Medication for reflux of esophagitis: antacids, De Nol, omeprazole, motilium

Esophagitis is an acute, often chronic disease. In most cases, long-term medication is prescribed. It is aimed at reducing the aggressiveness of gastric juice and eliminating the causes that caused the disease.

Medical treatment of reflux esophagitis

Treatment is selected depending on which stage of the disease is already there. Additionally, the following are prescribed:

  1. Procedures aimed at normalizing weight for obesity.
  2. Refusal from smoking and alcohol.
  3. Sleep on a bed with a high pillow.
  4. Eating small portions of food.
  5. Refusal of food before bedtime.

Erosive stage

With it, ulcers appear in the esophagus. Therefore, before you should exclude the use of certain medications: aspirin, NPVL, doxycycline and some others. These pills are often stuck in the esophagus, leading to erosions that do not go away for a long time.

The esophagoscopy is mandatory before the beginning of treatment. On its basis, the specificity of the disease is revealed. Usually against a background of chronic course dysbacteriosis develops. Therefore, in addition to taking essential medicines, funds are allocated to combat this consequence.

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Additionally, galvanization is assigned. It is mandatory to prescribe drugs aimed at healing the mucosa, stopping bleeding( if any).


Drugs are prescribed to eliminate clinical manifestations. More often it is symptomatic. They reduce acidity, protect irritated mucous membranes. Well-proven H2-blockers.

The first course of treatment in adults is usually 1 month. Then there is a break, the course is repeated. Appointed IPP, which are drunk once a day.

Non-erosive stage of esophagitis can be treated not only with medicines, but with folk medicine techniques and diet therapy.

The latter should be rich in dairy products, porridges, steamed dishes. After the main course, preventive treatment is necessary. This is due to the fact that 20% of patients remain remission for 6 months.

Classical therapy scheme in 4 stages of

There are different treatment regimens for esophagitis. One of them is the treatment of pathology with the same medicine. Considerable symptoms and degree of soft tissue changes are taken.

In modern therapy, this approach is rarely used. The second scheme is to prescribe different drugs that are effective depending on the stage of the inflammatory process.

Classical is considered a scheme in 4 stages:

  • With a weak manifestation( 1 degree), maintenance therapy is prescribed. Various antacids and prokinetics are used for life.
  • The average severity( 2nd degree) is the constant observance of the rules of nutrition. Appointed medicines aimed at the normalization of acidity.
  • Severe inflammatory process( grade 3) requires different medications. Among them are blockers of prescriptions, inhibitors, prokinetics.
  • At the last stage, medication does not bring improvement. Therefore, a course of maintenance therapy is prescribed.

Drugs used for reflux esophagitis

All drugs used can be divided into 5 groups:

  • proton pump blockers,
  • antacids,
  • alginates,
  • prokinetics,
  • symptomatic medications.

Proton pump blockers

These are medicines that treat acid-dependent diseases. The effect is achieved by reducing the production of hydrochloric acid by blocking the proton pump in the mucosa.

These drugs are not addictive, side effects are usually poorly expressed. Therefore, blockers are the main group of drugs related to acid-regulating. Preparations are available in the form of tablets or capsules. From the stomach, the active substance penetrates into the small intestine, and then absorbed into the blood.


This group includes medicines intended to neutralize the action of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice. In the initial stages of esophagitis can be used as a primary agent. As the main active substances, magnesium, aluminum, calcium.

There are also sucking antacids. They allow you to quickly reduce acidity, but the effect lasts only a short time. Their reception is not always possible, because the consequence is an acid ricochet, when the level of acidity sharply increases after the end of the drug.


This is an alternative to antacids. Alginic acid is isolated from brown algae. It is used to eliminate heartburn, but such an application was discovered not so long ago. Their advantages include:

  • protection of the esophagus from gastric juice without changing its acidity;
  • healing of erosions and ulcers;
  • Absorption of harmful substances and excess of hydrochloric acid.

Preparations based on alginates have anti-allergic properties and inhibit the activity of pathogenic microflora.

These drugs include Gaviscon, Laminal. Produced in the form of capsules, suspension, chewable tablets. Can be used for intolerance to antacids.


These are drugs that stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. They improve the motor function of the esophagus and stomach. Due to this, stagnation of food does not occur. In addition, they:

  • reduce the time of contact of the esophagus with hydrochloric acid,
  • promote rapid healing of erosions,
  • increase the amplitude of esophagus contraction.

Unlike other medications, it can affect the sphincter, increasing the pressure in it. Usually prescribed for 10-14 days and presented in the form of tablets and injections.

With esophagitis, their administration is advisable if the cause of the disease is a violation of the activity of the muscles of the stomach.

Prokinetics do not affect the production of gastric juice. Despite the positive effect of the drugs of this group, they are not used as monotherapy.

Symptomatic drugs

They are used according to the indications. If the cause of esophagitis is neurosis or stress, then the use of sedative medications and a psychiatrist consultation are indicated. With concomitant peptic ulcer, De-Nol or antibacterial drugs are additionally prescribed.

In case of erosive form, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed so that the mucosa after treatment is restored more quickly. With severe soreness in the esophagus and chest, the doctor prescribes pain medications.

Consistency of maintenance therapy

The main principle is to reduce the aggressiveness of drugs to a level that eliminates the symptoms of esophagitis. In erosive form prokinetics are used. The classical dose gives a good effect, but only at the initial stages of the development of the disease.

Thus, the main goal of a doctor is to achieve healing of the mucous membrane. Then there is a relief of symptoms, including heartburn, pain, eructations. The result of such an impact is an improvement in the patient's quality of life.

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