What is erosive-haemorrhagic gastroduodenitis?

The diagnosis of hemorrhagic gastroduodenitis is made if the lesion of the mucosa of the stomach and duodenum is caused not by inflammation, but by vascular disorders that appear in the submucosa. They provoke microcirculation, which impregnate the walls of the organs described. Sometimes hemorrhages do not occur, but the vessels are clogged. They form clots. They cause leukocyte infiltration and, as a result, the formation of surface erosion. That is why often in the history of the disease as a diagnosis is recorded erosive-hemorrhagic gastroduodenitis. What symptoms indicate the presence of the described pathology, what is the treatment? Read in this article.

The main signs of hemorrhagic gastroduodenitis

In the clinical picture the disease has very characteristic symptoms. The patient complains of the following painful conditions:

  • Pain, which is located in the epigastric region. It is projected onto the stomach and intensified after eating.
  • Nausea, belching of air, and heaviness in the stomach appear immediately after eating.
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  • Discomfort occurs after vomiting. During it, along with the gastric masses come out blood clots. They also indicate that the erosive-hemorrhagic gastroduodenitis develops.
  • Black blood is added to the blood vomiting.
  • The skin of the body becomes pale.
  • A yellow coating appears on the tongue.
  • Because of loss of blood, the pressure decreases and the heart rate increases.

If the symptoms manifest with the greatest intensity, the acute phase develops, after it comes remission, its duration depends on the correct treatment. The alternation of exacerbation and remission generates a chronic form of the disease. This is a dangerous condition, which must necessarily be under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

How to treat erosively hemorrhagic gastroduodenitis?

Today, erosive-haemorrhagic gastroduodenitis is treatable. It is complex and necessarily includes medical therapy. The patient is prescribed antisecretory drugs, gastrocytoprotectors, hemostatic tablets, enzyme medications and fortifying agents.

In addition to this patient, hemorrhagic gastroduodenitis is put on a strict therapeutic diet, which fits within tables 1 and 5.There are allowed light vegetable soup-mashed potatoes, rusks, porridges on the water, prepared from a rind in a coffee grinder cereals. At the time of relaxation, steam cutlets, omelets, jelly, low-fat cottage cheese and milk, cooked or blanched fruits and waxes are allowed.

Physiotherapy and treatment with folk remedies help to speed up recovery processes.

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