Causes and Treatment of Migraine in Men

1 Description of the pathology of

Male migraine is different from the female force of its manifestation. Migraines occur in men for various reasons. It is known that representatives of the stronger sex are more likely to be exposed to various stresses and strains, so migraine is a frequent companion of men.

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It should be noted: in spite of the fact that men are more often subjected to stresses than women, migraine is observed less often. Usually a man has strong and intolerable headaches, which have a pronounced character. Attacks are rare( if compared with the manifestation of migraine in women), but proceed quite painfully.

What causes a migraine? An important factor is the hereditary factor. Both migrants can suffer from the presence of migraine, and this affects the child. The main feature of migraine( and other diseases, which is affected by the hereditary factor) is that the disease has a more pronounced and strong character, if we compare it with the manifestation of symptoms in previous generations.

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Migraine pain affects one part of the head and is strong enough.

Specialists note that most often migraine suffer from men who have not reached 40 years, and about 60 years old the disease recedes. It is also noted that men rarely visit medical facilities to diagnose the disease and begin treatment.

2 Causes of the onset of migraine

Many causes of migraine appear in men. A man can suffer from a disease due to the effects of food, psychogenic, emotional and physical factors. If we talk about nutritional influences, then migraine can arise from the use of food harmful to the body. For example, it can be a sweet product that contains a large amount of sugar. Some products, characterized by the presence of caffeine in its composition, can also cause pain.

Among the psychogenic factors, stress and lack of sleep can be distinguished. Sometimes migraine can arise as a result of excess of emotions or from the increased content of adrenaline.

The physical factors include various light and sound effects that contribute to the occurrence of headaches. Also, a man can be influenced by the environment of residence or changing living conditions( change of residence).

3 Symptoms of

As already noted, in men migraine significantly differs from that in women. Unlike women, men suffer from pain, which can last for a long time. At this time in the cerebral cortex there is a disturbance of blood circulation.

When a migraine develops, a man feels fatigue, is depressed, concentration of attention is reduced. In some cases, for this pathology, a man may have small dips in memory.

With migraine, men experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • reduced performance;
  • high fever, sometimes fits;
  • pain is localized in certain areas of the head.

Depending on the type of migraine, there may be other symptoms.

Migraine is divided into 2 main types: the classical form( with aura) and the form of precursors( without aura).What is the difference between these two types? If a man manifests a form without an aura, a strong and cramping pain is felt for several hours. It can be localized both from one side of the head, and in several of its parts. Manifestation of pain is accompanied by nausea or vomiting, fear of effects( sound or light) arises, so the man tries to hide in a quiet and quiet room.

In the second form of migraine( with aura) a man can change his mood, feeling tired and irritable. Usually these symptoms appear a few hours before the onset of an attack.

Aura is considered one of the harbingers of pain. In the absence of an aura, the pain can manifest quite suddenly and unexpectedly.


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4 Treatment of

As with any disease, a man needs to undergo a thorough examination and diagnosis to determine the causes of the pathology and to establish what kind of migraine it is. After examination with a specialist, the patient needs to pass a series of tests that will help the doctor choose the optimal treatment.

If the disease has pronounced symptoms and is characterized by the presence of persistent pain, the patient is assigned a survey using a tomograph.

After a complete examination, the specialist appoints the patient the most appropriate course of treatment. It can be both medicamental and procedural.

The medical treatment of migraine is aimed at the complete elimination of the symptoms of the disease and the reduction of the pain syndrome. Appointment and dosage of the drug can only be a specialist.

At an average intensity of the disease, you can use drugs such as Analginum or Paracetamol. To alleviate the pain will help Aspirin, Ketorolac or Ibuprofen. These drugs are classified as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

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For the treatment of moderate intensity pains, combined drugs( Solpadein, Pentalgin, etc.) can also be used.

These drugs are not used for severe attacks.

For the treatment of severe attacks characterized by pronounced pain, drugs such as triptans are used. The most common in such cases is a drug called sumatriptan. If you talk about drugs such as Imigran, Amigrenin, Zomig and others, they are used if sumatriptan is ineffective or the components of the drug are not transferred by the human body.

The second most effective action after triptans are opioid preparations. They are used in case of severe attacks.

A separate type of drugs are corticosteroids, which are used for extremely severe bouts of the disease.

All of the above preparations can be used only after their appointment by a doctor.

5 Pain relief

When migraine attacks occur in men, various methods and means can be used to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. For example, to get rid of the pain you can use cold compresses and bandages that are applied to the head. You can relax with a hot bath or use a warm water bottle, which must be applied to the feet.

If signs of migraine develop, then it is best to leave the patient in a quiet and peaceful place. In this case, the patient can fall asleep, which will positively affect his condition.

A variety of physical activities can be used as an addition to treatment( but it is important not to overdo it), outdoor walks that will promote normal blood circulation.

The patient should also revise his diet. Some foods contain substances that negatively affect the body and cause migraine attacks. For example, it is better to exclude foods with a high sugar content from daily nutrition.

You can alleviate migraine symptoms with the help of folk methods. For this, herbs with a soothing effect are used.

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