Pancreatitis without pain, what to do so that the pancreas does not hurt?

Pancreatitis, being an inflammatory disease, often manifests itself, like almost all inflammations, with a pain syndrome. However, this is not a general rule.

In what cases is pancreatitis without pain? Let's consider them in more detail:

1. Initial stages of the disease. Sometimes pancreatitis develops for many years with little or no exacerbation. A person, at times, feels a slight heaviness or bloating in the stomach after a heavy meal, flatulence, stools, but writes off this for a normal overeating and does not pay attention until the presence of pancreatic inflammation is detected accidentally during a medical examination on another occasion.

2. Individual features of the body. According to some reports, up to 15% of cases of pancreatitis occur almost without pain. Patients are more often concerned about other symptoms - bloating, nausea and stool disorders, weight loss while maintaining the usual diet, etc. It is also possible to detect the disease by the results of a blood test and some kinds of hardware examinations( for example, ultrasound, tomography).And sometimes, at the time of diagnosis, there is already a fairly neglected form.

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3. Remission. While observing the right way of life and timely treatment, pancreatitis can not cause much anxiety for many years. A person feels himself, in fact, healthy, only in a stressful situation can the disease manifest itself.

4. Separately, you can indicate that the pain in the exacerbation of pancreatitis sometimes occur on a day or more after its onset with the intake of significant doses of alcohol. In some people, alcohol dulls the sensitivity of receptors. The patient may even have all the other signs of exacerbation, except for pain syndrome. However, in such cases it appears, though later.

How to avoid pain in the pancreas?

The most accurate way that the pancreas does not hurt is not to bring the disease to an acute stage. To cause deterioration of the state is capable of any stress, both physical and psychological.

Therefore, it is necessary to strive to normalize the lifestyle as much as possible and optimize nutrition, observing the regime and sparing diet. Reduce if possible smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as sharp, fried and fatty foods. In addition, it should be noted that a strong and rapid attack of pain can cause the use of harmless at first glance, carbonated drinks and ordinary coffee.

It is very important to complete the treatment prescribed by the doctor in this regard. Carefully treated pancreatitis will deliver significantly fewer problems in the future.

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