tooth pain after insertion of

After pulpitis treatment, and in rare cases, and after caries treatment, the patient may experience pain for a while. Most often after filling, the tooth hurts if it is pressed on, bites the food or pain occurs with temperature irritants, with the use of sour, spicy or sweet food.

For several days, sometimes weeks, similar phenomena pass. They are caused by the fact that during the intervention in the integrity of the tissues the nerve endings were damaged. Just try to avoid situations that can provoke pain in the cured tooth.

Even in cases where complicated treatment with gum damage was performed, and all the manipulations were performed correctly, the dental tissues and periodontium are injured and may slightly hurt. But it is worthwhile to know that uncomfortable sensations within 2 - 4 weeks should disappear completely. But if the tooth is sore for a long time after the filling, and there is no relief, then there is some kind of pathology, and you need to go to the dentist again.

Often, post-reflex pains occur when:

  • pressing on the sealed tooth during chewing food;
  • when the surface of the cured tooth touches other teeth;
  • under the influence of irritants( cold air, hot or cold drinks, etc.)

Below we will consider the common causes, because of which the tooth hurts after sealing:

  1. A frequent cause of tooth pain after sealing is the disruption of the technology or tooth treatment processes of .For example, when the filling material is outside the tooth channel, or when the remains of the enamel and pathological tissues remain under the seal. In such situations, inflammatory processes develop, in which pain is inevitable.
  2. When the tooth hurts after filling the canals and removing the nerve, the cause may be incomplete removal of the pulp tissue, or when filling the canals or cavity of the tooth, cavities formed, due to which secondary inflammation of the tissues develops.
  3. There are cases when the front or other tooth hurts a few days after the filling, and the pain is then wavy in nature, arising during eating and subsiding after the cessation of the effect on the tooth. This may indicate the development of chronic pulpitis , which is also most likely the result of dentist errors.
  4. Not completely removed caries .With a strong tooth decay, in addition to the removal of dead tissue, an anti-inflammatory treatment of the cavity is often required, with a temporary filling applied. An inexperienced or overly confident doctor can ignore this procedure. In this case, toothache after visiting a dentist can be very strong, since in a tightly closed space the inflammatory process develops more intensively than in the open. Repeated inflammation of the already cleared cavity during caries can lead to pulpitis.
  5. Poor filling of .Even an experienced dentist can make a mistake. A tiny piece of a broken instrument, incomplete removal of inflamed tissues or not completely sealed space - any of the above provokes pain and requires correction.
  6. Allergy .Hypersensitivity to the filling material occasionally causes inflammation and pain in the tooth region.
  7. Do not follow the recommendations of the doctor .In order not to worry, how much the tooth is troubled after the treatment, it is necessary to strictly follow the advice of the treating specialist.

It's ungrateful and very difficult to make a diagnosis on your own. Dentists consider normal occurrence of periodic pains in the tooth after filling with biting or chewing food, provided that these pains disappear after 2-3 days, and the patient's condition does not worsen. If the pain in the tooth after the treatment does not go away in a few days, you will not be able to avoid repeated treatment to the dentist - most likely, you will need additional treatment or examination.

How many tooth aches after filling the channels

Case from dental practice:

A week ago a nerve was removed. Channels were not sealed, becauseX-ray did not work. After 4 days, cleaned, sealed channels, took a picture: the channels were sealed well, they put a temporary seal. Everything was fine. A day later they put a permanent seal, and as soon as she left the polyclinic, it became unpleasant to press the tooth. The next day it hurts to press the tooth, chew and touch the tongue. From the outside to the gums unpleasant touch. This is normal?


Pains after canalization of canals can bother for a couple of days. We recommend that you always consult your doctor, because the pain that appears can be associated with even a slight overstretch, and the problem itself will not go away - a correction by a doctor is necessary.

What should I do?

If the tooth is very sore after filling up the channels, you need to go to the dental clinic as soon as possible, you may need to remove the seal and re-administer the treatment, at home it will not be possible to cope with this problem.

To alleviate the condition of the patient and reduce the pain in the tooth with biting it is possible with the help of such advice:

  1. The simplest way to use pain medications is Ketorol, Baralgin, Naise, Ketanov, MIG 200, etc.
  2. A proven method to reduce toothache is rinsing the soda with salt solution : 1 teaspoon of salt + 1 teaspoon of soda, dissolvein a glass with warm water. Rinse every 1 to 2 hours. To the finished solution, you can add 5 drops of iodine.
  3. Press to the sick tooth for 10 min.cotton swab impregnated with a small amount of fir oil ( 5-6 drops is enough).It is necessary to supervise, that the compress has not touched to a gum or gingiva, as it can cause its or her burn.

However, do not get too involved in taking medication and exceed their normal dosage. If the pain is so severe that it is necessary to "jam", it is better to show the dentist.

Preventive Procedures

After installing the seal on the tooth, it is important to observe the first week of the rules that will help minimize the occurrence of pain.

For this , observe the simple prevention rules :

  1. Less smoking.
  2. Give up sweets.
  3. Do not eat too hot and cold.
  4. To give preference to soft and liquid food, which does not need to be bitten.
  5. Do not chew sealed teeth, try to minimize the load on them.

If the tooth still hurts under the seal, then the necessary knowledge of first aid will ease the condition. And the understanding that dental problems always have to be solved by a doctor will provide health to the teeth and gums.

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