Polyuria in children, men and women: what it is, causes, symptoms, treatment

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the etiology of pathological processes in the body is a close interlacing of exogenous and endogenous causes. However, there are diseases that are caused by the influence of only one of these factors. It is such a disease is polyuria.

Polyuria - what is it?

Polyuria is a disease in which an excessive amount of urine is formed in the body, and then it is removed from it.

Unlike natural rapid urination, characterized by small portions of secreted fluid, in this disease, every visit to the toilet ends with complete emptying of the bladder.

Causes of

The main, but not the only etiological factors provoking polyuria are renal diseases. Often, the symptoms occur with pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis, benign neoplasms, etc.

In addition to them, this disease can be caused:

  • Failures in the work of the nervous system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • with malignant tumors;
  • heart failure;
  • problems with the prostate;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • inflammatory processes in the bladder;
  • post-febrile states, etc.
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All of these factors relate to the pathological causes of the onset of the disease.

The problem may arise for physiological reasons, for example, taking diuretics, excessive consumption of foods and liquids causing increased urination, hypothermia.

There are also temporary and permanent polyuria. In the first case, the "culprits" of the disease are infectious processes in the body or pregnancy, in the second - pathological violations of kidney function.

We recommend
For prevention of diseases and treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the Monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more ยป

Additional problems deliver a nightly polyuria, called nicturia, to the patient.

What is polyuria

Symptoms of

Virtually the only primary symptom of polyuria is an inordinately large amount of urine produced by the body. In this case, up to 2000( and in difficult cases - up to 3000) ml of urine is released at a usual daily norm of 1000-1500 ml. If the disease is triggered by diabetes mellitus, this figure can reach up to a mark of 10,000 ml. In this case, the specific gravity of urine as a whole decreases.

With certain concomitant diseases or penetration into the body of an infection, the patient may display secondary signs characteristic of this particular pathology.


If there is an unconscionable increase in the volume of urine release, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and take a survey. In order to clarify the diagnosis in a medical institution, the patient will be given a Zimnitsky test, which collects the entire daily volume of urine, in order to ascertain the amount and specific gravity of each fresh portion. Increased volumes will indicate the presence of this disease, regardless of the frequency of urination.

The next step is to identify the cause of polyuria. To this end, the patient's body is dehydrated from 4 to 18 hours. During this time he is not allowed to drink, trying to stimulate the secretion of the hormone. Following this, the patient is injected with an antidiuretic hormone, after which a few more portions of urine are collected.

The decisive cause of the disease can be clarified after comparing the composition of laboratory analyzes of fluids and water balances of blood plasma.

Treatment of

The main goal of the whole complex of medical measures is the elimination of a disease that has become a provoker of polyuria.

In cases when the losses of electrolytes( calcium, sodium, potassium and chlorides necessary for the life of the body) are not too high, they can be filled with a proper diet with a simultaneous regulation of the rate of fluid intake. Complex pathologies are treated with the help of infusion therapy - as soon as possible by rapid restoration of the above chemical elements in the patient's blood by intravenous injections. It should be taken into account that it is difficult for the body to withstand such impact doses if there are problems in the work of the cardiovascular system, therefore, in such cases it is necessary to exercise extreme caution. In diabetes insipidus in men, and women prescribe thiazide diuretic drugs that prevent the dilution of urine.

Helps to restore a set of specially designed exercises that strengthen the muscles of the bladder and pelvis.

The lack of tangible progress forces us to reconsider how to treat polyuria. To do this, carry out additional studies.

Sometimes a good effect is obtained from treatment with folk remedies. We bring to your attention a recipe that has passed the successful test of time, which can be taken at home: adding a teaspoon of anise to the glass with boiling water, it is necessary to infuse the liquid for about half an hour and drink four times a day. You can also use tincture from the leaves of plantain.

Features of the course of

Polyuria is extremely rare in children. The main cause of its occurrence is irrepressible use of liquid. To contribute to the development of the disease can also stress, deviation in the psyche, the syndrome of Kona. Sometimes polyuria is diagnosed when a child suffers from kidney or heart failure. When the first suspicions appear, it is very important for parents to immediately consult a specialist in order to avoid serious complications.

The doctor, with timely treatment, will easily eliminate the problem by selecting a sparing therapeutic complex.

Prophylaxis of

In the presence of provoking factors, the patient should monitor the regimen and diet. In particular, it should be possible to limit the consumption of products that stimulate the formation of urine - spices, coffee, chocolate, melon crops. It is also necessary to monitor the amount of liquid drunk: the consumption rate is from one and a half to two liters per day.

Excellent prevention of the disease will be a complete rejection of alcohol. And of course - the passage of regular medical examinations.
On the video about the causes, symptoms and treatment of polyuria:

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